September 2014 Moms

Sleep problems.

I see the pediatrician tomorrow but wanted to know if any of you have/had this issue with there newborn.

Blake is 4 days old now and hardly sleeps. The only time he will is when I'm nursing him and that only lasts 10-30 min stretches. We will not sleep in his bassinet or crib or on anyone else including daddy. Therefor I am always holding him either to sleep or feed and if he's not doing either of those then he is crying. I'm not sleeping at all because of this! This does not seem normal to me but hey I'm a FTM.

Re: Sleep problems.

  • Sounds like a newborn to me! You described my first son perfectly. He wouldn't sleep for more than 45 minutes at a time. I held him all. the. time. It was awful! He would not sleep if he was laying flat ever. The first month was truly awful. And the doctor just said it was normal for some babies, unfortunately.

    The thing that saved us was the Rock N Play. It was the only thing we found he would start sleeping in, I think because it holds them in a position where they feel like they are being held. He was never a great sleeper and didn't sleep through the night until past a year old but this certainly helped. All babies are different but I think what you're going through is pretty common.

    I'd still check with your pedi. Baby could have reflux, might not be getting enough to eat, any number of things. Good luck! Hopefully he gets the hang of it.
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  • We are training our little girl right now to sleep more at night and less in the day. We found an app that has the vacuum cleaner sound and have used it the past week. It's been working. Also we are using gripe water since she has some issues with gas and hiccups. You just have to try different things and see what works. Of course ask your pediatrician too.


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  • I held DD1 while she slept for the first 3 or 4 days, it wasn't until we tried the rock n play that she would sleep somewhere else. It was honestly a god sent, we also began to swaddle tightly. I wouldn't say this is abnormal, it is a big change for baby and takes a while for them to figure out night and day, but still talk to your pedi about your concerns.
  • Swaddled, shush, suck... Read happiest baby on the block or just get the DVD.
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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Our first was like that, but it balanced out and she slept through the night at 6 weeks... There is hope. We found that swaddling with the a+a swaddles helped a ton. Also, I started nursing on my side in our bed. If she fell asleep, I'd roll away to my side and rest a little.



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  • Is he still acting hungry. Maybe u need to feed on one side and then switch breasts to see if he is still hungry. Otherwise, pretty normal for them to wake up frequently. Hold him if thats the only way he will sleep. It should get better as time goes on. If he seems fussy even when he eats maybe he has an intolerance to some food u r eating. Try cutting things out of ur diet. My mother had this problem with my brother. He was allergic to dairy and everytime he feed his tummy hurt but he only knew to feed again so he was always eating. She finally figured it out and he started sleeping.
  • The swing was a life saver for us!  My daughter slept in it for four months.  We swaddled and used white noise as well.  Hope your baby starts sleeping for you soon!!!  <3
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