Trouble TTC

3T FAMILY REUNION!!! September


***All the Warnings*** 

Pile on in and tell us how you’re doing! Please tag @RunCC37 if you’d like to be added or edited. Many thanks to @NariaDreaming & @Rumbera28 for your leadership and starting this check-in. And a special shout out to @packerfan4life for your assistance in sorting through the last check-in! Please PM @RunCC37 if you’d like to volunteer to help with next month’s check-in.

QOTM: What was/is the most effective way you have found to cope with the craziness of IF?

Still TTC #1

@BlueJoan – IVF #1 in progress! GL!

@DharmaChick – moving onto IVF pending results from IUI #5

@LO95 – was in the midst of IVF #1 in August. FX for positive results!

@MeatandBandP – prepping for FET #3. GL!

@Purpledaisy923 – Preparing for IVF #1 in September

@ronniesgirl1981 – IVF #2.1 should be starting soon!

@Rumbera28 – on the bench until finances are in order for EA or DE cycle

@RunCC37 – immune testing before DE IVF #1 this fall

@shelbeans82 – planning for IVF #3 in November

@TLooney17 - TTC #2 and moving on to IVF in November

@tumbleweed123 – moving onto IVF with PGD

@Twinkie0612 – prepping for IVF #4 with Dr. KK and new RE


@Sha259 – BIG HUGS! So sorry about your loss.


On the Adoption Path!

@TheatrePal – in the home study phase & hoping to have an active profile soon

@AlaskaDee23 – where are you in your journey? Update us!!

@packerfan4life – pursuing domestic infant adoption. FX for a match soon!


Currently Living CFNBC

@Lightdrwr – working on a traveling art exhibit (The ART of IF) & considering foster adoption

@btaylor19 – working on H’s health and marriage; may do FET in the future

@katib77 – currently living CFNBC. How’ve you been?



@herecomesthesun – BFP from IVF #1! One bean! EDD 8/2014 (Is baby here?!)

@1983lindsey – BFP from IUI #4! Bentley Robert’s c-section scheduled for 9/4/14

@tigger99 – BFP from IVF/FET #1! One little penguin! EDD is 9/7/14

@jenschultz85 – BFP from IUI #3! One sweet little bean! EDD 9/22/14

@williamina28 – BFP miracle before IVF #1! It’s a Boy!! EDD is 10/19/14

@rox825 – BFP from IUI #5! Team Green!! EDD 11/4/14

@tippytoes06 – BFP from IUI #4! Team Green!! EDD 11/2014

@Andrea2380 – BFP from IVF #1! It’s a Boy!! EDD 11/19/14

@ttuprincess – BFP from Injects+TI! Team Pink!! EDD 11/29/14

@CandaceC1020 – BFP from IUI #1! One little minion! EDD is 12/13/14

@Wolfette139 – BFP from IVF #1! One little butterfly on board! EDD is 1/13/15

@Milagros315 – BFP from IVF #2! Singleton Baby Boy EDD is 1/18/15

@jaztastic – BFP from FET #4! One little Dolce! EDD 2/7/15

@jaytee16 – BFP from IVF #1! TWINS!! EDD 2/19/15

@runawaylaurel – BFP from IVF #1! Singleton on board! EDD is 2/22/15

@chickinNH – BFP miracle before FET #1! One little Rainbow! EDD is 4/2015

@GrailSeeker14 – BFP from IVF #1! One little Squishy! EDD 4/21/15

@gsancho – BFP from FET #1! FX for a strong heartbeat soon!

@sugar4bri – BFP from IUI #3! FX for a strong heart beat soon!

@Lillovebug79 – BFP from IVF #1! EDD is ??

@Shay062 – BFP from IUI #1! When’s your EDD?

@Intuitiveblue – BFP from IUI #2.3! Team Purple!! EDD ??

@ksgmsu – BFP from DE IVF! Twin boys!! EDD ??

@mmhopeful – BFP from IVF #2! Twin boys!! EDD is ??

@IntuitiveBlue – BFP from IUI #2! Twins! Team Purple! EDD is ??



@Cara1024 – BFP from IUI #3! Holland Sophia was born 1/24/14

@DebateThis – BFP from IVF #1! Healthy Baby Boy was born ??

@Kathy4678 - SAIF! Give us an update!

@Katyj1125 – BFP cycle?? Eleanore (Nora) Jeane was born 11/25/13

@knottie54328959 (jAnna123) – BFP from IUI #2! Twin Girls are 1 year old!

@letsgobowlingx – BFP from IVF #1! Gemma is ~3 months old!

