September 2014 Moms

Fresh batch of pregnancy hormones today...

I cannot get ahold of it. Everything, everyone, is just irritating the F*CK out of me! I have never had so little patience for my SS, for the cashier at the grocery store that can't count, for the stupid woman crossing the street at a glacial pace when she's not even supposed to be, for my dog that whines to go outside and then yanks me right back to the house because she's afraid of her own shadow...none of them are doing anything that would actually bother me on a regular day, but on THIS day, I just want to scream.

Re: Fresh batch of pregnancy hormones today...

  • Totally with you on this one.
  • I've been feeling the same way today!!! I just can't handle people today. Even the little girl I watch was driving me insane today, I had to take a step back and take a deep breath (or 30) and remind myself she's 16 months she's going to be whiny and pissed for no reason at times because I seriously wanted to just set her in the pack and play and leave her there for four hours till her mom got home.Thank god next week is my last week watching her for awhile and it's a short week.
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  • Im right there with ya mama! I try to avoid the general public lately. 
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    Natural M/C 1.10 MMC 1.13 CP 12.13
    This is for all the caterpillars that never became butterflies. And for all the butterflies that never felt the wind in their wings. And for all the hearts that had hopes and dreams of a wondrous flight together.
  • I want my husband to go away and I want my mommy. My mommy lives further away than I am allowed to travel right now, and she's on-call for her job this weekend so no mommy time for me.. but I still want my mommy. I hear you today man, the hormones are just making me a mad woman.
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  • My poor SS. He is the main source of my frustration, and he's not doing anything wrong. Just being 4. But I can't stand him lately. Every time he asks for something or complains about something, I just want to rip my hair out. This is the first time he's ever told me that he wants to go to his mom's house :-( I feel like such a monster.
  • Girl- I am SO there. I'm a bitchy hot MESS today!
    BabyFruit Ticker
    August Siggy Challange: Alcohol Porn - Get yer' drank on! 
  • All of us need to get these babies OUT!!!
  • Ugh, this is so me this morning. Rough overnight shift, throbbing back, and missing my train because the day shift can't be bothered to show up on time. I ugly cried in the cab this morning when I realized I would miss my train and would have to wait an hour for the next one, meaning a whole hour of sleep lost, and two more night shifts to go this weekend. I am so over working while being this pregnant.
  • Yep yep. DH is in for it today... and half of what he's in trouble for, he wasn't even awake for. Still being asleep at noon is not helping his case.
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