So I just left my 36 week appointment and they did the ultrasound to check the babies position. She had been breech but she flipped!! However, they did confirm that at least one of her feet is clubbed.
At my AS, back in May, they could not get a good view of her feet because she was sitting on them. We scheduled a level 2 and the perinatologist said she was confident it was just her position and she did not have a club foot.
Does anyone have experience with club foot? I am feeling super overwhelmed and unprepared.
Re: Clubfoot
My oldest dd who is now 13 has clubfoot on her right side. She is a freaking track rockstar! Hurdles and long jump.
Totally overwhelming. Absolutely a challenge. But probably not for the reasons you are thinking. It is very treatable and I absolutely recommend getting a referral to Shriners hospital in your area if you have one within a few hours driving distance. They are miracle workers.
They will do serial castings to straighten the foot and the sooner those get started, the better. We started at 1 week old. The biggest challenge during treatment is bathing. Sponge baths are your option.
My dd had two surgeries for tendon and ligament placements at 4 or 5 months to lengthen the Achilles and one at 5years old to cross transfer tendons on her foot to pull it back outward. When she was born, her heel was so tight, her toes were pointing to the floor and the ball of her foot by the big toe was pretty much touching her calf.
Like I said, it was difficult but it was corrected so that she could crawl on time and walk without difficulties. And like I said, she is doing an amazing job in track. Private message me if you would like to talk more, I know how hard it is to find this one out. I was 18 and didn't know until after she was born so I know the importance of a good support system while going through the castings and treatments!
Luckily my mom works in the OR at our local children's hospital and has already given me the name of the best orthopedic surgeon.
I'll PM you later mom2four.