Baby Names

do you like Gwendolyn

I think Gwen is nice not sure about Gwendolyn. Our other thoughts are margaret (maggie) emily, noelle, lillian.
We literally have no boy names and dont know what we're having so suggestions welcomed.

Re: do you like Gwendolyn

  • I like Gwendolyn and Margaret quite a lot.
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  • I love Gwendolyn! Know a Gwendolyn nn Wendy and can't believe she goes by the nickname. :)

    If you don't have any boy names you have a few that you would say "No way" to? That can help for coming up with suggestions of a different style.

    Based on your girl names, I'll throw out a few boy names....


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  • I love Gwendolyn! I know a little Gwendolyn Cecilia and I love her name.

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  • I don't like Gwendolyn.  Gwen is kind of cool but I like Margaret and Noelle a lot more.
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  • Not a personal fan of Gwendolyn.  What about Gwyneth? 


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  • I love Gwendolyn so much I named dd Gwendolyn Eve, nn Gwen. We get compliments all the time. I like that it is well known but not popular, pretty but not overly frilly.
  • Not a personal fan of Gwendolyn.  What about Gwyneth? 
    I'm here too.  I love Gwyneth, but not Gwendolyn. 

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  • I love Gwendolyn & Margaret. A friend gave her new baby the mn Margaret & I wish she'd made it her fn. Its so pretty
  • i love Gwendolyn but not crazy about Gwen
  • I like Gwendolyn/Gwendolen a lot! My H isn't a huge fan. I like the nn Winnie best but Gwen is nice too. I usually think of Winnie as the little girl nn and Gwen as the adult nn.
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  • I also prefer Gwyneth but don't hate Gwendolyn, and much prefer it over your others since I don't hear it too often! 
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  • I like Gwendolyn but not Gwen. I like Emily and Noelle. For boys, I suggest:

  • I don't know why, I just don't like it. I like Gwen though.
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