Los Angeles Babies

Expecting Mamas on the East Side?

I've been looking and looking and really struggling to find new-mama groups anywhere other than the west side. Looking for mothers to be in Highland Park, Eagle Rock, South Pas, Silver Lake, Echo Park ... I need some community! 


Re: Expecting Mamas on the East Side?

  • I'm here!!! East sider... let's be friends!
    miscarriage 4/16/14 . new baby due 3/14/15!!!

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I'm in Lincoln Heights!
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  • I am here too!!! Should we start a meet up???
  • Me too! Joanna.heart@gmail.com
  • I'm in Studio City but looking to move to Eagle Rock or South Pas to be closer to my future caregiver. Aka my Mom!
  • Hi All! I am early days in my pregnancy but am excited to meet some other expecting mama's in my area! I live in Glassell Park - most of my friends are up in Northern California... so it would be nice to share some "decaf" and talk about all these changes going on!

  • Hi! Im in Los Feliz. Im due 7/6/15. Zoechipman@gmail.com
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • I'm in Pasadena! I am about 5weeks but I would love to join! I think a meetup would be great! I can get the ball rolling if you'd all like! Mer.opsal@gmail.com
  • I'm due end of April. I live in Los Feliz, but was thinking of checking out the pre-natal water aerobics class that happens MWF at the Rosebowl Aquatic Center in Pasadena. Anyone interested in joining me sometime?
  • katyebluekatyeblue member
    edited January 2015
    hi! I'm in South Pasadena. I work full time in west Hollywood and am busy :neutral_face: but I need mama friends!! I have an awesome 4 year old girl.
  • Hi! I'm Kristin and Stella was born on 6/18/14...and we are expecting on 8/17/15... We live in Eagle Rock.


  • Hi,

    I am newly pregnant with my first, due in September.  Live in Los Feliz and would love to connect with other moms and moms-to-be in this area!

    My email is smijassy@gmail.com, hope to meet you soon!
  • I'm almost east side-- Los Feliz/Hollywood area, but would love to be part of a meetup group. I'm due July 10, 2015 and it sure would be nice to meet you all. my email is gwendolyndavis@gmail.com
  • Hi! I'm also pregnant with my first... due in September. Would love to meet up. Just moved here from NYC. Living in Echo Park.
  • Jumping on this a little late but wondering if a group has actually formed? I am newly pregnant with my first and would love to form some community with other expecting moms. I live in Los Feliz and would love to meet up for a walk, tea, prenatal yoga, etc. mahina7@gmail.com
  • I would be in to this too if it's happening. I am in Mt. Washington. Would love to meet other expectant moms around here. This is my first. I'm at 7 weeks.
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Hey M,

    I'm a new mom, my son born 10 March. We live in atwater. Lovelypixels- bills@yahoo.com
  • I just moved to Highland Park, due in December. Was there a group or meetup started?
  • vhsdrvhsdr member
    Hi all. I live in Koreatown and am due with my first 07/28/15. I'll be the first of my friends here in LA to have a baby and would love to meet other expectant moms/new moms. ALSO looking for families with which to nanny share beginning January 2016. (I'll be creating another post about this momentarily). Contact me: rachel dot neumann at yahoo dot com.
  • hi,

    I live in Echo Park and expecting my first in November. Would love to find other moms to walk/hike with. Neighborhood walks, Echo Park lake, Silverlake Reservoir...anytime in the early evening or weekend.
  • Hi I'm in Highland Park, FTM due 6/15/15. Did you guys start a meetup? 
  • I'm Claudia- in echo park. Chandler.claudia@gmail.com. Due jan 6.
  • I'm in Silver Lake & due 2/16. :) Let me know if you start a meet up. My email is neufus@gmail
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • hey I am in Atwater Village, my baby was born 10 March 2015. If you meet up let me know.

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