May start this whole process in a week and I'm freaking out. I thought I had too much caffeine because I was shaking, but it was just nerves and anxiety. I'm really excited and come to this forum daily to just keep myself calm, but now that I am actually going to be moving forward with IVF, I'm just really anxious. I feel like there are still things that I am confused on. What hurts? What meds make you feel what? Do you really look 6 months pregnant from the meds? Can you go to work like that?
I haven't told my work about any of this... I'm wondering if I can pull all of this off without anyone knowing or if the changes/time off make it super obvious.
Our story:
Married 7/2013 - been TTC ever since
Me: 35 - normal test results
Husband: 30 - Concentration:10.8 Million/ml, Motility: 16%, Progressive Motility: 9%, Morphology: 3%
First started talking to fertility specialist in 4/2014
IVF #1
11/13 - 19 retrieved, 18 ICSI, 15 fertilized.
Transfer 11/16 - 1 blastocyst transfered, 3 frosties
11/28 - Beta #1 BFP! 12dp5dt beta 1,699
11/30 - Beta #2 14dp5dt 3,400
12/8 - No signs of baby at first U/S (6 weeks)
12/15 - yolk sac, fetal pole and heartbeat all there! I'm still pregnant! One girl, due 8/4
All are welcome!
Re: Just got my schedule
First, deep breaths. I think it is completely normal to be anxious going into your first IVF. It's all unknown, which makes it a little scary.
For me I don't think anything really "hurt." Shots pinch a little, but nothing worse than getting a flu shot. ER did leave me crampy and tender for a few days, but it wasn't terrible for me.
The side effects of the meds depend on what you are taking. My down regulation meds (lupron and ganirelix) gave me hot flashes, head aches, and heart burn. Steroids gave me insomnia and made me a bit jittery at first. Stims gave me headaches and left me bloated. PIO and progesterone supps made me feel like I had major PMS.
I was definitely bloated before ER, but never looked 6 months pregnant in my opinoin. The only time I took off was for ER and the day after, and the day of ET. I did work from home the day after my ET for IVF #3. I think you can make it without anyone knowing from work. Even if they figure something is up, I doubt that they would guess that you were doing IVF.
TTC #1 since August 2011
My Blog
September 2012: Start IF testing
DH (32): SA is ok, slightly low morph, normal SCSA Me (32): Slightly low progesterone, hostile CM, carrier for CF, Moderately high NKC, High TNFa, heterozyogous mutated Factor XIII, and +APA
October 2012-May 2014: 4 failed IUIs, 3 failed IVFs, and 1 failed FETw/donor embryos
November 2014: IVF w/ICSI #4 Agonist/Antagonist with EPP and Prednisone, Baby Aspirin, Lovenox, and IVIG for immune issues. Converted to freeze all due to lining issues. 2 blasts frozen on day 6!
January 2015: FET #2 Cancelled due to lining issues
April 2015: FET #2.1
PAIF/SAIF Welcome!
I had a headache for the first few days of stimming, but I think that was the only real side effect I had.
I'm not doing PIO. They gave me Crinone and some pill (is that bad that I can't remember the name right now? )...and they make me tired all the time.
The worst for me was definitely the anxiety leading up to each new step and not knowing what to expect, but hang in there. I found everything was not nearly as bad as I imagined it would be.
I told my job for two main reasons: 1.DH and I work together, and when we snuck out together for the initial consult, the rumor mil started and people started asking us how far along we were. ..I had to nip that I the bud.
2. I'm a terrible liar. Like, really terrible. So I just decided to be open about it.
Good luck with everything!
I FREAKED out prepping my shots the first time around. Watch videos before you do them, and it makes the process easier. I took follistim (teeny needle, pen = loved this one! No pain at ALL!), lupron (easy too, quick, very little pain), and menopur (mixing made me nervous- use qcaps- it helps make it easier, burns like a bitch-- let it sit and inject SLOWLY while exhaling a few times).
I did bruise once with lupron. But I hit a blood vessel and it hurt as soon as the needle punctured my skin, so I should have known something wasn't right.
I felt twinges in my ovaries from day #3. I worked out til day #10, but I had to go to the elliptical instead of boot camp due to the swelling/discomfort on day #7. Most swelling was after ER for me. Invest in some new dresses that aren't too snug, or cardigans to cover up-- I did look 6 months pregnant. I'm a week out, and it's finally improving. I'm still in dresses or leggings-- my pants still don't fit. I took the day of, and the next day off.
The stims actually went fast for me- so hopefully it will be quick for you too. You'll do great--- Good luck!! I can't wait to hear how things go!
Our Story
Me- 35, mild hypothyroidism
DH- 29, low count due to a chromosomal abnormality, only option is IVF/ICSI with PGD.
Married 5/13
TTC since 8/13
IVF/ICSI #1 ER 9/14 - 14R, 6M, 6F, 5 blasts off to PGD- 1 normal female, 2 balanced males
FET 12/8 of 2 frosties - 1 male/1 female - stick babies stick!
Beta #1 10dp5dt 444! Beta #2 14dp5dt 2,340! U/S 1/5-- TWINS!!! EDD 8/26/15
"You'll never see the rainbow if you can't survive the storm"
GL to you! I'll be keeping my eye out to see how you do, since we'll be doing it around the same time. And thanks for posting these questions. I'm looking forward to reading some of the responses myself.