
ER with one ovary

*****lurker from 3T******
DH and I are in the process of finding an IVF clinic that will accept us as patient and reasonably priced. I was wondering if anyone has any experience with ER with only one ovary. I have a unicornuate uterus with only one ovary that descended. We were just wondering will having the one ovary severely diminish our chances of retrieving a nice number of eggs? I have read posts where people have ERs with 10-20 eggs and I'm assuming this is from both ovaries. Thanks ladies!
Me: +35 DH: +35
TTC: Since January 2013 
DX: PCOS. Severe Endometriosis, Unicornuate Uterus w/only left tube and left ovary, Pedunculated fibroid (on the outside of uterus) and Anovulation. All conditions diagnosed 8/13
TX: Metformin
DH DX: MFI - low morphology, low motility
Ultrasound shows both kidneys in spite of UU. 
HSG showed clear tube on the left side. 
Lap Surgery performed 1/9/14 to remove fibroid and endo (Stage 3)
  • IUI# 1 June 2014 started 100 mg of Clomid - 7dpiui Progesterone: 13: BFN
  • IUI#2  July 2014 started 100 mg of Clomid - 7dpiui Progesterone: 5.75: BFN
  • Natural Cycle - so shocked to be in 2WW - 7dpo Progesterone: 15.5: BFN
  • Working with new RE starting injectables in late August.
  • IUI #3 August 2014  w/ Menopur: BFN
  • Finally ovulating on my own!!
Waiting to start IVF hopefully
**********All Are Welcome**************
3T January Siggy Challenge: New Year's Resolution


Re: ER with one ovary

  • I only have 1 ovary.  I did my ER on Sept 26th.  I had 6 follicles that we in the range of being mature.  My RE said that 3-4 eggs would a realistic goal with one ovary and my age (37).

    I ended up with only 1 egg being retrieved, but that a completely different issue.  The follicles were there, but my ovary was very difficult for him to get due to the physical location of my ovary being extremely high.  

    Remember... everyone is different and every body responds differently.  One ovary should be nothing to hold you back. 
    I am 37 and DH is 40
    10/2012 Start TTC
    09/2013 Finally got to see the RE 12/2013 HSG-both tubes clear
    01/2014 Large Cyst Removed along with right ovary and tube
    04/2014 2nd HSG-Remaining tube damaged/blocked
    05/2014 Testing cycle and BCP to prep for IVF
    06/2014 IVF cycle #1 is scheduled cancelled due to low estrogen
    07/2014 Started Estrace to help with my estrogen issues
    08/2014 IVF cycle #2 is scheduled delayed
    09/2014 IVF cycle #2 is scheduled failed- 6 follicles, 1 retrieved, 0 fertilized
    10/2014 WTF scheduled for 10/22 and second opinion scheduled for 10/10
    11/2014 Moving on to the new RE!  
    01/2015 IVF cycle #3 is scheduled delayed
    02/2015 IVF cycle #3 is scheduled

  • Even with 2 ovaries, many times one ovary is dominant and produces the majority of the follicles. My right ovary is usually dominant during IVF cycles. For my last IVF cycle I had 8-10 measurable follicles on my right ovary and only 2 from my left. So 2 ovaries does not always mean double the follicles!




    TTC #1 since August 2011

    My Blog

    September 2012: Start IF testing

    DH (32): SA is ok, slightly low morph, normal SCSA  Me (32): Slightly low progesterone, hostile CM, carrier for CF, Moderately high NKC, High TNFa, heterozyogous mutated Factor XIII, and +APA

    October 2012-May 2014: 4 failed IUIs, 3 failed IVFs, and 1 failed FETw/donor embryos

    November 2014: IVF w/ICSI #4 Agonist/Antagonist with EPP and Prednisone, Baby Aspirin, Lovenox, and IVIG for immune issues.  Converted to freeze all due to lining issues.  2 blasts frozen on day 6!

    January 2015: FET #2 Cancelled due to lining issues

    April 2015: FET #2.1

    PAIF/SAIF Welcome!

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  • Thank you ladies I really appreciate your help. I seemed to have always responded to my meds pretty well in the past, so hopefully ole' faithful lefty will push out as many eggs as she can when we start IVF. And yes, I know my left ovary is a female....she does the work of two like most

    @katemonster1 I definitely agree we should definitely get half price. LOL.

    Me: +35 DH: +35
    TTC: Since January 2013 
    DX: PCOS. Severe Endometriosis, Unicornuate Uterus w/only left tube and left ovary, Pedunculated fibroid (on the outside of uterus) and Anovulation. All conditions diagnosed 8/13
    TX: Metformin
    DH DX: MFI - low morphology, low motility
    Ultrasound shows both kidneys in spite of UU. 
    HSG showed clear tube on the left side. 
    Lap Surgery performed 1/9/14 to remove fibroid and endo (Stage 3)
    • IUI# 1 June 2014 started 100 mg of Clomid - 7dpiui Progesterone: 13: BFN
    • IUI#2  July 2014 started 100 mg of Clomid - 7dpiui Progesterone: 5.75: BFN
    • Natural Cycle - so shocked to be in 2WW - 7dpo Progesterone: 15.5: BFN
    • Working with new RE starting injectables in late August.
    • IUI #3 August 2014  w/ Menopur: BFN
    • Finally ovulating on my own!!
    Waiting to start IVF hopefully
    **********All Are Welcome**************
    3T January Siggy Challenge: New Year's Resolution

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