If you had a myomectomy (open abdominal) for intramural fibroids, how long were you told to wait to ttc? How long until you were able to return to daily activities? TIA!
Sorry I only had hysteroscopic myomectomies. ?The recovery time is much faster. ?My RE told me that for the open myomectomy it would be 6 weeks recovery. ?Like from a C-section.
Beautiful Miracle Baby lost at 21 weeks due to pre-term labor and incompetent cervix. FET#1 BFN, FET#2 BFP, early loss. FET#3 BFN. IVF#2 BFFN. FET #4 BFP after removing bilateral hydrosalpinx and 3 months of lupron depot. Sticky Bun is here!!
I had a relatively large intramural fibroid (approx. the size of a baseball) removed in October, but my doctor performed a laparoscopic myomectomy so it was not open abdominal surgery. I was out of work for 2 weeks for recovery (per my doctor), and was told I needed to take about a 3 month break from treatment...although he did tell us we could resume TTC on our own at my follow-up about a month later.
I had one in April last year. It was the size of a raquetball that grew into my uterus. Surgery took about 1.5 hours and I was in the hospital for 3 days. Recovery for this is 6 weeks although I didn't feel like myself until about 10 weeks to be honest. I was back to work after 10 days, but could have used another week to recover. They let you drive after about 10 days-I couldn't believe it b/c of the muscles you actually use to drive. You'll be surprised at how many things are a little more difficult at first-pulling yourself up from a laying down position, going down stairs, going to the bathroom, coughing, sneezing (ouch), rolling to the other side to sleep...
I was pretty sore but could be up and about after 10 days. Good luck-you will feel much better after you have the surgery-I do at least.
Unexplained Infertility
TTC 3 years
6 IUI's in 1 year
IVF #1
10/10 ER-retrieved 9 eggs
10/13 Transferred 1 grade C 6 cell and 1 grade C 4 cell
Praying for our miracle!
Beta #1 10/23 77
Beta #2 10/26 151!
1/2012 Round #2 to start.
Diminished ovarian reserve and morphology issues. How in 4 years things change...
Oh yeah-and I had to wait one or two cycles to ttc, which was fine by me because I wasn't up for it to be honest!
Unexplained Infertility
TTC 3 years
6 IUI's in 1 year
IVF #1
10/10 ER-retrieved 9 eggs
10/13 Transferred 1 grade C 6 cell and 1 grade C 4 cell
Praying for our miracle!
Beta #1 10/23 77
Beta #2 10/26 151!
1/2012 Round #2 to start.
Diminished ovarian reserve and morphology issues. How in 4 years things change...
Re: myomectomy for intramural fibroids
I had a relatively large intramural fibroid (approx. the size of a baseball) removed in October, but my doctor performed a laparoscopic myomectomy so it was not open abdominal surgery. I was out of work for 2 weeks for recovery (per my doctor), and was told I needed to take about a 3 month break from treatment...although he did tell us we could resume TTC on our own at my follow-up about a month later.
Good Luck!
I had one in April last year. It was the size of a raquetball that grew into my uterus. Surgery took about 1.5 hours and I was in the hospital for 3 days. Recovery for this is 6 weeks although I didn't feel like myself until about 10 weeks to be honest. I was back to work after 10 days, but could have used another week to recover. They let you drive after about 10 days-I couldn't believe it b/c of the muscles you actually use to drive. You'll be surprised at how many things are a little more difficult at first-pulling yourself up from a laying down position, going down stairs, going to the bathroom, coughing, sneezing (ouch), rolling to the other side to sleep...
I was pretty sore but could be up and about after 10 days. Good luck-you will feel much better after you have the surgery-I do at least.