I've been on bcps since Dec 22 to prepare for IVF #1. I have been spotting this whole time. Is that normal? I'm worried that means they aren't working the way they are supposed to. I don't remember ever having this problem when I was on bcps back in the day. Plus my face keeps breaking out which is really annoying...I thought bcps are supposed to help with that, not make it way worse!
Re: spotting with bcps?
I never used to spot on bcps, and for some reason I spotted like crazy while I was taking them for IVF #2. I spotter non-stop, and called my RE's office repeatedly to make sure there was no issue. I was told (more than once) that breakthrough bleeding, a.k.a. spotting on the pill, is totally normal. They assured me that it would have no affect on my cycle and that we would definitely be moving ahead, barring any unforseen issues with my suppression check. Apparently, this happens to people all of the time.... although it had enver happened to me before, and did not happen this time around when I took bcps for my current cycle.
Good Luck!
I had spotting on bcp's for my IVF. It went to AF (after stopping the pills) and then stopped just before starting stims. I think it is pretty normal thing to happen. Good LUCK!!