Oh my goodness, someone take me out of my misery. I have always suffered from headaches and migraines, but lately I am getting them more frequently, and last a couple of days longer. I have read this is normal....which sucks. I've tried Tylenol (nothing), putting mineral ice or Vick's Vapor Rub on my forehead and temples (used to work...not anymore), and I used to take Tums (which used to work...not anymore). I'm at my wits end. Is there anything safe for headaches and/or migraines? My doctor is very conservative, so I want to be informed before I call him. I can't take it anymore. I've had this stupid headache for 3 days now.
Re: Can't Take the Headaches Anymore.
I don't know of anything, but you have to talk to your doc if it's this bad. WTE does say that some women who suffer from migranes can find that they get worse with pregnancy, and that your doc can help you find something that's safe to take.
Don't listen to anyone here - call your doc - really.
I have the same problem and my doc called me in some pain meds. They really help. Like you, Tylenol did nothing for me.
Hope you feel better soon:)
I sooo sympathize. I was in the ER on NYE b/c the migraines were soooo bad I couldn't eat. The doctor there told me I was okay to take Zomig or Imitrex, they are cat C and it's better for me to take them than let my BP and pulse go through the roof like they were when I got there.?
I would call your Dr. and ask if the benefits outweighed the risks when it comes to taking triptans. They did for me. ?
Taking 2 tylenol with a can of regular coke saved my life during my 1st tri. My headaches were horrible and this helped so much.
Good luck!
Thank you ladies...
I'm trying the caffine and 2 Tylenols. If that doesn't help....a call to my doctor will be forthcoming.