September 2014 Moms

Help please

Miasim12Miasim12 member
edited September 2014 in September 2014 Moms

Hi everyone - I'm a ftm and this pregnancy has been a blessing - I have had barely any hormonal days mostly feeling happy and wonderful - had a crying day here and there.... I'm now 39 weeks and HOLY crap! I was super anxious and in a panic for about 3 days - today and yesterday I have been so calm and happy and excited to meet my LO and now tonight I'm anxious and having night sweats again. I HATE feeling this way -

please can someone tell me do these hormones get better after birth? Because of a medical condition I am having a csection next week. I would hate to feel this way once my little one is born.
I'm afraid that I'll feel like this when she's born and I don't want to - I've read too much on the internet about PPd and now I'm so worried. Everyone is posting that hormonal means crying and teary eyed and I'm just anxious

Re: Help please

  • Like you, I haven't had many hormonal days. We're lucky, but yes, what you're feeling is normal. This is a huge life change and it's only natural to feel anxious and panicky. If you read different sources, you'll see that baby blues are incredibly common (80% of women get them, I think) but that's not PPD. Your doc should have given you some signs and symptoms to watch for. If you exhibit them, just talk to your doc.
  • I got really anxious and hormonal before my baby was born top.  It's all part of the game, but if you are overly concerned or if it's interfering with your day to day life, call your OB.  Honestly, what helped me the most was taking my nephew's baby for an overnight stay.  It really helped me reconfirm that I can do this.  My little guy is here now, and I had a few weepy days from about day 3-5 postpartum, but now I'm doing pretty good.  I love my baby, and it is still overwhelming at times, but we're figuring it out.
    BFP 11/24/2012  MMC 1/21/2013 - BFP 3/29/2013  MC 4/8/2013 - BFP 4/25/2013 MC 5/6/2013 - 5/17/2013 Diagnosed with LPD - BFP 8/24/13  MC 9/6/2013
    BFP: 12/19/13  - Beta 1@11dpo: 26.8 - Beta 6@23dpo: 3,672
    Our Rainbow Son Born August 26, 2014
    Lilypie - (nueR)
    All ALers welcome!
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  • I can't tell you how much your post just helped xo THANK YOU so much
  • Umm better? Not for me. I'd take anxious over the soecial brand of lunatic I was PP. I cried when people walked out of the room. Knew it was nuts but couldn't stop it. Like serious loss feelings.
    Lilypie - (JLjB)

  • I have had those days. They will pass. U have to figure out ways to calm urself. Take a walk. Listen to calming music. Deep breath. If u know of something that just destresses u then do it. I like to watch sappy movies and just make myself cry. I always feel way better afterwords. Some say if u have panic attacks while pregnant that it means u will have ppd but i dont know very many women that havent had some sort of panic days. Just keep as calm as possible and u will be ok.
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