September 2014 Moms

**Saturday Ticker Change**

A few minutes early, cause I'm up late... insomnia!

1.  How far along are you/how big is baby?  If baby is outside already, for how long?
2.  How are you feeling?
3.  Upcoming appointments?
4.  Two questions for this week.  First (and this question is stolen from other ticker days) are you planning on having LO dressed as anything special for Halloween?  Second, how are you feeling about how much time you have left?  Excited?  Anxious?  Some combo? 



Re: **Saturday Ticker Change**

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  • @mambonumber5‌ she's so precious / I bet she will be an adorable football!

    @braybee‌ any day now is definitely a scary thing! Glad we're almost there though.


  • @zoeyy I wonder what your dd would say the new baby should be for Halloween? I bet she'd come up with something cute!

    @mamakate12345‌ so glad to hear the ultrasound showed good size. What a relief!

    @cpj7 I'm so so glad Olivia got to come home! What a huge step for her! Good luck keeping up with the pumping- it sounds exhausting.

    @conradraging‌ cloth pumpkin bum sounds absolutely adorable! And you better stop overdoing it or I will personally come scold you!


  • 1. How far along are you/how big is baby? If baby is outside already, for how long?

    2. How are you feeling?
    Good... Had my first round of contractions the other night so that was interesting. Otherwise just tired.

    3. Upcoming appointments?
    Passed my 24hr urine last week. Yippee! However need to do it again on Wednesday just as a percaution.

    4. Two questions for this week. First (and this question is stolen from other ticker days) are you planning on having LO dressed as anything special for Halloween? Second, how are you feeling about how much time you have left? Excited? Anxious? Some combo?
    I've got my eye on a super cute strawberry costume at Carter's, if not then just a festive onesie or sleeper.
    I feel differently day to day. Mostly excited & ready to meet her but anxious of not knowing when that might be :)

    Strawberry sounds adorable & congratulations on passing the 24 hour sample!


  • @pinklillies610‌ hope the BPP was for nothing serious & that all is well

    @alanaw121‌ butt in the ribs sounds horrid - I can hardly handle foot in the ribs


  • 1. 38 weeks
    2. I'm feeling pretty good for 38 weeks pregnant! Baby girl temporarily dropped but she's decided it's much more comfortable up in my ribs, so that's where she's been hanging out lately.
    3. 38 week appointment on Wednesday
    4. Halloween - I'm sure I'll dress her up since we'll be taking the 3 year old trick or treating, but I have no ideas for costumes yet. I have purchased some pumpkin socks and a black cat hat on clearance so far, but she'll have a Halloween outfit, too. I still dress my 3 year old up in a Halloween tee shirt every year.
    Feelings - I'm so happy that we'll finally meet her. I'm terrified that I won't be able to keep both kids alive. I'm worried about how little guy will react. I'm guilty because I have more negative feelings about adding to our family than positive ones. And I'm excited about a different birth experience (trying for no induction/med free this time) but scared that I won't be able to handle it. SO MANY FEELINGS.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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