We are probably about a year away from ttc but we are always thinking about, considering, and revising our name list. One of the names on our list is Juliette, which is a feminine form of my DH's name. I like it and agreed for it to be on our short list, but only as a middle name because it is so similar to my DH and MIL's names. Some of the combos we have/are considered/ing are:
Daphne Juliette
Maeva Juliette
Celine Juliette
Recently my H suggested Marie Juliette as an option. Marie is my (and everyone else's) mn. I am not sure because on the one hand it seems a little egotistical, on the other hand I was surprised to find I think it is a really lovely name. I am considering considering it.
So, what is the consensus? Does the negative feeling of the arrogance of a self-honorific name overrule? Or does a beautiful name minimize that negativity? Does anybody like the name?
Re: combined parent name as option?
@MauiBliss Maeva is a French name, it has a similar look but I believe a different etymology.https://www.behindthename.com/name/maeva I really love Maeve as well but it doesn't flow well with the ln.
DS2's first name is MH's middle, and his middle is the masculine variant of my middle.
Marie Juliette is beautiful and has special meaning for you and your husband. Use it if you love it.