November 2013 Moms

T & P please (loss mentioned). Update

edited September 2014 in November 2013 Moms
Got a message from my SIL today that her sister's baby died yesterday. She was due sometime this month. I'm not sure yet what happened but I know she's still at the hospital and that it was completely unexpected. The pregnancy had been going well and on track. The family is hurting a lot. Let's keep them in our thoughts and prayers! ..................................................................... .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................So I talked further with my SIL. Her sister was due two days from today. On Monday the baby was fine and kicking. Tuesday morning she went to her appointment and she was informed that the baby died overnight. She was admitted to he hospital and delivered her baby boy. He had the cord wrapped around his neck. They named him Caleb. It hasn't fully sunk in yet for her sister or her husband. The family is trying to stay strong for her. She is staying with her parents for the time being especially since her home has everything set up for her baby. If anyone has any words of advice or anything to help us help her in any way it would be greatly appreciated. We are at a total loss as to what to do or say. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers

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