September 2014 Moms

Was I wrong? Flu shot question

I am all for the flu shot. I have gotten it for the past 10 years and will get it again this year. But here's the story:
Yesterday I went for my 40th week appt. The nurse (who I dislike) said it's an exciting day for us, we just got our flu shots. Would you like one? First how boring is your life that flu shots are a red letter day and second I declined. I always get my flu shot when I get my allergy shots (I go monthly). It is really just easier. Also I am literally seconds away from giving birth. I don't want any shots now. I know you can't get the flu from the shot and it doesn't hurt, I've never had a reaction but I know some people get aches and low grade fever. It isn't effective for 2 weeks anyway so it won't help the baby.

I will get the shot probably next month at my allergist. The dr and nurse were astounded though that I didn't want it so close to delivery. I know it wouldn't hurt really but why would I do that when next month is just as valid?

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Re: Was I wrong? Flu shot question

  • I can see your reasoning for not getting it, but I think in this case I probably would have so that the antibodies my body produced passed to the baby in hopes it would eventually give LO some protection since they won't be able to get a flu shot this year.

    However, I imagine if you are planning to breast feed and get the shot, the antibodies you produce will pass that way as well.  This is a tough situation; I can see both sides to the reasoning.
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  • My doctor explained it as it takes your body 6 weeks to make antibodies from the vaccines to be passed to LO. If you plan to breast feed, that would line your baby up to antibodies during flu season.
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  • I don't think you were "wrong", as it is obviously your choice. If you feel bad about it then just wait until after delivery and get one then? Like you said, next month is just as valid. Problem solved and baby can still reap benefit of those antibodies if you plan to BF.
  • My OB and hospital reccomend getting the flu shot after delivery anyway. I don't know the exact reasoning and I got Tdap a couple of weeks ago... So my thought is NBD? Just get it at the hospital after delivery.
  • Hey, I love that I get a free flu shot in the convenience of my workplace! Don't knock your nurse's excitement. :) It sounds like they could have given you more info about the cost/benefit breakdown of getting it now versus later, instead of just admonishing you. It could just be that they're used to other people saying they'll get the flu shot later and never following through. Just make sure you get it, and that everyone in your household does, too. My husband never gets the flu shot, but he definitely will this year.
  • I got mine last month. Waiting a month to get yours gives you one month less of protection. That would be the only reason to get it now rather than later.


  • I got a flu shot in the beginning of the second trimester but I have asthma and severe allergies so I really can't risk getting the flu.

    But like PP stated, as long as you get it the antibodies will be passed to baby via BF.
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  • IMO I think it's wise to wait - you're about to give birth and your body is going thru so much stress and about to go thru more. You also will probably be around those healthy enough to see your LO for the next few months.

    Off BC, NTNP since June 2011

    Started acupuncture/herbs July 2012 

    First BFP 9-8-2012,EDD 5-15-2013, heartbeat of 175 at 8w2d, mmc discovered on 10-26-12 (11w6d) Cytotec on 10/26/12

    8/23/13 DX with non-IR PCOS

    Second BFP 9.12.13, EDD 5.29.14, heartbeat of 114 at 6w1d, mmc discovered on 10-18-13, D&C on 10/23/13 (baby girl/Trisomy 10) 

    Third BFP (surprise at Beta draw after d&c) on 1/10/14 (15dpo), EDD 9.20.14 Please be our RAINBOW!

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  • Thanks ladies. I don't know why their reactions made me question it. I just assumed they would understand that I didn't want to add to the trauma or stress of birth.

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  • I get a flu shot at work every year. (I'm a nurse, and we do get excited about the craziest shit!!) but this year I had a reaction and broke out in crazy rashes everywhere!! It's totally your choice. The flu is super scary for baby though. But waiting until next month, I think, is totally fine.
  • @reverey‌ Just curious, were the people that you know that ended up with GBS older, as in the 65 and older age group? My grandmother had GBS symptoms after her flu shot last year but it was a quad dose they were giving seniors. She also ended up with a compression fracture in her spine so I'm not sure if it was GBS from flu shot or early signs of her spine being weak.

    Guillain barre is VERY rare as was said earlier, just so no one has concerns that I also asked about this.
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