@maggie2324 - TTC #2, LO #1 born on first FET after 2 IVFs with BFNs, now gearing up for FET #2

@MaiTaiBeth – BFP cycle?? Isla and Fiona were born on 1/11/14 at 25w. Isla passed away 5 days later and will be missed and loved forever. Fiona is growing strong!

@Mommymincberg – BFP from IVF #1! Loss of Twin B, Twin A born 2/2014

@MrsGMChick - Welcomed their DD through adoption in May!

@Mrs.Slick – International Adoption Success! Little Slick’s arrival day was 12/12

@Smilormarie – BFP from IUI #5! Welcomed baby boy in 9/2013

@Suz+Mo - TTC #2, LO #1 born at 30 weeks after 3 rounds of clomid, now back to the RE pursuing treatment

@SweetC80SAIF! LO born 9/2013 

Me: 32 DH: 35  TTC#1 since March 2012
Dx: Poor Embryo Quality, Arcuate Uterus, Poor Uterine Blood Flow, Mild Endo, 
       Protein S Deficiency, Sjorgen's Syndrome 

IUI #1-5: BFN
Laparoscopy & Hysteroscopy: minimal endo, partial septoplasty
IVF #1: 10R/6M/6F ~ Day 3 ET = BFN
IVF #2: 14R/9M/5F ~ transfer canceled ~ all embryos arrested at 1-2 cell stage
IVF #3: 9R/5M/5F ~ 1 frosty!
IVF #4 (FET #1): BFN

IVF #5 (DE IVF #1 with Dr. KK protocol): Currently PREGNANT!!!!!!
Synthroid + Prednisone + Metformin + Baby Aspirin + Supplements Galore = 15+ pills a day
Lupron + Lovenox + Delestrogen + IVIG + B/W = 2-5 pokes a day
19R, 17M, 17F - transferred two Grade A blasts 11/16, four frosties!!!
Beta #1 11/24 (13dpo/8dp5dt) = 367 ~ Beta #2 11/26 (15dpo/10dp5dt) = 709
Beta #3 11/29 (18dpo/13dp5dt) = 1,997 ~ Beta #4 12/1 (20dpo/15dp5dt) = 3,403


My Blog: Running and Dreaming for Two ~ All are Welcome!

Re: 3T FAMILY REUNION!!! September

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  • edited September 2014
    I really want to write notes to each of you - so glad to hear so many updates! Time is short now so I will probably peek back in tomorrow to do so.

    I wanted to let others know that my due date twin, @Wolfette139‌, is having a cerclage placed today due to premature ovarian failure (err... ETA that I am an idiot and it is actually cervical failure. Thanks Naria!). So keep her in your thoughts and send closed-cervix wishes her way!!!

    Also, @AlaskaDee23‌, you have a PM! :-)
    ************************SIGGY WARNING***********************

    Me: 29      DH:  32
    Off birth control March 2012 - Actively trying Sept 2012-April 2014
    Unexplained Infertility
    BFP on May 5th after Follistim & IUI #3
    Ryan Henry - born 1/10/15, 7 lb 5 oz, 20 1/4 inches

    NTNP for a sibling starting March 2015
    Waiting on cycle to resume while EBF


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  • edited September 2014

    I really want to write notes to each of you - so glad to hear so many updates! Time is short now so I will probably peek back in tomorrow to do so.

    I wanted to let others know that my due date twin, @Wolfette139‌, is having a cerclage placed today due to premature cervical  failure. So keep her in your thoughts and send closed-cervix wishes her way!!!


    Damned IF brain. Thanks :-)
    ************************SIGGY WARNING***********************

    Me: 29      DH:  32
    Off birth control March 2012 - Actively trying Sept 2012-April 2014
    Unexplained Infertility
    BFP on May 5th after Follistim & IUI #3
    Ryan Henry - born 1/10/15, 7 lb 5 oz, 20 1/4 inches

    NTNP for a sibling starting March 2015
    Waiting on cycle to resume while EBF


  • @1983lindsey‌ He is precious! I have been wondering how you were doing. Sorry about your grandpa's passing but I love how you honored him with your son's name!

    **************SIGGY WARNING**************


    Me 32 :: DH 41

     TTC since November, 2011

    DH's SA : Excellent

    Lap and Hysteroscopy June 2012

    DX: PCOS, Stage III Endo, slight Adenomyosis, blocked tube, and probable LPD

    Treatments:  6 Months Lupron Depot injections; 1500 mg metformin; 3 cycles of Clomid + TI = BFN

    3 endometrial biopsies all were "out of phase" 

    September - December, 2013:  Break to lose weight and get healthy

    40 lb weight loss but still not ovulating "in phase"  

    February - March 2014: bcps + follistim + trigger + TI = BFP

     Beta #1 (12dpo): 30; Beta #2 (18dpo): 500; Beta #3 (25dpo): 7,000!!! 

