1st Trimester

Hello ichy skin/ hives continued...

So, every almost single night for a good 3 weeks I have broken out in hives in the early night!  Sometimes they are tolerable and other times it results in having to take Benadryl.  At first we thought it may be the Christmas tree, so we took that down right after Christmas, then I thought maybe my prenatals so I switched brands...now I give up!  I havn't changed anything (lotion, laundry det, perfume, shampoo-nothing!)  Any ideas what it could be or if anyone else has this problem?  Just weird!


SORRY about the previous uncompleted post, I left my laptop on the coffee table (mid-post) to answer the phone and my 15 mo. old figured he'd post it for me uncompleted!  =)

Re: Hello ichy skin/ hives continued...

  • I'm sorry I can't help, but I'm having a similar problem. I've been trying different lotions because it's about 20 degrees here and every night my arms are itching like crazy and then these little bumps (not as big as hives) come out. I haven't changed anything that touches my skin either, I'm thinking it's a PG symptom....
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  • I had this on my legs about a week ago, I think its just excessively dry skin. I tried just about every cream in my house (including the Mustilla stretch mark cream). Try Eucerin cream. That seems to be working for me now. (and make sure your drinking plenty of water) 
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  • I broke out into hives early into my 1st tri.  I was diagnosed with PUPPPS.  They don't usually happen until 3rd tri.  But I think it was because I was eating and drinking so much citrus.  I hate 1-2 grapefruits a day and drinking OJ like crazy.  I am not usually allergic to anything.  I haven't had any citrus since and I haven't broken out again.  Who knows.  My mother couldn't eat citrus during her pregnancys.  If it gets worse tell your dr and they can give predisone (sp?) and everything will trun out fine.  GL!
  • I don't have any advice for you, but before getting pregnant this happened to me all of the time. ?I had to take zyrtec and the hives and itching would go away. ?Since getting my BFP I've only had to take claritin 2 times for hives. ?My allergy dr. always just said that it was autoimmune for me, so again, can't help, but I can sympathize. ?Hope you get it figured out soon and that you start to feel better soon!
  • I suffered from chronic hives for months before I became pregnant. As it turned out, the cause was my BCP which I had been on for years. I guess I developed an allergic reaction to the hormones.  I'm thinking you might be having the same reaction with the pregnancy hormones.  I know how miserable it can be! I hope you feel better.
  • Hives are not always caused by on thing or if they are it is often difficult to find the specific thing that is causing them as it can be the smallest thing.

    I had chronic hives for over 2 months once and there was no real cause. I saw 2 allergists and there was really nothing they could find. My immune system way just out of whack. The only thing that worked for me to relieve the itching was zyrtec and prednisone. Not sure if either are approved in pregnancy. I have a feeling they are not.

     Good luck! I totally feel your pain!

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  • Wow, thanks guys!  I'm just glad I'm not alone here.  I guess it could be hormonal related since I havn't really had much citrus product.  It could just be dry skin (I live in Nevada)  and I guess I COULD be drinking more water too!  =)   I'll ask my Dr about it at my 1st OB apt on Wed too and see what she says...man, it's weird though!  Thanks for the responses!
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