January 2015 Moms

Acid Reflux Anyone?

jjstricklerjjstrickler member
edited October 2014 in January 2015 Moms
Am I the only one who has TERRIBLE acid reflux? My Zantec doesn't help, I don't even want to eat! Anyone else had problems with indigestion / reflux / acid stuff? What are you doing about? Any tricks?

Janelle & TK

Baby #1
EDD 1-28-15

Re: Acid Reflux Anyone?

  • Not so bad this time, but it was BAD bad when I was pregnant with my son. Everything gave me heartburn, and I would wake up gagging from the acid reflux, the only way to get rid of it was to throw up. Not pleasant. So far pepcid has been holding it at bay, but not sure how long that will last.

    No real tips or tricks, try sleeping as elevated as you can, and I know it's hard cuz just about everything could, at any time, bring it on, but try and be mindful of the things that bring it on worse than other things. I had to forgo chocolate and pizza all together for the last two months.

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  • Oh anything I eat there is se burning sensation coming. I am not throwing up but I am dealing with a lot of burning pain. So funny old wives tell about the hair. I had a ultrasound last week and you can see her hair floating off her head. Maybe just maybe this is the culprit. But regardless it's painful and I feel for yah.
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  • Me. I've been taking Zantac 75. I normally need a few tums or alka seltzer fruit chews (so much better than tums!) throughout the day too. I do best when I'm not sitting all day, I need to get up and walk around. Take small sips of drinks - chugging liquids irritates it for me. Milk, soda, tomato anything are the worst offenders. Several small snacky meals rather than 3 big meals helps too. 
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  • Yes! It has been so bad I've had trouble talking sometimes. I take Famotidine(pepcid) 10mg twice a day and that seems to help enough to make life livable :)
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  • I had bad heartburn with my daughter, and she had beautiful hair when she was born, unfortunately I had it double bad with my son, and he was pretty much a baldy. lol.
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  • Yeah I have been getting pretty bad heartburn most days. I am not really doing anything effective yet....  
    DD#1 (6), DD#2 (4), DD#3 (0)
  • It's terrible! I'll get heartburn from just about everything. I'm taking Pepcid AC, which mostly help. I had it with dd too.
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  • Yep...me too.  Had it the first time and have it again this time...no matter what I eat...of course it's worse at night when I want to try and sleep

    For me it gets really bad the closer to the end of pregnancy I get...last pregnancy I had no choice but to sleep sitting up (propped against pillows) for it to feel relieved even a little bit.  Tums weren't working anymore.

    It's already starting to get back to that point...blah.

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  • Prevacid works for me but it's not immediate relief and I try to take a break between cycles if I can. Heartburn is THE WORST.
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  • This pregnancy my reflux isn't too bad thankfully. I read that sleeping on your left side is supposed to help at night. Small meals is helpful too. I also felt like the full panel maternity pants made it worse. Maybe that was all in my head though.

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  • I have horrrrrible heartburn, and it started very early. Seriously, if I had a match, I probably could have breathed fire (at least that is what it felt like). I managed it with Zantac for awhile, but that stopped working. My OB gave me the okay to take Nexium, which has been magic for me.

  • I have constant reflux, but I'm never in any pain, I am just always throwing up in my mouth. I think it's just from baby getting bigger and pushing everything up. I had it last same with DS and my LC told me that it would be gone instantly after delivery and she was right. So I'm looking forward to delivery so I can sit up straight again.
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  • I have it. It's awful. It was so bad that it was making me throw up. Thankfully they were able to pinpoint it right away. I now take Prevacid every morning. Like PP said, it isn't immediate relief. It takes 3-4 days to kick in but my OB gave me the go ahead to take it for the remainder of my pregnancy. If I forget it one day, I'm down for the count :( There are the occasional days that I pop TUMS too, but rarely. I keep them on me just incase. And surprisingly, it wasn't always the super acidic foods that did me in... I was fine with OJ but American cheese would set it off. Like I said, if I forget to take it, it's bad. It can have me in tears with how painful it gets. I am so thankful for Prevacid. That being said, my OB mentioned that if it hadn't worked for me, there was another med I could take that worked in a different way, I just don't remember what it was. It may be trial and error for you.
  • You guys are awesome! Looks I need to ask my doctor about some hardcore stuff and try sleeping propped up! Also I was clueless about the old wives tale about the baby having hair! That's exciting!

    Janelle & TK

    Baby #1
    EDD 1-28-15

  • good god yes. I think I may be spawning cousin it?? zantac twice a day and basically only drinking water and staying away from the no no foods makes its terrible but doable for another 12 weeks?? :(
  • I read somewhere that drinking apple cider vinegar helps make the acids in your stomach more alkaline. So I drink 2-3 tablespoons about 20 minutes before I go to bed and it takes care of it! I also started doubling my calcium/magnesium intake, and now I rarely have problems!
  • I switched to Gaviscon...so much better than tums.  My doctor also put me on something called Diclegis earlier in the pregnancy because I could not stop burping.  I take one Diglegis (which takes about an hour to kick in) and then Gaviscon (up to 4 tablets during the day) as I need them.  I drink a ton of water too every day so, it's been working.  Guess you just have to find a combination that works for you...no fun though.
  • My reflux is so bad that I can't just do meds... I have to follow a reflux diet.  (After my last pregnancy it developed into esophagitis...  Trust me, its not fun.)
    you poor thing! That sucks! I thought mine was bad! lol

    Janelle & TK

    Baby #1
    EDD 1-28-15

  • I'm realizing that sugar is a major heartburn culprit for me. Every time I eat sweets, I get super bad heartburn after. I'm NOT amused.
  • I have had some pretty serious heartburn, and to the point of vomiting foamy bile. So I feel your pain, sometimes the rx works and sometimes not.

    What does seem to be working though (outside of being cognizant of all the do's and don'ts) is drinking chlorophyll water throughout the day, and at night when heartburn is the worst sipping on a more concentrated dose of it. I have talked to my midwife about this and she agrees as it is a natural ph balancer, its alkalizing so it is helpful. And the mint flavored one is pretty good.

    And for those of you who may be into the more natural remedies, look it up its also said to be good for anemia... :)

  • I've had acid reflux all of my life. It is worse during pregnancy, but avoiding certain foods helps a lot. I've tried to avoid the acid pills and just do tums plus watch what I eat. The problem is my cravings include juice, fried foods, and tomato sauce, but not on pizza. I haven't been able to stomach pizza since about the 2nd month of pregnancy.
  • I am on Zantac twice a day and popping tums like crazy.  It was awful with my other 3 and they were all baldies.  The old wive's tale isn't true.  

    Peppermint tea and saltines at night does help a bit more.  I don't wake up puking when I consume them.  Also, eating slowly is better.  
  • I just got it for the first time in my life last week, which was week 23.
  • I've had it since week 23 and now today we are officially at week 40, our due date! Tums helps me a lot. But I really only started taking them around week 32. I try to keep myself propped up on pillows at night. But now it is so uncomfortable.
  • I had it with my first pregnancy, there were two things that helped: Apple cider vinegar and pickle juice. I'd put some of the acv in a cup and mix it with water or take it like a shot then chase it with water. Helped me a lot! I was getting it so bad that my husband said sometimes I'd jump up like I was out of the movie the exorcist haha pickle juice did work but made me swell so that's up to you. I know it has a lot of sodium but it did seriously work! Hope those help! Good luck(:
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