My first pregnancy. I don't really know anything about what goes on with me. For the past few days my vagina has be swollen. I don't know if I should call my doctor or just wait until my next appointment.
My first pregnancy. I don't really know anything about what goes on with me. For the past few days my vagina has be swollen. I don't know if I should call my doctor or just wait until my next appointment.
What should I do.
I'm sorry what? You "don't really know anything about what goes on with" you? Google symptoms maybe?
Also nice to meet you and now I know too much about your vagina.
My best guess (disclaimer: I'm not a doctor) is that it's probably due to increased blood flow to the area. I think that as long as it isn't itchy or painful, you're probably fine. But, as always, if you have concerns, calling your doctor is always a good idea.
It's normal, it's from increased blood flow also I'm 34 weeks and baby is head down and engaged so it puts increased pressure to that area and causes it to swell slightly (this was info from my nurse)
Check out Jenny McCarthy's book...she has a great chapter titled "Two Blue Twinkies" or something like that
Edit to add: I'm not advocating her views and do not want to start a discussion on her vaccine stance. I'm just saying she discusses this issue in her book.
I'm should just delete this post if people want to be rude.
I just can't with this! Almost everyone gave you helpful answers and most people were nice about it! You don't get to dictate how everyone responds to you. We are a board full of all kinds of women with all kinds of personalities. Don't go getting your feelers hurt because a few people didn't respond "zOMG my vadge is TOTES swollen, too! #rainbowglitterfarts!!111!!!"
N14 Nov. Siggy: CELEBRATION!
TTC since 2011
Aug. - Sept. 2013 - dIUIs = BFNs
January 2014 - IVF = 3 freezer babies
March 2014 - FET of AA and AB blast = BFP! Twins!
Nov. 7, 2014 - Wilhelmina "Willa" Suzanne (4lb 14oz) and Ari Jose (6lb 4oz) were born via CS
This is why we need a welcome wagon. I'm sure she would feel a lot better about @absolutelymaybe stating that if her vag doesn't fit in her pants's a problem...if someone threw glitter on her and handed her a pumpkin spice latte in the beginning.
It's not a weird question--I have felt like that at certain points in my pregnancy--where my vag was swollen--but I know from my previous dr appt that the baby's head was pressing on my cervix--so it makes sense. I'm 36 weeks now and baby's head is just off to the right--so, no pressure hence no swollen parts!
And -sorry that some people are rude. It's not nice. And I disagree with their advice about googling it. Google usually goes to the absolute worst thing that could ever happen. That being said--calling the dr is never a bad option--but I totally understand why you would want to ask women on a pregnancy board--some of us have experienced what you are experiencing and it's nice to know you are not alone;)
It's not a weird question--I have felt like that at certain points in my pregnancy--where my vag was swollen--but I know from my previous dr appt that the baby's head was pressing on my cervix--so it makes sense. I'm 36 weeks now and baby's head is just off to the right--so, no pressure hence no swollen parts!
And -sorry that some people are rude. It's not nice. And I disagree with their advice about googling it. Google usually goes to the absolute worst thing that could ever happen. That being said--calling the dr is never a bad option--but I totally understand why you would want to ask women on a pregnancy board--some of us have experienced what you are experiencing and it's nice to know you are not alone;)
I have found the internet super useful throughout my pregnancy- just make sure you're looking at reputable sites like .org or .gov.
=; some of yall are not funny. I was being serious when I ask the question, not to be made fun of. Thank you to the ones that actually gave me answer without being an asshole to me like others.
=; some of yall are not funny. I was being serious when I ask the question, not to be made fun of. Thank you to the ones that actually gave me answer without being an asshole to me like others.
You're seriously over reacting and I'm over it. Go to baby gaga, they will blow rainbows up your ass.
=; some of yall are not funny. I was being serious when I ask the question, not to be made fun of. Thank you to the ones that actually gave me answer without being an asshole to me like others.
Hey watch the name calling - since you love it here so much I'm guessing you don't want to violate the TOU and get yourself banned...
