Pregnant after 35

GTKY: Bands/musicians you love to hate

What bands or musicians do you love to hate?

If you partake in this thread, it'll be assumed that you forgive others for dissing music/musicians that you enjoy.

AFM, I'm a big hater.  Here's a short list:  Muse, Queen, Celine Dion (was forced to endure a live concert once), Alanis Morrissette, Eddie Vedder/Pearl Jam, Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber, Katy Perry, Florence and the Machine

Re: GTKY: Bands/musicians you love to hate

  • I love a large variety of music. So it is hard finding someone I don't like. There are certain songs that irk me. I will agree that anything by Katy Perry is getting on my ever last nerve. And I used to love her.
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  • Ooo...  Although I consider myself to have a wide variety of likes, I also have numerous very strong dislikes: Taylor Swift, NIcki Minaj, Pearl Jam, Nirvana, and pretty much all modern country (although I love love love old school/vintage country).  
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  • I used to like Cold Play before Chris Martin got together with Gwyneth Paltrow.  Then it started going downhill.  Their latest stuff is so awful, I'm embarrassed to say that I like the older songs. @marijaa33  The break-up with Paltrow seemed to make things worse!
  • @NeonNeon I just find it all so cliche, Paltrow or not...  :)
  • Train! (I got stuck watching them at a festival once)
    Jethro Tull, Pink, and Katy Perry
    Me-37, DH-38
    Married in 2006, TTC #1 since Jan 2012

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  • Hmm.. love to hate.  Carly Rae Jepsen! ' Call me Maybe'  The issue is that my son LOVES that song and he asked me to download it on my phone and now I get stuck listening to it far too often. 

    I also cannot stand U2.  I don't know why.. just annoys me.  
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