    1st u/s 4/16: One beautiful hb at 144 bmp 

    2nd u/s 4/29: hb at 166 bmp.  Graduated from RE!!


    Baby girl arrived on Thanksgiving day weighing 7lbs 6oz and measuring 20 inches


    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


  • DharmaChickDharmaChick member
    edited September 2014
    It is fantastic to be able to see everyone's updates here!
    My insurance actually declined IVF until I do one more IUI.  So, I'm prepping for IUI #6.
    ME: 34, Atypical PCOS (lean, no O without meds) + unexplained; DH: 33, mildly low motility
    09/2012: Start TTC after stopping NuvaRing.  No cycles seemed to occur.
    01/2013 - 05/2013: Tried Provera to "jumpstart" cycles. No luck.
    01/2014: Clomid 50mg - no big follies, stepped to 100mg; One mature follie, Ovidrel (HCG trigger), IUI #1 completed - BFN
    02/2014: Clomid 100mg;
    One mature follie, Ovidrel trigger, IUI #2 completed, Crinone - BFN
    03/2014: Clomid 100mg -
    no big follies on 1st round, 2nd round prescribed; One mature follie, Ovidrel, IUI #3 completed, Crinone - BFN
    04/2014-05/2014: Letrozole 5mg + Ovidrel HG to prep for IUI #4 switched to TI, Crinone - BFN
    05/2014-06/2014: Letrozole 5mg; one mature follie,
    Ovidrel, IUI #4.1 completed, Crinone - BFN
    07/2014-08/2014: Letrozole 5mg; one mature follie,
    Ovidrel, IUI #5 completed, Crinone - BFN
    09/2014-10/2014: IVF Prep - Insurance requires IUI #6;
    Letrozole 5mg - no big follies 1st round, 2nd round prescribed; IUI #6, Crinone - BFN
    11/2014: "Break" - Letrozole 5mg to cycle before prepping for IVF - successfully O'ed, but BFN
    12/2014: Extending 'break' one more Letrozole-only TI cycle for mental health break - BFN
    02/2015: Prep for IVF - BCP then Gonal-F, Ganirelex, Novarel trigger;  ER scheduled 2/11!
    PAIF/SAIF Welcome.
    December 3T Siggy Challenge: Favorite Holiday Movie
  • I am currently in my first (and hopefully only) IVF cycle. I was on 8 days of Follistim. I had an ultrasound this morning and I have 19 follies that are ready to go! So excited! Egg retrieval is Friday, September 19th and my embryo transfer will be on Wednesday, September 24th. We are planning on transferring 2 embryos and freezing the rest. I am so ready to be pregnant and to be a mom! I even bought some maternity jeans that I found on clearance today. Hopefully I'm not jinxing myself!  ;)

    QOTM: The most effective way that I have found to cope with IF is to distract myself. I have been spending a lot of time playing PC games online. I have made quite a few friends and it really gets my mind off things. Plus, gamer guys never talk about babies, so it is nice to have a baby-free zone to escape to lol. 
    ********Siggy Warning********

    Me: 25 DH: 29
    Married 9/23/2012, TTC since 3/2013
    Dx: PCOS, Anovulation/Amenorrhea
    HSG: All clear, SA: Normal 
    Oct 2013: 1st consult with RE
    Nov 2013-Dec 2013: Letrozole + Trigger + TI = BFN
    Jan 2014-May 2014: IUI#1-4: Letrozole + Trigger + Progesterone= All BFN
    Sept 2014: IVF#1: 24R/13M/11F
    Transferred 2 embryos on 9/24, 2 frosties = BFP!!
    Beta#1: 8dp5dt: 188, Beta#2: 12dp5dt: 822
    Beta#3: 15dp5dt: 1965
    1st u/s 10/13: TWINS!!
    u/s 12/23: TEAM PURPLE!!
    All Welcome! 

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • As someone that has been on bump hiatus for at least the last 6  months.... I absolutely LOVE this thread!!

    Congrats to all!!

    Me: 32 DH: 34 Married 7/08 DD Born 8/09 
    TTC#2 Since 2/13 (Secondary IF)
    2/13 thru 2/14 - Year of charting, OPK and TI
    3/14 thru 7/14 - Clomid cycles, DH SA came back good
    8/14 - HSG and more blood work
    9/14 - Letrozole + trigger + IUI#1 = BFN
    10/14 - Letrozole + Bravelle + trigger + IUI#2 = BFP!! EDD 7/27/15
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