September 2014 Moms

**Winning Wednesday**

@crystalangel79‌ started this off in the WTF thread and hers is pretty hard to beat, but let's keep the positive vibes rollin' in! What has you kickin' up your heels today/this week, ladies?
{Me:27, Dx:PCOS, LPD, & rob(14;15)}
{DH:31 all clear, "super sperm"}
Ecstatically married July 30, 2011--TTC since Jan 2013:::Baby #1 due 9/11, Conceived on cycle #5 of Femara + Hcg + IUI
~Love and Light to everyone~ 
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My furbabies--Mr. Bubbles and Miss Kitty <3
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Re: **Winning Wednesday**

  • I slept well last  night and was able to do some jogging intervals during my walk this morning. Its a gorgeous day and can't wait to spend it outside with my kids!
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
                                   DS 10/02/09  DD 03/28/11
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  • DS woke up at 5:30 which is not much of a win, but then my sister texted me at 7:30 saying she was staying home from work today for some reason. So I get the day off of watching my niece! After this I only have one more day of work and one more day of watching my niece! I'm so looking forward to next week and not having any commitments to anyone, other than a Drs appt and hanging out with DS.
    photo dca9b006-0f54-4503-ad9d-536560d9d80f.jpg
    Mr C born 10/25/11  Miss M born 9/11/14
  • @crystalangel79 love the good news on the ultra sound. Will continue to keep you and the baby in  my thoughts and prayers

    @justcricket glad she is gaining weight! keep it up baby girl!

    My sister and I were both up really early so she invited me over and made me a delicious breakfast and I got to play with my nephew for a while. I got my car washed so tonight DH will install the car seat and I will get it checked by the fire department tomorrow. We are going to the beach this weekend and my due date isn't until 9/15. But I want to have everything I need with me incase baby girl decided to make an early entrance.

    BabyFruit Tickerimage

  • I know it generally means nothing, but midwife said my cervix went from posterior to anterior. At least those BH are doing SOMETHING!
  • I have at most 2 days of work left (next week Tue and a couple hours on Wednesday).

    My fridge is full of yummy things. Things I don't really want to eat right now but at least dh has his lunches lined up for a while.

    My fridge also has a roll of cookie dough (soon to be moved to the freezer) so I can have some fresh homemade cookies waiting for Dd1 after her first day of preschool next week.
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  • On the professional side, it's my 3 year anniversary of working where I work, and it's been the best job that I've had yet. Also, the business that FI and I started a month ago is off to a really good start.
    And I posted this in a separate thread, but baby girl will be here by next Wednesday!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • So happy that I got cleared by the nutritionist for two more weeks! No meds for me! Nothing has been changing with my gd, I'm still doing fine. Everything has been stable for the duration of my pregnancy, I almost had her convinced that she could release me for good but my fasting is within range but at the top of the scale. Two week recheck, I'll take it. Whether I actually make it in to see her in two weeks will remain to be seen. That puts me two weeks from my due date.

    Then waiting for our celebratory sugar free coffee and pink milk, crazy old woman backs into dd and I. Blah. We are home safe and sound and it's nap time!
  • I painted my toes last night! That's the last time that's going to happen for a while...
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Pregnancy Ticker
    Jan 18 December Siggy Challenge: Christmas Movies

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