
Help me

Little background:  I'm going through my first cycle on clomid and metformin and today is cd17 for me.  Went in for my pelvic u/s this morning and the biggest follie was only 0.5.  I was told minimum acceptable was 18 and so the clomid probably wasn't working.

However, docs office just called me and they STILL want me to come back in tomorrow for my trigger shot. 

Anyone been through this at all?  Why would they want to trigger me when I'm obviously nowhere near having any mature follicles?


Re: Help me

  • are you sure they didn't tell you 1.5 (as in centimeters which would be 15mm)?  they don't typically measure follies under 10mm and it seems highly unlikely they would even be able to see one that is 0.5mm.

    follies typically grow 1-2mm per day so if indeed you do have a 15mm follie, tomorrow would be ok to trigger as the follie most likely won't release the egg for another 12-36hrs after the trigger (if i remember my #s correctly).

  • Call the office and ask the nurse to look up the notations in your chart.

    Triggering you with a follie less than 1 (which I doubt is true as well) is f-ed up.

    WAY 2 Cool 4 School

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  • Just called to recheck and they did indeed say .5. 

    WOWZA, I dislike my docs office right now.

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