if my pregnancy is viable. This past week I was having only brown spotting for 4 days straight without cramping or red blood. Haven't had spotting in 2 days. I went in for an ultrasound on Monday and they saw a gestational sac with yolk and I was measuring 5.3 weeks. My first beta was 3628 and my second beta approximately 42 hours later was only 4472. It didn't double and was no where near doubling so I have begun to prepare myself for a m/c but tomorrow I go in for another HCG, ultrasound, and my first appt. I'm so scared.
BFP #1 12/18/08 DD born 8/28/09
BFP#2 Due 7/17/12 MC 11/15/11 at 5 weeks..We have an Angel looking over us.
BFP#3 2/27/12 EDD 11/4/12 Beta #1 @ 12dpo 51.2 Beta #2 @ 14dpo 150.4 1st US with HR of 144.

Re: Will find out tomorrow...
Thanks girls for all of your support. I'll let you know what happens tomorrow.
Me – 33 (no diagnosis), DH – 41 (MFI)
IVF #1/ICSI 2008 – 22 ER, 21 F, Day 3 transfer (8A and 8B) - BFP, 3 Frosties
Surprise BFP 2010
Surprise BFP 2011
Shipped frosties from TX to VA in 2012
FET #1 May 2013, single blast – BFN
FET #2 August 2013 2 blasts – BFN
IVF #2/ICSI/AH Jan 2014 – 8 ER, 7M, 6 F Day 3 transfer (grade 2 & 3), no frosties - BFP!