I was hoping not to have to plan anything this week, but I'm still pregnant! I only planned until Thursday, hopefully baby makes an appearance before then.
Sun - take out (spicy wings to induce labor...didn't work)
Mon - tacos, tropical fruit salad, grilled corn
Tues - fondue with bread, apple slices, and grilled brats
Wed - dinner with my parents
Thurs - BBQ chicken, sweet potato fries, corn bread
Re: Meal plans?
Tues - Dinner out with visiting friends
Wed - Leftover burgers
Thurs - Probably a buffalo chicken salad
Fri - Whatever DH is in the mood for.
For some reason I have a really strong feeling I'm going to deliver this weekend, so we'll see if I have any intuition whatsoever on Saturday.
I still haven't done my weekly shopping trip, I have seriously been slacking. So far this is what I got:
Tues: Chicken Tortilla Soup
Wed: Out
Thurs: Dinner at Inlaws
Fri: Pork Loin w/ root veggies and broccoli casserole.
Tuesday: Indian chickpeas (chana masala) and rice
Wednesday: Dinner at local burger joint with allegedly labor inducing special sauce, haha
Thursday: Chicken veggie wraps