1st Trimester

Belly Laughs: The Naked Truth about Pregnancy and Childbirth

Just thought I would share this book with you ladies.  My DH got it for me for Christmas, and this weekend I read the entire book.  I couldn't put it down.  Jenny McCarthy definitely lays it all out there, and it is in NO WAY meant to be medically informative.  Her humor is pretty inappropriate as i'm sure most of you know, but it was a nice break from all of the medical type books i've been reading. 


Re: Belly Laughs: The Naked Truth about Pregnancy and Childbirth

  • I enjoyed it too, as did DH.  It's an easy and funny read.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I read it and didn't laugh once. I usually like her, but it was really bad IMO. (And no, the inappropriateness didn't get to me...my pet name for DH is D-bag trust me, I can take infantile behavior since I dish it out so much!).
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  • I really enjoyed it.
  • I thought it was just ok.  Not something I would necessarily give as a gift to someone.
  • I enjoyed this book.  I thought it was funny, it was like my girlfriends were telling me how they felt!
  • It's a fun, quick read.
  • I loved it! I couldnt put it down and it definitely made me laugh. I think its a good easy book for a little something different.
  • I really liked it! Nice break from the "medical" type books.

    Me: 32 DH: 34 Married 7/08 DD Born 8/09 
    TTC#2 Since 2/13 (Secondary IF)
    2/13 thru 2/14 - Year of charting, OPK and TI
    3/14 thru 7/14 - Clomid cycles, DH SA came back good
    8/14 - HSG and more blood work
    9/14 - Letrozole + trigger + IUI#1 = BFN
    10/14 - Letrozole + Bravelle + trigger + IUI#2 = BFP!! EDD 7/27/15
  • i actually read her latest book about her son with autism and i couldnt put that book down- read it front to back within 2 days- i am in the field so that may have been why- but thought it was good- so i will eventually get around to reading her 1st when she was pregnant with her son.
  • I loved this book!  I laughed and read some of the parts out to my husband.  I thought it was a good break from just your plain factual informational books!
  • I read the book and loved it. I laughed through the whole thing! I agree that it's a nice departure from the medical jargon I typically read.
  • I really liked this book. I laughed outloud several times while reading it!
  • I loved this book! When I first found out I was pg, I went crazy reading the WTEWYE and Week By Week and was so tired of the medical (scary sometimes) info that I needed a break.  I read this book in 1 afternoon and couldn't put it down! The best part was (I think) the last chapter when she is talking about sex in the 9th month! I was crying it was so funny! Then DH read the book and loved it too!
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