December 2014 Moms

Baby Lucas is here!

Thank you all so much for your thoughts and prayers!!! Lucas James was born at 1:35pm today. Weighing in at 4lbs 12oz and 18.5 in. He is in the NICU on a little cpap to support his breathing, a feeding tube for nutrition when he is ready and under the warmer to regulate his temp. He is absolutely beautiful! I've only held him for less than a minute but have had the opportunity to help with 2 care times in the NICU so far. I'm pumping every 3 hours and they are doing mouth care on him with the colostrum. Keep praying for him to grow and breath!!! Good luck to everyone as you go through your last several weeks of pregnancy! Enjoy each's so strange to have an empty belly now! Lots of love and well wishes sent your way!

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