This check-in is for anyone with Gestational Diabetes or
those who have blood sugar levels that are high or low and could use the extra
support. Check-in is posted on Tuesdays.
Keep in mind that any
info shared here isn't meant to be medical advice and if you plan on
changing something to run it by your Dr. first-as most of these posts go
with the bump!
This is one link I found to have a pretty good explanation of GD! the questions-
How far along are you?
Management Method (diet/exercise
or insulin/other medication):
Any upcoming appointments/tests
(growth u/s, NST, etc) in the next week?
Anything you are struggling with
or need help with? Any questions? Anything working well you'd like to share?
GTKY: What is your favorite snack currently? I need new ideas 
mdexter11 ConversationFear
MrsG914andthatmakes4 Let me know if you don't want to be tagged!
Re: ~Gestational Diabetes Check In-8/26/2014~
How far along are you? 37 weeks
Management Method (diet/exercise or insulin/other medication): diet
Any upcoming appointments/tests (growth u/s, NST, etc) in the next week?OB/NST/fluid US Friday
Anything you are struggling with or need help with? Any questions? Anything working well you'd like to share? My fingers are on strike. They no longer want to give me blood. I usually have to stick myself 2-3 times to get enough. I've raised the level on my thing, but my pinky and pointer just won't do it and now the other two are sore. Yesterday I gave up and did my right hand. 80% of me wants to meet my little girl, 20% wants her to come so I can stop sticking myself 4 times a day! Is that bad? I feel bad.
GTKY: What is your favorite snack currently? I need new ideas
Beef jerky, apple and pb, and I never get tired of cantaloupe and cottage cheese.
How far along are you? 35 weeks, 5 days
Management Method (diet/exercise or insulin/other medication): Diet only
Any upcoming appointments/tests (growth u/s, NST, etc) in the next week? I have a growth scan next Tuesday-but only because I am measuring 3 weeks behind and they want to see how big she opposite of what a GD Mom would expect.
Anything you are struggling with or need help with? Any questions? Anything working well you'd like to share? I am just noticing myself being more lax, which is causing my sugars to bounce around. My Dr. said they still looked fine, so my goal is to get back to being more strict over the next few weeks.
GTKY: What is your favorite snack currently? I've been eating alot of fruit, protein bars, and cheese...I am sick of the same snacks!How far along are you? 39 weeks
Management Method (diet/exercise or insulin/other medication): Glyburide for fasting #'s
Any upcoming appointments/tests (growth u/s, NST, etc) in the next week? Just had my weekly yesterday. No signs of dilation as of yet. I'm actually measuring a little behind now (was 2 weeks ahead about a month ago), didn't think to ask if that meant I had dropped or what. Doc's not worried about it.
Anything you are struggling with or need help with? Any questions? Anything working well you'd like to share? Never thought I would say this but I am officially sick of protein-only breakfasts. I am SO TIRED OF EGGS - I just want biscuits and gravy and PANCAKES!!!
GTKY: What is your favorite snack currently? I need new ideas
I'm still loving string cheese and peanut butter and celery. 
How far along are you? 35 weeks 4 days
Management Method (diet/exercise or insulin/other medication): Diet and 2.5 Glyburide at Breakfast and Dinner
Any upcoming appointments/tests (growth u/s, NST, etc) in the next week? After last weeks debacle in L&D with heart rate decels we have stepped it up this week. I had a NST and BPP yesterday. NST today, OB on Thursday and NST/BPP on Saturday.
Anything you are struggling with or need help with? Any questions? Anything working well you'd like to share?
Last weekend was the first time that I felt like I was just over the whole GD thing and ready to have my son. He had a couple of major heat rate decelerations in the office and at the hospital. They are attributing it not really to the GD but to him stepping on his cord (they think). However while Im happy to have all the monitoring, when Im home not on monitor Im a nervous wreck that somethings going to happen to him, that my sugars will be high etc. As scared as I was to think about the possibility of an emergency C-Section at the hospital last week, a big part of me just accepted the fate and would have been ok with just delivering him and knowing he is safe.
So far this week has been fine though! He passed both tests with flying colors and his movements have been good.
GTKY: What is your favorite snack currently? I need new ideas myself. I think Ice Cream, protien bars and pretzels with PB are still my go to'sFirst BPP 1.24.14
EDD 9.26.14
Baby Cooper John born on 9.24.14 6lbs9oz
How far along are you? 39 weeks
Management Method (diet/exercise or insulin/other medication): Insulin for fasting, diet/exercise
Any upcoming appointments/tests (growth u/s, NST, etc) in the next week? NST today and OB tomorrow
Anything you are struggling with or need help with? Any questions? Anything working well you'd like to share? I also have grown a little lax. My numbers are still great but I snack on things I shouldn't.
GTKY: What is your favorite snack currently? I need new ideas@suitern-I am also struggling with getting lazy about what I eat. My numbers continue to be good but for example I had dinner, tested then 45 minutes later had a 15g snack of frozen yogurt. (I can't eat a night time snack). And I didn't test. My rationale is that sometimes even non GD moms must have a spike in their BG right? Then I think of pushing out a 9 lb baby and that helps keep me more on track.
@smabdo-I believe being sick with do crazy things to your numbers, especially if it interferes with sleep.
@Conversationfear-I never want to see another egg as long as I live. I just want pancakes too.
@mrsh112-So glad lo is doing better.
@smabdo, I have just been using the box stuff and I eat two small panckaes, plus eggs and bacon to balance out the carbs. I also use agave syrup vs. maple syrup since the carb/sugar count is way less!
35weeks as of yesterday and still diet controlled.
I see both nutritionist tomorrow and OB Thursday. I'm frankly a little pissy with nutritionist because I've been seeing them all along as well as my doctor and everything has been perfect with only a few high numbers here and there. I have even been graduated to only testing every other day or 3ish times a week! Until two weeks ago and I was told now that I need to be under 130 at 1hr. Wtf?!? If I was over 130, it was only 132. Now nutritionist is talking medication and if things were out of control it would be different but I'm doing fine. Ugh. We shall see what my doc says. If she recommends meds, I'll do it but to just change what I'm suppose to be doing is kinda bs. I'm over all of this. Kid, hurry up! (Not really, just having a crappy day. But my levels have all been amazing today!!!)
She was also pissed about my fasting numbers which are pretty consistent between 88-93. Now they have to be 85. Fml. What are you doing to me lady?
How far along are you?
- 36 weeks
Management Method (diet/exercise or insulin/other medication):
- Diet
Any upcoming appointments/tests (growth u/s, NST, etc) in the next week?
- NST next Tuesday.
Anything you are struggling with or need help with? Any questions? Anything working well you'd like to share?
- Lately my sugar has been dropping out of nowhere, to the point where I nearly black out. At my appointment today, the doctor said there's ketones in my urine and he said it seems like I'm starving? He wants me to stop gaining weight, but told me I need to eat more. Sigh.
GTKY: What is your favorite snack currently?
- Cheese and Ritz crackers... How boring lol
DD born 9/3/14
BFP: 1/8/18 EDD: 9/18/18