September 2014 Moms

Well, it looks like I'll be an August mama

We'd been watching my blood pressure for pretty much my entire pregnancy. It'd always run on the higher end (130s/80s). At my 36 wk appointment on Wednesday, it was 170/90, then 160/100 after resting for 5 minutes. Too high so they sent me straight to L&D for monitoring. Of course, once I got there, my BPs were in the 120s/70s range, lab work all came back fine, and baby was doing great so I was only there for a couple of hours. They sent me home to do my 24 hr urine test and was put on bed rest. 

When I turned in my sample yesterday, they took my bp again. Initally, it was 154/92 (too high again) but after laying down, it was 134/86 so I was sent home again with strict bed rest orders. I got a call around 11 today saying they got my results back from the 24 hr urine sample at it was 345 which gave me a diagnosis of pre-eclampsia. Cue freak out. 

They will be inducing me on Tuesday (not sure if it'll be Monday night into Tuesday, or Tuesday night into Wednesday) so I will be becoming an August mom! While I am SO excited for my son to be here. I have a lot of anxiety about the induction and LO being healthy. T&P would be greating appreciated! Luckily, I had started to dialate at my appt and lost my mp yesterday so I'm hoping I'll be "favorable" for a vaginal delivery but I guess we'll see. Would love to hear some stories about successful inductions! 

TTC #1 Since October 2012
DX PCOS May 2013
Clomid 50-150mg- No Response
Moved to RE October 2013
Nov. 2013: IUI #1 Letrozole + Ovidrel = BFN
Dec. 2013: IUI #2 Letrozole + Ovidrel= BFP on 1/8/2014 !! EDD 9/17/2014
Beta #1 (12 dpo): HCG 27, Progesterone 15 (starting on supplements)
Beta #2 (15 dpo): HCG 297, Progesterone 29
Beta #3 (17 dpo): HCG 667, Progesterone 34
1st Ultrasound 1/28 (6 weeks + 1) Baby measuring exactly as it should, HB 118!
2nd Ultrasound 2/5 Baby measuring 7w4d, HB 133. Everything looks perfect!
3rd Ultrasound 4/29 (A/S) Our Baby BOY is measuring perfectly and everything looked great! HB160
Diagnosed with Pre-E at 36 weeks, placed on bed rest, induction schedule for 37 weeks. 

Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

BFP #2 on 7/30/15 EDD 4/7/16 MC @ 9 weeks
BFP #3 on 7/23/16 EDD 3/30/16

Re: Well, it looks like I'll be an August mama

  • Good luck on Tuesday!  
    Big Brother Nolan 07.30.12
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • No stories, but wanted to wish you the best of luck. Sorry it's so stressful!
    {Me:27, Dx:PCOS, LPD, & rob(14;15)}
    {DH:31 all clear, "super sperm"}
    Ecstatically married July 30, 2011--TTC since Jan 2013:::Baby #1 due 9/11, Conceived on cycle #5 of Femara + Hcg + IUI
    ~Love and Light to everyone~ 
    image image
    My furbabies--Mr. Bubbles and Miss Kitty <3
    imageBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker  

    image image
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  • Good luck to you and your LO. 
    Anniversary Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Try not to stress too much, as that will spike your BP.  By Tuesday, you'll be in the 37w window, so baby has excellent chances of being healthy.  Rest, hydrate, and eat up for the delivery and good luck!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Good luck! Lots of T&P.
  • Best of luck!!!

    BFP#1 4/17/2013 EDD 12/25/2013, MC 5/17/2013 8 weeks 3 days D&C 5/18/2013

    BFP#2 1/20/2014 EDD 9/28/2014, Baby Evie born on 9/23/2014 at 8:50pm.  6 lbs 15 oz!

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

  • Good luck!

    Dec '13: First FET 12/20 BFP!!
    12/31 Beta #1: 404 Beta #2: 1,027    
    Baby due 9/9/14     

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • Good luck and try to relax!
  • GOOD LUCK!  I was induced with my first due to high BP, and it went very smooth!
  • @MrsLaLaBug  So glad to hear that story! Hoping this one goes smoothly too!

