So, we got back the urine results Saturday and it turns out I had far more than the allowed 300 protein in my urine test (and for the record, I ended up sending in 7500 mL of urine and they only tested 6000 of it, so I assume it would have been higher had they tested al of it).
Because of the preeclampsia diagnosis we were informed we would no longer be able to have our baby at the birthing center

our care has been transferred to an OB at the hospital and we will finish with them. We've been with the same group of 10 couples at the birthing center since the beginning (all due in September as well) and it's pretty hard knowing we are leaving that group

They sent us straight to the hospital for monitoring and we got out of there around 3am.
We are due September 25th but baby will be delivered September 5th unless something goes wrong before then, and we will induce early.
I also found out I'm positive for group b strep, which I know isn't a huge deal, but just another thing to add on to the changes in plans.
Lastly, as luck would have it, our induction date coincides with our move out/move in date to our new house. The timing of this is less than ideal, especially since we have no family within 12 hours, but we will figure it out.
Anyhow, I know these issues are nothing compared to some. I'm just trying to process all of the changes and the fact that we will now have a baby in less than 10 days!
Good luck to everyone else dealing with BP issues and preeclampsia. I didn't realize until now how quickly it can creep up on an otherwise perfectly healthy pregnancy, and how it can affect you so quickly.
Original post:
Last Friday at our appt my blood pressure was high-ish for the first time this pregnancy (120/87). Normally it's around 115/65. They did a quick urine test with a strip to look for protein just to be safe, and said there was a trace amount and we would recheck this week (today).
So, this morning my blood pressure was high again. 140/80. They retested on the other arm a little later and it was still that high.
So, they took my blood (will be calling with results tonight) and sent me home to do a 24 hour urine collection.
Now for the possible TMI. I have been home for just about 3 hours and am drinking water like I normally do, and I've already filled up one 3000 mL jug (they gave me 2...I figure that's normal).
Anyone else fill them up this quickly? I'm worried I might be diluting my urine too much by drinking too much water and the results will be wrong. I know I'll be talking to my midwife shortly when they call with my blood results, so I'll mention this to her, but of course in the mean time I'm laying here unable to do anything else but worry.
Also, I'm currently 35 weeks and a few days and my head is sort of spinning at the possibility that baby might have to come early. So, I apologize if this is a really silly question and welcome any tips or feedback
Re: Update 8/25: ? for those who have done a 24 hour urine protein collection
Good luck with the results!
First BPP 1.24.14
EDD 9.26.14
Baby Cooper John born on 9.24.14 6lbs9oz
ETA But that does seem fast to fill it and they do need all 24hrs collected, so it sounds like you may need additional jugs.
Married: August 2012
DD: 9/22/2014
BFP #3 on 7/23/16 EDD 3/30/16
Thanks again for taking the time to tell me your experiences were. It always helps to hear what others have gone through!
I've had an awesome pregnancy, and my BP was high at my last appointment too. There was no protein in my urine and blood work came back normal, but nervous that my BP will still be high at my check up on Thursday.
I understand the disappointment of not getting the birth experience you wanted. Still try to keep in touch with the other families if you can, you can all probably be good resources for each other still.
Also try to remember that it's what's best for mom and Baby at this point.
We were doing a homebirth with a midwife last time and that changed really fast when I got transferred. Now I no longer have the option of a homebirth in my state.
My best to everyone delivering early and dealing with BP issues too...hopefully everyone can stay healthy as long as possible.
Thank you again