I see the pediatrician tomorrow but wanted to know if any of you have/had this issue with there newborn.
Blake is 4 days old now and hardly sleeps. The only time he will is when I'm nursing him and that only lasts 10-30 min stretches. We will not sleep in his bassinet or crib or on anyone else including daddy. Therefor I am always holding him either to sleep or feed and if he's not doing either of those then he is crying. I'm not sleeping at all because of this! This does not seem normal to me but hey I'm a FTM.
Re: Sleep problems.
The thing that saved us was the Rock N Play. It was the only thing we found he would start sleeping in, I think because it holds them in a position where they feel like they are being held. He was never a great sleeper and didn't sleep through the night until past a year old but this certainly helped. All babies are different but I think what you're going through is pretty common.
I'd still check with your pedi. Baby could have reflux, might not be getting enough to eat, any number of things. Good luck! Hopefully he gets the hang of it.