Hi everyone - I'm a ftm and this pregnancy has been a blessing - I have had barely any hormonal days mostly feeling happy and wonderful - had a crying day here and there.... I'm now 39 weeks and HOLY crap! I was super anxious and in a panic for about 3 days - today and yesterday I have been so calm and happy and excited to meet my LO and now tonight I'm anxious and having night sweats again. I HATE feeling this way -
please can someone tell me do these hormones get better after birth? Because of a medical condition I am having a csection next week. I would hate to feel this way once my little one is born.
I'm afraid that I'll feel like this when she's born and I don't want to - I've read too much on the internet about PPd and now I'm so worried. Everyone is posting that hormonal means crying and teary eyed and I'm just anxious
Re: Help please