September 2014 Moms

Question on induction instructions and manicure

I found out today that due to my pre e symptoms I will be induced if things don't happen naturally by 39 weeks.

I know it really is trivial in the grand scheme of things but I was just thinking about getting a mani pedi but wasn't sure if it would just have to come off by next week.

Anyone been told they can't have painted nails? I know certain surgeries they don't want painted nails but I wasn't sure about this. Didn't want to call the doc just to ask if I could get my nails done. Lol

Re: Question on induction instructions and manicure

  • Thanks ladies. I know the hope is to not need a c section but I want sure how prepared they wanted to be. I'll be going tonight or tomorrow for my nails 8->
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  • I plan on having my nails and toes painted! Just makes me feel pretty : )
  • I'm definitely getting a pedicure soon! I can no longer reach my own toes.

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  • I'm planning on trimming my nails down soon. I tend to keep them long and at one point during my labor with DS my mom had to pass my hand over to my sister because I had left lots of little half moon marks in her hand during a particuarly strong contraction. Oops.
  • You should get a mani-pedi regardless because you deserve it! I believe nail polish was removed before surgery so as not to interfere with the pulse oximeter, which goes on your fingertip and measures the oxygen in your blood. This is what we were told in nursing school, anyway. I'm not sure if this is still the case. We're still told to remove patients' polish pre-op, but I work mainly with men so it's rarely an issue! I once had a female patient who flat-out refused to remove her acrylics before surgery, and it didn't cause any problems.

    I'm totally continuing with my weekly pedicures up until the big day (whenever that is). :)
  • The only thing I can think of is when I had dd (induced) one of the monitors that they stick on your finger wouldn't work so they tried it on my toe. That wouldn't work so they removed the polish to make it work. Sorry no idea what the monitor was
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  • I'd say that's a valid question - I had surgery once and was told not to have painted nails so they could see if my nail beds turned blue. I don't think it's an issue with l&d tho. Good luck and enjoy your mani pedi!

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  • slowmo said:
    You should get a mani-pedi regardless because you deserve it! I believe nail polish was removed before surgery so as not to interfere with the pulse oximeter, which goes on your fingertip and measures the oxygen in your blood. This is what we were told in nursing school, anyway. I'm not sure if this is still the case. We're still told to remove patients' polish pre-op, but I work mainly with men so it's rarely an issue! I once had a female patient who flat-out refused to remove her acrylics before surgery, and it didn't cause any problems.

    I'm totally continuing with my weekly pedicures up until the big day (whenever that is). :)
    This. I'd go ahead and get your nails done if you'd like...chances are they won't need to hook you up to pulse-ox...but they can always remove the polish on one finger if need be.
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  • Like some other PPs said, it's just a little moniter to check your oxygen level in your blood. I'm a med-surg nurse and I only remove polish if its interfering with the moniter. I prep pts for surgery too and removing polish isn't usually required. Red polish is bad to mess with the moniter. :) So maybe avoid that one!

    I think a mani/pedi sounds absolutely perfect right now!!
  • I had my toes painted when I had my section with my first pregnancy and it wasn't an issue. I don't usually get manicures so I have no idea there. I keep my nails pretty short bc I don't want to scratch my kids and I hate getting butt cream under my nails.


  • I only had my toes painted... and those got covered by compression stockings and slipper socks. so no one saw my pretty toes! I had painted them... but only b/c I was bored a few days earlier.. boy was that a task!

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  • its possible they might take polish off of one nail, but even then sometimes just turning the part on your finger sideways might work too. Enjoy feeling pretty!

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    baby #3 arrived in September 2014...cannot get ticker to work no matter what I try!

  • I was induced last time and I had both a mani and pedi prior with no issues! Get yo pamper on!
  • Go wild with the toes! There is no reason to limit the possibilities. On the fingers, I personally, would stick with a lighter color and not a dark red or purple. Chances are it's fine but there is always a chance that it does interfere with the pulse-ox monitor on your finger (red light thingy). They will check your pulse ox level with every set of vitals. So, if you don't care to have one nail polish free if it messes with the sensor, go wild on the mani also!!
  • I know my MIL told me when she had DH she had to have a c/s because he was breeched, but they apparently didn't know that for awhile.  When they realized she would have to go for a c/s the doctor or nurse (can't remember which) told her to take off all her nailpolish.  After the c/s she asked the nurse why she had to do that.  The nurse laughed and said it was just to keep you busy so you would keep your mind off the c/s.

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  • I was induced last time and had a mani pedi and no issues until my emergency CS then they removed the polish from two of my nails.
  • Thanks ladies for the advice! I ended up going with a french on my fingers. Nice and light but still pretty. Mostly I was concerned cuz i usually do the gel which takes a little longer to get off and is a bit more money but keeps my nails a lot stronger. Didn't want to put the extra money in of it was just going to come off in a few days.
  • I just left the docs and am having a c section next week. I asked about nail polish and he said toes are fine but to keep my nails free of polish!
  • Interesting how many people had theirs removed for a c-section. I have the shelac/gel nail polish on right now and did for my c-section on Friday. It didn't interfere with the pulse-ox at all and no one even commented on it. Except a nurse who said she liked my nails!

    OP, hopefully there's no reason for a c-section for you in the first place and I'm glad you got yours done!
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