So, I had my first dr appt on Friday and everything was fine except for the fact that we don't have a firm due date (irregular cycles). ?Because of this, I am having an ultrasound on this Friday so the doctor can measure and come up with an accuarate due date. ?My labs were all normal, exam was fine, etc. ?You'd think that would reassure me. ?However, I'm now worried about the ultrasound and what it will show. ?I am terrified of it showing an embryo that isn't viable or a blighted ovum. ?Ugh!!! ?I know the chances are fairly small that anything is wrong, but I can't help but worry. ?I will feel soooo much better after the ultrasound! ?Anyone have similar fears?
Re: Paranoia
natural mc @ 10w4d 3/7/10
DS2 born 9/13/12