Hi All

I had my 38 week appt yesterday and to the Dr.'s surprise I am 3.5 cm dilated, 60% effaced & DS head position (?) is -1. Any ladies have previous experiences or know their stats so far? The Dr. Seemed to think I may not make it to next appt. Just curious of what to expect or simillar experiences!!
Re: Dilation/Effacement, 38 weeks
S14 August Siggy Challenge.....ALL OF THE ALCOHOLS
I've been 2 cm for 3 weeks now and I am 38 weeks. I didn't dilate at all before labor with DD and had her at 37 weeks.
With my first my water broke at 38+5 and I was not dilated or thinned at all.
Yeah - 39 weeks tomorrow and nothing.
Everything is all tucked back and closed tight...I think he's pretty happy where he is, so no plans for his grand appearance just yet.