So my H and I have been seriously considering hiring someone to come in part-time (about 20 hours a week) and do some light housework and occasionally watch the baby. We're talking dishes, making beds, laundry, and watching baby while I shower or go to the dentist or whatever.
The topic came up when I was chatting with our cleaning lady last night because I thought she might have some recommendations, and I was surprised when she said she would like to do it. It never occurred to me she would because she has her cleaning service but apparently she doesn't have any morning clients because up until this year her son wasn't in school full time.
There would be a lot of pros to hiring her:
-I would totally trust her with the baby. She has three charming and well-behaved kids of her own.
-She's already familiar with our household and the way I like things done.
-She's a known quantity. She's already worked for us for 2 years.
-We would save money! Since she already comes one day a week she would only charge us for the additional 4 days, rather than 5.
But, there is a very big con. She can be VERY chatty.
My DH thinks that is not a big enough reason not to hire her. But he doesn't have to be home with her 20 hours a week, since he'll be at work. Plus, if I can't stand it and we have to fire her we also lose our cleaning lady.
So...what do you think? Am I being a brat who should just suck it up? Is there a way to bring this up without hurting her feelings? Or is it better to avoid the potential problems and try to find someone else? Advise me!
EDD: 1/27/15
So excited for our rainbow baby!
Re: Hiring Help for When the Baby Comes
I may be confused, and I’m not being rude, but why do you need someone to take care of the baby 20 hours a week if you’re a stay at home mom? I mean I guess if you can afford it and want that “me “ time, that’s good, but I really don’t see the need of 5 days a week care for a baby if your home. That being said, you could always try it with her and if she makes your insane change it then.
My cleaning lady is extremely chatty so I understand your frustration. I feel like she could knock an hour off the time she's here if she just didn't talk lol. However it seems that you have a good relationship with her which is very important. If you can maybe just be very clear with her from the beginning what your expectations are, then I think it has a lot of pontential.
I grew up with a mother who took pride in "doing everything herself" and would make little tsk tsk comments about our neighbour who was a SAHM and had regular cleaners, sitters and help from grandparents. I never understood why my mom thought that was bad or whatever. I mean, if you love doing it all yourself more power to you, but why would it be weird if someone doesn't? I like the saying "it takes a village." I don't work any sort of regular houred job that would *require* help but I have zero interest in doing all the domestic stuff myself if I can help it. I don't like to cook or clean, so I am lucky I don't have to and can contribute to our lives in other ways. I don't find it hard to understand those who like those things, since my mother is one of them. I just have zero desire for that myself.
Please don't bring it up to her. If you tell her she's too chatty it does come off as very stuck up IMO.
I realize some people do everything on their own completely with no help from family or hired help, but I don't see any shame in having some help if you are offered it or are able to afford it. I would totally kill for someone to do my laundry and clean my house and do most lawn work on a regular basis if we could afford it, and I'm a SAHW right now. Doesn't mean I enjoy those tasks!
I say hire the cleaning lady - someone you are comfortable with in your own home whose parental judgment you trust is really key. Just make sure those 20 hours are planned out - be out of the house with LO while she does the non-baby related stuff - laundry, cleaning, etc. And have specific things you want to accomplish (in or out of the house) when she's on baby watch. So something like, "On Thursday, while you're watching LO, I have a dentist appointment from 9-11am, and then I have some work to get done quietly in my room, if you could keep LO occupied downstairs or in her room until I'm done around 1pm."
Off birth control March 2012 - Actively trying Sept 2012-April 2014
BFP on May 5th after Follistim & IUI #3
I also find a lot of satisfaction in doing housework and when I'm stressed it helps me cope. I hate people messing with my personal things or being in my 'private' space.
That being said, do what makes you happy, especially if you can afford it. Just be nice to her is all I'm saying; she's chatty because you're approachable. If you say you don't want her to talk to you (which is what it will sound like) it makes it seem like you're too good to talk to her. If you don't want to put up with the chatting, say you want someone with recent childcare experience and up to date first aid/CPR certification. That should make it less awkward
I do not think it's bratty or stuck up to get extra help if it's within your means to do so. I wish I had that ability when I was a full time SAHM. I wish I had that ability now too!
That said, my feedback is that I would hire the person I trust despite her chatty nature. You are going to have some sort of personality conflict with just about anyone you hire. The upside is that you trust her completely already and that will be very hard to find. The other thing is you might find 5 days a week too much with only 1 LO.
Could you maybe start her at 3 days a week for 4-5 hours? That would give you time to run out the the gym/grocery store/whatever on a regular basis and give her enough time to keep up with the bulk of housework since baby will be sleeping so much. You can always go to 5 days a week later if the arrangement is working well and you need more help. You might go up to 5 days when baby is older or maybe you are expecting another one to give you more rest time.
Also, as baby gets older you might find her chattiness is an asset. It is very beneficial for Babies/toddlers to hear lots and lots of words for brain development. I am constantly talking to DS about everything we see and honestly, it's exhausting. If it comes naturally to her then it's a win win for you and baby!