So I got my pump in the mail yesterday, yay! I opened it up to figure it out and read directions...and it came to the part about fitting the breast shields. DH started laughing at me b/c I was sitting topless on the couch holding a shield to my boob while studying the diagram in the booklet. I can't for the life of me figure out if the shield is the right size...or if I need a bigger set.
Does it matter how much of the breast is covered by the sheild? Or should I just make sure that my nipples are centered and my areolas aren't being sucked into the channel? I'd like to have this figured out before I bring baby girl home...but I can always bring the shields with me to the hospital...
{Me:27, Dx:PCOS, LPD, & rob(14;15)}
{DH:31 all clear, "super sperm"}
Ecstatically married July 30, 2011--TTC since Jan 2013:::Baby #1 due 9/11, Conceived on cycle #5 of Femara + Hcg + IUI
~Love and Light to everyone~
My furbabies--Mr. Bubbles and Miss Kitty 
Re: Breast Pump Help
S14 August Siggy Challenge.....ALL OF THE ALCOHOLS the right size breastshield(1).jpg
Oh hey similac. You mean I can feed you to my baby and drink all the whiskey I want? Innnnteresting
First BPP 1.24.14
EDD 9.26.14
Baby Cooper John born on 9.24.14 6lbs9oz
I just used the shields that came with my pump and was fine. If a LC isn't helpful, just try them and if you don't seem to be pumping enough, try a different size.
I was completely intimidated by the pump and didn't pump as early as I could have because I didn't want to take it out of the box. But once I sat and figured it out, it wasn't so bad.
Another great resource if you have one near you is Baby Cafe. I went to one a couple of times before I went back to work. It's a nice place when you need to get out of the house and find a little support. They aren't everywhere, but if there's one local to you, I recommend it.
Another thought, once your milk comes in your breast may become engorged so even if one shield is comfortable/fits now, it may not once you have milk.
I will definitely be taking my pump to the hospital again. Last time I was cheap and only got a my first year pump because I didn't want to spend the money incase breast feeding didn't work out for us. This time I went all out and got a medela pump and can't believe the differences between the two, so I know I will need help again.
Edited because autocorrect thinks it's smart and I apparently can't proofread.
BFP #2! Travis is getting a sibling!
EDD: 1/24/2017
This is for all the caterpillars that never became butterflies. And for all the butterflies that never felt the wind in their wings. And for all the hearts that had hopes and dreams of a wondrous flight together.