    TTC #1 Since October 2012
    DX PCOS May 2013
    Clomid 50-150mg- No Response
    Moved to RE October 2013
    Nov. 2013: IUI #1 Letrozole + Ovidrel = BFN
    Dec. 2013: IUI #2 Letrozole + Ovidrel= BFP on 1/8/2014 !! EDD 9/17/2014
    Beta #1 (12 dpo): HCG 27, Progesterone 15 (starting on supplements)
    Beta #2 (15 dpo): HCG 297, Progesterone 29
    Beta #3 (17 dpo): HCG 667, Progesterone 34
    1st Ultrasound 1/28 (6 weeks + 1) Baby measuring exactly as it should, HB 118!
    2nd Ultrasound 2/5 Baby measuring 7w4d, HB 133. Everything looks perfect!
    3rd Ultrasound 4/29 (A/S) Our Baby BOY is measuring perfectly and everything looked great! HB160
    Diagnosed with Pre-E at 36 weeks, placed on bed rest, induction schedule for 37 weeks. 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    BFP #2 on 7/30/15 EDD 4/7/16 MC @ 9 weeks
    BFP #3 on 7/23/16 EDD 3/30/16
  • No experience but I just wanted o wish you the best of luck!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • T&P with lots of luck! Hope all goes well and that your LO is healthy!

    Pregnancy Ticker


    Tucker, Me and Phoebe.  Best Dogs!


    August Siggy Challenge: Drinks!! 

  • Good luck!

    ^^^ September Signature: TV series I plan on binge watching with my newborn I do what I want. ^^^

    image    image


     <3 Gage Douglas sunshine after the rain.

  • Good luck!  I hope your induction goes easily for both you and LO!
  • Good luck on Tuesday, on a positive note, you know when baby is coming. I was induced with DD and was completely closed up and still had a very successful and easy induction.
  • @Jenner37 Glad to hear you had an easy induction! You're right, the planner in me is kind of liking this induction thing. I just made up a nice long list of everything DH needs to take care of before Tuesday! 

    TTC #1 Since October 2012
    DX PCOS May 2013
    Clomid 50-150mg- No Response
    Moved to RE October 2013
    Nov. 2013: IUI #1 Letrozole + Ovidrel = BFN
    Dec. 2013: IUI #2 Letrozole + Ovidrel= BFP on 1/8/2014 !! EDD 9/17/2014
    Beta #1 (12 dpo): HCG 27, Progesterone 15 (starting on supplements)
    Beta #2 (15 dpo): HCG 297, Progesterone 29
    Beta #3 (17 dpo): HCG 667, Progesterone 34
    1st Ultrasound 1/28 (6 weeks + 1) Baby measuring exactly as it should, HB 118!
    2nd Ultrasound 2/5 Baby measuring 7w4d, HB 133. Everything looks perfect!
    3rd Ultrasound 4/29 (A/S) Our Baby BOY is measuring perfectly and everything looked great! HB160
    Diagnosed with Pre-E at 36 weeks, placed on bed rest, induction schedule for 37 weeks. 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    BFP #2 on 7/30/15 EDD 4/7/16 MC @ 9 weeks
    BFP #3 on 7/23/16 EDD 3/30/16
  • I had pre e with my last baby. They made me deliver right away at 36 weeks because of the combo of hbp and some signs of kidney and liver damage.
    My platelets were low so initially they didn't want to give me the epidural ,
    They did in the end.
    I was still able to have a vag delivery.
    Good luck.
    Once you deliver, all those aymptoms should disappear almost immediately.
  • @Mbechara, glad to hear you were still able to get the epidural...that's my plan. :) Thanks for sharing your story! 

    TTC #1 Since October 2012
    DX PCOS May 2013
    Clomid 50-150mg- No Response
    Moved to RE October 2013
    Nov. 2013: IUI #1 Letrozole + Ovidrel = BFN
    Dec. 2013: IUI #2 Letrozole + Ovidrel= BFP on 1/8/2014 !! EDD 9/17/2014
    Beta #1 (12 dpo): HCG 27, Progesterone 15 (starting on supplements)
    Beta #2 (15 dpo): HCG 297, Progesterone 29
    Beta #3 (17 dpo): HCG 667, Progesterone 34
    1st Ultrasound 1/28 (6 weeks + 1) Baby measuring exactly as it should, HB 118!
    2nd Ultrasound 2/5 Baby measuring 7w4d, HB 133. Everything looks perfect!
    3rd Ultrasound 4/29 (A/S) Our Baby BOY is measuring perfectly and everything looked great! HB160
    Diagnosed with Pre-E at 36 weeks, placed on bed rest, induction schedule for 37 weeks. 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    BFP #2 on 7/30/15 EDD 4/7/16 MC @ 9 weeks
    BFP #3 on 7/23/16 EDD 3/30/16
  • Good luck! I was induced a little early with my first due to suspected IUGR and aside from a long labor, I had a relatively uncomplicated vaginal birth.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Good luck! T&Ps to you and your LO