=; some of yall are not funny. I was being serious when I ask the question, not to be made fun of. Thank you to the ones that actually gave me answer without being an asshole to me like others.
Okay...Sorry for the uncalled for words.... But was there a reason to be picked on for asking a question to women that might be going through the same thing I'm going through....
Okay...Sorry for the uncalled for words.... But was there a reason to be picked on for asking a question to women that might be going through the same thing I'm going through....
I think a lot of the response you got has to do with the way you worded the question. Putting the word "vag" in the title of a post to a bunch of people who have no idea who you are and then stating that you have "no idea about what goes on with yourself" or whatever came across as strange. Then getting so defensive.
Okay...Sorry for the uncalled for words.... But was there a reason to be picked on for asking a question to women that might be going through the same thing I'm going through....
I think a lot of the response you got has to do with the way you worded the question. Putting the word "vag" in the title of a post to a bunch of people who have no idea who you are and then stating that you have "no idea about what goes on with yourself" or whatever came across as strange. Then getting so defensive.
=; some of yall are not funny. I was being serious when I ask the question, not to be made fun of. Thank you to the ones that actually gave me answer without being an asshole to me like others.
Oh FFS. Show where people were being A holes to you.... ??Point out one post. The ones with helpful links to sites that answer your question? The ones that assured you all was normal, or the ones that said you should not be afraid to call your doctor? I try to see things from two points of view in every post I read but this is down right ridiculous.
You have no right to resort to name calling. People say regular posters on here are mean. Being a random person who comes on and black lists a group of ladies as being AHoles is down right mean and you should buckle the holster in future before you pull your trigger on the post reply button.
Whatever about your swollen vagina, your attitude stinks.
Re: 34 week pregnant TMI swollen vag is this normal
Also nice to meet you and now I know too much about your vagina.
Edit: damn auto correct
Trying for #1 since May 2010 l DX ~ Unexplained Infertility June 2011
IUI #1&2 = BFN; IUI #3 = BFP, m/c @ 6 weeks
November '11 ~ IVF#1 ~ ER 11/18 (29R, 17F) ~ 5dt of one beautiful blast on 11/23 = BFP!!
Beta #1 9dp5dt = 116, P4 = 28 ~ Beta #2 13dp5dt = 700 ~ Beta #3 20dp5dt = 9500, P4 = 26
1st u/s 12/27 - hb of 156!! EDD 8.10.12
Sweet baby boy born 8.18.12
Trying for #2
FET #1 - October '13 - c/p l FET #2 - December '13 - cancelled
l FET #2.2 - 1.30.14 - BFN
~ More testing - hysteroscopy, endometrial biopsy & more b/w - all normal / negative~
Surprise BFP while waiting on FET #3 ~ beta #1 500; beta #2 1600; first u/s 4/3 - measuring 5w5d, no hb yet!; 2nd u/s 4/10 - hb 132, measuring 6w6d - EDD 11.29.14
Beautiful baby girl born 11.24.14
Btw...hey girl!! Nice to meet you!!
N14 Nov. Siggy: CELEBRATION!
Edit to add: I'm not advocating her views and do not want to start a discussion on her vaccine stance. I'm just saying she discusses this issue in her book.
I just can't with this! Almost everyone gave you helpful answers and most people were nice about it! You don't get to dictate how everyone responds to you. We are a board full of all kinds of women with all kinds of personalities. Don't go getting your feelers hurt because a few people didn't respond "zOMG my vadge is TOTES swollen, too! #rainbowglitterfarts!!111!!!"
N14 Nov. Siggy: CELEBRATION!
And -sorry that some people are rude. It's not nice. And I disagree with their advice about googling it. Google usually goes to the absolute worst thing that could ever happen. That being said--calling the dr is never a bad option--but I totally understand why you would want to ask women on a pregnancy board--some of us have experienced what you are experiencing and it's nice to know you are not alone;)
You're seriously over reacting and I'm over it. Go to baby gaga, they will blow rainbows up your ass.
This x10000000!
Hmm yup
Maybe thats why I should stop.