So, every almost single night for a good 3 weeks I have broken out in hives in the early night! Sometimes they are tolerable and other times it results in having to take Benadryl. At first we thought it may be the Christmas tree, so we took that down right after Christmas, then I thought maybe my prenatals so I switched I give up! I havn't changed anything (lotion, laundry det, perfume, shampoo-nothing!) Any ideas what it could be or if anyone else has this problem? Just weird!
SORRY about the previous uncompleted post, I left my laptop on the coffee table (mid-post) to answer the phone and my 15 mo. old figured he'd post it for me uncompleted!
Re: Hello ichy skin/ hives continued...
Hives are not always caused by on thing or if they are it is often difficult to find the specific thing that is causing them as it can be the smallest thing.
I had chronic hives for over 2 months once and there was no real cause. I saw 2 allergists and there was really nothing they could find. My immune system way just out of whack. The only thing that worked for me to relieve the itching was zyrtec and prednisone. Not sure if either are approved in pregnancy. I have a feeling they are not.
Good luck! I totally feel your pain!