September 2014 Moms

Fingers hurt?

Hey all, I searched for this topic but couldn't find anything, but is anyone else experiencing pain in your fingers? It kind of feels like i jammed all of my fingers (not quite as painful). First they were just swelling and now this nonstop pain. Anyone else? It is really annoying because it hurts to move them and I have to type a lot at work today. Any suggestions to relieve the pain? I'm sure there isn't, but it doesn't hurt to ask.

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Re: Fingers hurt?

  • Pregnancy carpal tunnel exists, could that be it? Then again, sudden swelling of the hands can also be a pre-e sign... What did your doctor say?
  • Doctor hasn't called back yet, but they aren't open for 2 more hours so they won't until some time after that.

    Thanks @carolyn231723‌ I will try ice packs for at least temporary relief.

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  • Sounds like Carpel Tunnel to me as well. I have been wearing a wrist brace at night and it has helped tremendously!
  • Is it bad after waking up? If so I would say carpal tunnel too. It's a bitch and I would suggest getting wrist braces.

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  • My fingers and wrists feel like I jammed them, especially when I get up in the morning. I am thinking carpal tunnel. I plan to ask at my appointment today.
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  • Is it bad after waking up? If so I would say carpal tunnel too. It's a bitch and I would suggest getting wrist braces.

    It is worse right after waking up, but lasts through the day. I just didn't know carpal tunnel would affect my fingers like this! I thought it was only wrists. Well, at least i know my mom has some braces for her wrists so I can see if she will let me borrow them.

    Thanks guys.

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  • Is it bad after waking up? If so I would say carpal tunnel too. It's a bitch and I would suggest getting wrist braces.

    It is worse right after waking up, but lasts through the day. I just didn't know carpal tunnel would affect my fingers like this! I thought it was only wrists. Well, at least i know my mom has some braces for her wrists so I can see if she will let me borrow them.

    Thanks guys.
    Yeah that sounds like my carpal tunnel too. Hope you can get some relief!

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    BFP: 09/13/13  ---  MMC: 10/25/13
    BFP: 12/25/13  ---  DD: 09/10/14
    BFP: 03/16/15  ---  EDD: 11/30/15

  • Yep. Got it in both hands, but worse on the right. It's really bad in the morning and gradually improves during the day (yet the numb fingers never goes away). I would suggest getting a brace and sleeping in it. Also try to keep your hands moving as much as you can.
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  • Both hands here too, worse in right, 2 finger tips in right hand are numb/tingly.  Doc said for me normal due to swelling, been a problem for a few weeks now, worse in am, hurts to close hand into fist.  Relief will come soon though :)
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  • I have had this for a while! For me, it's just my fingers and feels like they are bruised. I can barely bend them in the am but throughout the day they get better. My doctor wasn't concerned though!
  • I've got this one too, I've started to take a warm shower when I get up and that seems to help loosen up my fingers and ease some of the pain away. It sticks around most of the day but it feels less painful after a warm shower.
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  • I've been having it since I was 33 weeks. It feels like I can't make a fist at all and my wrists want to come off its joints from the pain. Before I spoke to my doctor, I got a pair of wrist bands for carpel tunnel. Then my doctor told me the only thing I could do was take Tylenol, warm baths, and wear my wrist bands. 

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  • I've had this since 34 weeks (now at 40) and my Dr said it's from the relaxin hormone in my system. It's worse in the mornings especially since I have to sleep in my sides. I've been taking Tylenol in the mornings and it helps.
  • It's carpel tunnel. I have it and my arms hands wrists and fingers throb and tingle. It's awful!
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