    Lindsay & Nicholas



    BabyFruit Ticker

  • Sorry about the pre e diagnoisis.  Good luck on Tuesday!
    DH and I Married 11.12.10
    First BPP 1.24.14
    EDD 9.26.14

    Baby Cooper John born on 9.24.14 6lbs9oz

  • Good luck!!
    DD:3 | DS:1
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • Best wishes for good induction and easy recovery!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    baby #3 arrived in September 2014...cannot get ticker to work no matter what I try!

  • Good luck!
    Finally! My September Siggy Challenge: TV Show I'll Be Binge Watching
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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Wishing you good luck!  With DS my blood pressure was fine up until 38 weeks.  I went from my weekly appointment straight to L&D for monitoring and then was induced that evening.  I was already 3 cm, so they only used pitocin.  It was a long labor, but complication free.  The doctor had to break my water.  I didn't think the pitocin contractions were too bad until after my water broke, that's when I got the epidural (which was wonderful).  I delivered DS vaginally.  

    I'll be induced this time around as well, but no date set yet.  Good luck on Tuesday!

     Daisypath Anniversary tickers

    First Son - born 2013
    Second Son - born 2014 - Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS) and Double Outlet Right Ventricle (DORV).  First open heart surgery at 5 days old.  He's had 3 open heart surgeries and several other procedures and is currently doing amazing.
    Third Son - due June 9, 2018
  • Good Luck!! T&P for a great delivery!!
    photo dca9b006-0f54-4503-ad9d-536560d9d80f.jpg
    Mr C born 10/25/11  Miss M born 9/11/14
  • @mytinc Thanks for sharing your story! At my appt, they said if my bp hadn't gone down, I would have been induced right away. Luckily, I have a few more days to mentally prepare! I'm feeling a lot better about it feels like Christmas x1000. I am so excited to meey this little guy!

    TTC #1 Since October 2012
    DX PCOS May 2013
    Clomid 50-150mg- No Response
    Moved to RE October 2013
    Nov. 2013: IUI #1 Letrozole + Ovidrel = BFN
    Dec. 2013: IUI #2 Letrozole + Ovidrel= BFP on 1/8/2014 !! EDD 9/17/2014
    Beta #1 (12 dpo): HCG 27, Progesterone 15 (starting on supplements)
    Beta #2 (15 dpo): HCG 297, Progesterone 29
    Beta #3 (17 dpo): HCG 667, Progesterone 34
    1st Ultrasound 1/28 (6 weeks + 1) Baby measuring exactly as it should, HB 118!
    2nd Ultrasound 2/5 Baby measuring 7w4d, HB 133. Everything looks perfect!
    3rd Ultrasound 4/29 (A/S) Our Baby BOY is measuring perfectly and everything looked great! HB160
    Diagnosed with Pre-E at 36 weeks, placed on bed rest, induction schedule for 37 weeks. 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    BFP #2 on 7/30/15 EDD 4/7/16 MC @ 9 weeks
    BFP #3 on 7/23/16 EDD 3/30/16
  • I was in the same boat as you with my first baby. My induction didn't go so great, but my BP shot up really fast and I was completely closed.

    My BP is starting to get high again this time. I'm hoping he comes before I get diagnosed with preeclampsia. I am a fingertip dilated this time. She told me an induction would go much better, since im dilated. So from what im told, you sound like a great candidate for an induction and have it go great!

    Thinking of you!
    Chad and Fawn

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers


  • Praying everything goes great for you on Monday or Tuesday and your LO is healthy.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Good luck. Pre-E sucks the big one. Had it last time. No experience with inductions since I was an emergency c/s.


  • Best wishes!!

    *O17 June Siggy Challenge - You had 1 job!*
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Pregnancy Ticker
  • Good luck to you and your little one!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • Good luck, hopefully everything goes as smoothly as possible.
  • Wishing you a safe & easy delivery! Good luck!!

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