September 2014 Moms

Allie Danielle's birth story (GroxB)

First, Thank you @CarmAlarm‌ for updating the board. I love thee to the moon and back!

My birth story, it begins (and is a novel):

4:30pm Sunday. DH and I are at my Moms rental house (she's staying down where we live to help out for the first month or two. I'm way too lucky). Ok- so her rental house has IMMACULATE carpet and furniture. Keep this is mind.
I'm sitting on this love seat, and I'm getting animated telling my Mom and DH about how I was being so ragey to the girl who capitalized every letter of her post, and all I wanted was for my baby to come.

POP. You know when it's your water- it's a deep pop. So my first thought is, "oh god- this couch". I stood up and ran to the tile floor so I would miss the carpet. Luckily, it worked. But WOW was there a lot of fluid.

Contractions started pretty strong 5-10 minutes after the water broke. DH drove back to our house to grab our hospital bags, then it was off to L&D!

I got checked in to the labor room around 530. My contractions were about 7 minutes apart and hurt pretty badly. I was 1cm dilated, -1 station and 100% effaced. I had to wait until I received a full bag of fluids before they could start the epidural. I'm glad I got to feel some contractions: it confirmed my want for the Epi.

The epidural was no joke going in. I had contractions during the threading, so he waited between but it was still hell. It doesn't hurt like pain persay; it's more of a pressure in your spinal column. Apparently DH could hear tendons being punctured by the needle and had to clench his thighs to not pass out. All I heard was my grunts and breathing.

Skip ahead 15 minutes- Epi is working. HEAVEN. No more pain with contractions and no more back pain. Glorious. They check my cervix, which btw when you have an Epi, legit feels like they are sticking their fingers in your butt. I actually asked the nurse if she was in my butt. No shame. Anyway- 2cm. Womp.

Our nurse is super sweet. She's like, maybe 26, and gorgeous. It felt like a tv nurse. It was slightly awkward when she would do cervix checks because I was always used to older woman. I'm sure DH loved it. Meh, that just got awkward'er.

Skip ahead a few more hours to 1am. I've napped a bit, and am still in numb heaven. Im now 4cm. Progress. Back to sleep. sleep is not really the right term when your BF cuff checks you every 15 min. I mean, really?!

DH and I get woken up at 4am for a new check. The baby nurse is now with my young nurse. They check, and BOOM, 10cm and ready to go! Weeee! I'm half asleep, but trying to rally. They call my OB who lives about 15 minutes away.

My OB arrives and it's show time. I put my feet in the lovely stirrups, and with each contraction I push down into my butt for 10 seconds, 3 times.

We do this for an hour. Lots of cheering and support- everyone was awesome. DH was holding a leg and loved watching her head progress. Who knew?! After an hour of good pushes, I feel intense pressure down in my butt (but 0 pain) and then a big release. My baby girl is finally out!

Instant skin to skin while they clean her off. We wait for her chord to stop pulsing, and DH cuts it. She quickly latches on to my breast and is a champ at feeding. It was all so surreal.

After some feeding, they take her to her little station to clean her up a bit more. I notice the baby nurse looking at her more carefully, then calls the OB over. I officially lose 20 years of my life, and panic. What's wrong with my perfect angel?

Allie's right ear did not fully form. We are still not sure if the canal is there, but with some research we found that most babies with this condition do have canals, and have little to no trouble hearing like any other child. Still, let me tell you, it's petrifying feeling like your child may be deaf in one ear. You want them to be perfect. The Ped is coming in today to check her and we should know more soon.

I quickly realized while breast feeding again and staring at her sweet ear, that she is perfect. She's perfect for us. We love every inch of her, and feel like God gave us Allie because He knew we would shower her with love, come what may.

Ok, ok- LONG story. Here is what everyone really wants!!

Allie Danielle
8oz 1lb
20" long

BabyFruit Ticker
August Siggy Challange: Alcohol Porn - Get yer' drank on! 

Re: Allie Danielle's birth story (GroxB)

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