September 2014 Moms

~Gestational Diabetes Check In-8/19/2014~

This check-in is for anyone with Gestational Diabetes or those who have blood sugar levels that are high or low and could use the extra support. Check-in is posted on Tuesdays.

Keep in mind that any info shared here isn't meant to be medical advice and if you plan on changing something to run it by your Dr. first-as most of these posts go with the bump!

This is one link I found to have a pretty good explanation of GD!

Now the questions-

How far along are you?

Management Method (diet/exercise or insulin/other medication):

Any upcoming appointments/tests (growth u/s, NST, etc) in the next week?

Anything you are struggling with or need help with? Any questions? Anything working well you'd like to share?

GTKY: Will your Dr. be inducing you at some point due to your GD or letting you go until you go into labor naturally?


I think I added everyone who chimed in last week on the check in! Let me know if you don't want to be tagged!

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Re: ~Gestational Diabetes Check In-8/19/2014~

  • Good luck to all of our Mama's nearing the end of their pregnancy! I know several of you will have your LO's in the coming weeks!

    How far along are you? 34 weeks, 5 days!

    Management Method (diet/exercise or insulin/other medication): Diet controlled

    Any upcoming appointments/tests (growth u/s, NST, etc) in the next week? Next appointment is Monday to check my numbers-nothing too exciting. Still going every two weeks at this point.

    Anything you are struggling with or need help with? Any questions? Anything working well you'd like to share?  I am just going along over here. Nothing seems to be out of the ordinary. I've found I can pretty much still enjoy everything I was eating before, so I can't complain. I just have to limit sweets more and watch my carb intake at breakfast or my sugars tend to run high the rest of the day.

    GTKY: Will your Dr. be inducing you at some point due to your GD or letting you go until you go into labor naturally?  I think if I stay diet controlled I can go to 40 weeks...we shall see what my body decides to do.
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  • Morning ladies!

    How far along are you? 37 weeks today

    Management Method (diet/exercise or insulin/other medication): diet/exercise and small amount of insulin at night for fasting numbers

    Any upcoming appointments/tests (growth u/s, NST, etc) in the next week? Appt today to check my numbers which have been really good I actually am finding I can eat a little more carbs and my numbers are on the lower side. Then NST and regular dr appt on Thursday.

    Anything you are struggling with or need help with? Any questions? Anything working well you'd like to share? I agree with you @ConversationFear‌ this summer I've had close to no BBQ and it so sad because I love BBQ'd everything but since I'm due early September I've already asked my husband to cook some when we get back from the hospital

    GTKY: Will your Dr. be inducing you at some point due to your GD or letting you go until you go into labor naturally? Originally the plan is to discuss inducing labor at my 38wk visit so we shall see . Either way I am getting so excited to meet my little girl. Now only if I can decide on a name :-?
  • I will be 38 weeks tomorrow, and I am controlling it with insulin and diet.  But really the insulin has allowed me to open most foods.  I have another nst on thursday and meet with my ob on monday.  As of this last monday we will discuss induction at 39 weeks so next Wednesday.  Initially we were going to discuss an induction for this week but he changed his mind since my numbers all look great and Grant is having a grand old time inside.  

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  • How far along are you? 36 weeks

    Management Method (diet/exercise or insulin/other medication): diet

    Any upcoming appointments/tests (growth u/s, NST, etc) in the next week? NST and fluid us Friday. But the tech told me that's more for my high bmi then my GD.

    Anything you are struggling with or need help with? Any questions? Anything working well you'd like to share? Nope, I feel like I'm doing good.

    GTKY: Will your Dr. be inducing you at some point due to your GD or letting you go until you go into labor naturally? This is a question I have for Friday at my regular appt.
    Eliza Mae - September 16th, 2014
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  • Hey ladies!  It looks like everyone is doing good so far!!  Yay!!

    How far along are you? 34 weeks 2 days

    Management Method (diet/exercise or insulin/other medication):  Diet

    Any upcoming appointments/tests (growth u/s, NST, etc) in the next week? Regular OB appt Wednesday.  I don't have to go back to the endo unless my sugars go out of whack!  Woo hoo.

    Anything you are struggling with or need help with? Any questions? Anything working well you'd like to share? No struggles really.  I miss white rice.  I am from the south and we LOVE rice.  Brown rice is just disgusting to me.

