A few minutes early, cause I'm up late... insomnia!
1. How far along are you/how big is baby? If baby is outside already, for how long?
2. How are you feeling?
3. Upcoming appointments?
4. Two questions for this week. First (and this question is stolen from other ticker days) are you planning on having LO dressed as anything special for Halloween? Second, how are you feeling about how much time you have left? Excited? Anxious? Some combo?
Re: **Saturday Ticker Change**
2. I'm feeling ok. Typical third trimester complaints and discomforts.
3. This week's appointment is Wednesday. Normal 37 week appointment, plus NST and this week is a growth scan. The extra tests are important this week, because I've had slightly elevated blood pressure and I'm also being watched for polyhydramnios (too much amniotic fluid) as a result of gestational diabetes. My fingers are crossed that we are doing well enough to keep baby in a bit longer.
4. LO has two Halloween bibs, and one Winnie the Pooh costume. We probably won't go anywhere, but he'll wear his Pooh bear clothes and help me answer the door for trick or treaters.
As for the more serious question of the week, I'm feeling better than I have been. LO's nursery furniture was delivered yesterday and his room is coming along nicely. I've done 5 loads of laundry, his crib is all set up, curtains are hung, and all the accessories are organized. I'm holding out on clothes until after this weekend. With his room finally being semi-ready, I'm less nervous about him coming early. That's good, because with so many risk factors going on, it's extremely unlikely that we'll make it to 40 weeks. I'd love for him to get to come naturally, but if interventions mean that we both wind up healthy, I won't fight the Dr at all.
Anyway, happy week, everyone!
38 weeks!
2. How are you feeling?
Feeling good!
3. Upcoming appointments?
I have my weekly appointment on Thursday.
4. Two questions for this week. First (and this question is stolen from other ticker days) are you planning on having LO dressed as anything special for Halloween?
I wasn't planning on dressing LO up but am loving the costumes that incorporate the baby carrier, so who knows!
Second, how are you feeling about how much time you have left? Excited? Anxious? Some combo?
I am feeling a combination of both. I'm excited to not be pregnant anymore but also sad this will be the last time I will ever experience pregnancy. I am also very anxious about how the actual labor will go. It scares me to think it can be any day now!
@braybee any day now is definitely a scary thing! Glad we're almost there though.
38 weeks, big freakin pumpkin baby.
2. How are you feeling?
Normal third tri complaints. I think she's dropped because I really can't stop peeing now. Yesterday I overdid it and was feeling awful. I had/still have a feeling it's going to happen before I go pick up my H from the airport next Friday, but that's so not raven.
3. Upcoming appointments?
Weekly on Friday because bishes be clogging up the Thursday appointments.
4. Two questions for this week. First (and this question is stolen from other ticker days) are you planning on having LO dressed as anything special for Halloween?
I just got a little skeleton sleeper and she has an orange cloth dipe with little black cats on it. Probably won't be going anywhere, but who knows.
Second, how are you feeling about how much time you have left? Excited? Anxious? Some combo?
I'm feeling ready. I'm still anxious about her possibly coming late, since that means H won't get to meet her until mid to late October, when he can take leave again. I really hope that's not the case. But any day between now and September 9th sounds great to me.
Thanks again for the check in @mrsdanielleM2010!
@cpj7 so happy she's coming home
@mamakate12345 so glad to hear the ultrasound showed good size. What a relief!
@cpj7 I'm so so glad Olivia got to come home! What a huge step for her! Good luck keeping up with the pumping- it sounds exhausting.
@conradraging cloth pumpkin bum sounds absolutely adorable! And you better stop overdoing it or I will personally come scold you!
2. How are you feeling?
Good... Had my first round of contractions the other night so that was interesting. Otherwise just tired.
3. Upcoming appointments?
Passed my 24hr urine last week. Yippee! However need to do it again on Wednesday just as a percaution.
4. Two questions for this week. First (and this question is stolen from other ticker days) are you planning on having LO dressed as anything special for Halloween? Second, how are you feeling about how much time you have left? Excited? Anxious? Some combo?
I've got my eye on a super cute strawberry costume at Carter's, if not then just a festive onesie or sleeper.
I feel differently day to day. Mostly excited & ready to meet her but anxious of not knowing when that might be
35 weeks today. We had to do a BPP Tuesday so we got a another peak and he was 5.7 lbs. right on track
2. How are you feeling?
Back pain, being uncomfortable when sitting, can't sleep at all
3. Upcoming appointments?
Not until 36w
4. Two questions for this week. First (and this question is stolen from other ticker days) are you planning on having LO dressed as anything special for Halloween?
Probably not but I'll decide later
Second, how are you feeling about how much time you have left? Excited? Anxious? Some combo?
Pretty excited. A little sad to have my first pregnancy excitement over with. Nervous that everyone insists on telling me how much our lives are going to change
TTC since 2.11
BFP #1: 3.15.11- c/p
MTHFR Dx 6.13-Rx- folate and B12
BFP #2: 11.9.13 -m/c Trisomy 4
BFP #3 1.18.14 EDD 9.27.2014
2. Lower back and hip pain really suck. They're making it nearly impossible to sleep. I think he's also a little long for my torso because he is head down but I have a butt in my rib cage that is really hurting.
3. Appointment on Monday, if I make it that long. I've been contracting all day starting at ten min this morning down to seven min now.
4. DH has some ideas but we haven't really decided on anything yet. Maybe he will be a pumpkin and I'll let DS pull him around in a wagon if it's nice. I'm feeling good about him coming anytime now but DH seems to have just realized we are really having a baby. Earlier he said "oh my god... This is the last time we will be able to come here (buffalo wild wings) for like a year. Did you know that we are going to have no alone time?"
@alanaw121 butt in the ribs sounds horrid - I can hardly handle foot in the ribs