

Mommy062411Mommy062411 member
edited October 2014 in Infertility
hey everyone! I had my ET on Wednesday they transferred two! Now I guess just a waiting game! Did anyone do at home pregnancy tests during the 2WW??

Re: 2WW!!

  • You will find lots of ladies who do poas and a few who don't. I personally tried to go beta or bust but gave in the morning of the blood test and poas. When I only saw 1 line I was regretful I had done it, but when the "official" bfn came in I was glad I had done it because I had some time to prepare myself. It's a very personal decision that may change as you progress through the 2 ww. This part really was the hardest for me. Be good to yourself during this time and *try* to relax. Best of luck for a bfp no matter when you decide to test!
  • Thanks! I'm so on the fence about it, the wait is killing me! (And it's only been a few days!!)This is by far the hardest part!
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  • Hi :)

    When I had my ETs I always tested for 2 reasons. One,I didnt want to get the disappointing news of a BFN at work (so by poas I already knew) and two I wanted to know when the trigger was gone in case I ever got a bfp closer to beta day, I wouldn't be wondering if it was a true bfp or not (since trigger can linger for a very long time.)


    Good luck and wishing you a bfp :)

  • I had similar experiences to @fayth4one. I did a home test right before beta and then regretted it immediately, but felt like it was better to be prepared when I got the call from the office. It's really a personal decision. My only recommendation is to involve your DH in the decision because he will inevitably be the one dealing with the aftermath. I mean that in the best of ways :) 

    Good luck!
    Me: 28, no diagnosis  DH: 33, MFI, severely low morphology, diagnosed 3/14
    IVF #1: May/June 2014: 10R/8F, 1 morula transferred = BFN, nothing to freeze.
    IVF #2: July/August 2014: 18R/12M/8F, 2 blastocysts transferred = BFN, nothing to freeze.
    IVF #3: October/November 2014: 22R/17M/15F, 2 early blastocysts transferred = BFN, nothing to freeze.

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