September 2014 Moms

Opinions appreciated

Hi ladies. So last weekend I believe my mucus plug fell out - two big globs of brownish goo! Since Saturday, I've have leaking - definitely not pee - not thick discharge - water discharge and more blobs of goo. Called dr and he said Its normal. I was 2cm dialated last week. Today I woke up with my panties and sheet soaked. Thought maybe inpeed but no smell or color. Got out of bed, more came out - maybe a 1/4 c or clear and brown watery mess. Called dr said normal. Now I have horrid cramps in my back and belly - feels like period. Is this early labor??? I know my body and this def isn't normal discharge for me!

Re: Opinions appreciated

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  • Yeah, if I had that much fluid coming out of me, and my doctor said it was normal, I'd be very concerned. Definitely go to L&D to get checked. My DD passed meconium in the fluid and there was greenish brownish stuff that came out with it.
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  • Yeezus.
  • It's been a few hours so I hope you went with your instinct and went to the hospital. Hopefully you can grace us with an update and a good one soon!

  • Hi ladies! Went to doctor after calling again and the amniotic fluid test was inconclusive! Dr said since I'm 35 weeks he wants him to stay in as long as possible. Did and ultrasound and fluid sacks were all good and baby is healthy - thank god. For those with the snarky comments, I'm sorry but this is all brand new to me. For those
    Who offered thoughts and prayers, thank you so much. I go back on weds for another appt. will keep you posted.
  • Kelmaz323 said:
    Hi ladies! Went to doctor after calling again and the amniotic fluid test was inconclusive! Dr said since I'm 35 weeks he wants him to stay in as long as possible. Did and ultrasound and fluid sacks were all good and baby is healthy - thank god. For those with the snarky comments, I'm sorry but this is all brand new to me. For those Who offered thoughts and prayers, thank you so much. I go back on weds for another appt. will keep you posted.
    So you just peed yourself? You were talking about a lot of fluid there. Glad you saw your doc...
  • He said it was a mixture of discharge, urine and possibly fluid
  • Kelmaz323 said:

    He said it was a mixture of discharge, urine and possibly fluid

    Are you still at the hospital? At 35 weeks wouldn't they keep you for observation if there was a suspicion of a fluid leak?


  • @CarmAlarm‌ I shall cherish it always
    {Me:27, Dx:PCOS, LPD, & rob(14;15)}
    {DH:31 all clear, "super sperm"}
    Ecstatically married July 30, 2011--TTC since Jan 2013:::Baby #1 due 9/11, Conceived on cycle #5 of Femara + Hcg + IUI
    ~Love and Light to everyone~ 
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  • Eww.
  • Sounds like you lost your mucus plug and then your water broke which means you are in labor..go with your gut know your body more than anybody else!
  • @Lindsaylyons87‌ she already went to the doctor and isn't in labor...
  • I don't think you received snark. Your dr said it was a mix of fluid and still sent you home? That doesn't sound right to me. I hope thinks continue to go well.

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  • If this is true, I hope you're being monitored for infection. Take your temp every 3 hrs and watch the color/odor of any discharge- foul, green, smelly or off means trouble. Watch baby's movement very closely for any decrease and go straight to L&D. If this actually happened to me, I'd insist on reg AFI checks and NSTs from here on out.

    *Ticker/Siggy Warning*

    Me: 37 DH: 38 TTC since 2011 DH normal Dx: DOR (AFC ranges from 6-11; AMH 0.16; FSH 11.9; E2 45) 11/13: 1st IVF converted to IUI due to poor response to high dose antagonist protocol (only 3 follies) = BFN 12/13: IUI #2 letrozole + Bravelle = BFP, beta #1 156, beta #2 196 (diff. lab), beta #3 1037; 1st ultrasound @ 5 wks 1 day = 6 mm gest sac; 2nd ultrasound 6 wks 1 day = tiny flickering heartbeat; 3rd ultrasound 7 wks 1 day 10.3 mm embie growing away! 

    PAIF/SAIF Welcome!

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