I am so ready to be done with the m/s, or in my case, the all-day sickness... I could tolerate it if I didn't have to have a life and career as well, no, strike that, just a career. Maybe I could start a new business from bed... oh, that sounds bad!
I hear this stops around the 12 week mark? Please, somebody give me some good news!!!
Re: so sick of sick!!!
You're definitely farther ahead than I am, but just try to remember that if you're feeling miserable, it's a good sign that everything's going well! Good luck! I hope you feel better soon!
I try to remember that every time I feel like puking. I'm looking forward to no more m/s in about 6 weeks!
That is freaking crazy!! So did I only it was end of week 12 start of week 13!! I'm so tired of being a useless lump!!! I feel so pathetic but i know that fabulous feel better 2nd tri is almost here!!!!