    GTKY: Will your Dr. be inducing you at some point due to your GD or letting you go until you go into labor naturally?
    My doc said that unless LO was over 10lbs or my sugars were out of whack, he won't induce.  LO was measuring at about 4lbs at my ultrasound at 32 weeks (35% percentile) so I HIGHLY doubt she is going to even be over 8lbs. 

    BFP#1 4/17/2013 EDD 12/25/2013, MC 5/17/2013 8 weeks 3 days D&C 5/18/2013

    BFP#2 1/20/2014 EDD 9/28/2014, Baby Evie born on 9/23/2014 at 8:50pm.  6 lbs 15 oz!

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

  • Hey Everyone!

    How far along are you? 34w4days :-)

    Management Method (diet/exercise or insulin/other medication): I just got moved up to a 2nd dose of glyburide at breakfast.  So its 2.5 at breakfast and Dinner now.

    Any upcoming appointments/tests (growth u/s, NST, etc) in the next week? We go 2 times a week for NST's, Once a week for BPP's and OB appointments

    Anything you are struggling with or need help with? Any questions? Anything working well you'd like to share?  I was sort of bummed that I had to be put on the 2nd dose of Glyburide to help my lunch numbers.  My dr and Maternal Fetal Medicine have been really good with reasuring me that Im doing the best I can do.  The baby is in the 52nd percentile,  Im eating well, im not gaining weight.  They answered all my questions about how the Glyburide might be effecting my son and in the end I feel good about going to the 2nd dose in these last weeks.

    GTKY: Will your Dr. be inducing you at some point due to your GD or letting you go until you go into labor naturally?  When the little guy was breech she said I was for sure a candidate for not only induction but c section.  However Ive been able to flip him, so now she basically said we will keep an eye on his size, as well as my numbers and most importantly the NST's to make a final decision on induction.
    DH and I Married 11.12.10
    First BPP 1.24.14
    EDD 9.26.14

    Baby Cooper John born on 9.24.14 6lbs9oz

  • MoroccoMorocco member
    edited August 2014
    How far along are you? 34 weeks and 5 days Management method: started 5 units of insulin with breakfast last week >Any upcoming appointments/tests (growth u/s, NST, etc) in the next week? Apt today to look at my numbers.. Then nst ,ultra sound and appointment on Thursday ">Anything you are struggling with or need help with? Any questions? Anything working well you'd like to share? I'm not thrilled with the insulin and am afraid they will up my dose today. High fasting and breakfast numbers this week.. I feel like I was doing very good but am now pin balling around and unable to get back on track despite what I eat! ">GTKY: Will your Dr. be inducing or letting you go until you go into labour naturally? Currently booked for a section on the 26th of September but this will be discussed Thursday after ultrasound.
  • @morocco, I was not at all happy that they put me on insulin, but the way my dr explained it makes since.  With high sugars the glucose will cross the placenta and the baby will start making insulin to counter act the high sugars.  After birth the baby will still be use to making insulin but will not be getting the onslaught of glucose anymore so the baby will struggle to keep his/her own glucose up most likely causing a nicu visit.  

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  • Hello again!!

    34w2d now and still diet controlled for now.

    No appointments this week but both on and nutritionist next week. There is talk of medication from my nutritionist even though all of my levels have been within range. She's wanting them lower than 130 at 1 hour after meals suddenly. My doc thinks everything looks great but unfortunately I see nutritionist before my doc so who knows. Especially when if was bad last night and didn't balance everything as I should and went over for the first time in probably 6 weeks. My fault. I will absolutely start the meds if my OB thinks it's necessary but everyone else has thought things were fine and now one person is changing everything. Makes me sad that I've done so well this entire time and by the standards she gave me, I still am but now she's changing all of that. :((

    I am still thinking induction in 39th week is possible but I'm guessing it will all depend on whether I end up on meds and how baby continues to grow. So frustrated right now.
  • That's the best explanation I've had yet.. Thank you :)
  • How far along are you? 38 weeks

    Management Method (diet/exercise or insulin/other medication): Insulin for fasting, exercise/diet

    Any upcoming appointments/tests (growth u/s, NST, etc) in the next week? I had appt and NST today and everything was great. Although it looks like baby isn't quite ready yet.

    Anything you are struggling with or need help with? Any questions? Anything working well you'd like to share? My fasting numbers went way down this week! I didn't do anything different.

    GTKY: Will your Dr. be inducing you at some point due to your GD or letting you go until you go into labor naturally? She said at 1 weeks we will talk induction.

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  • edited August 2014

    How far along are you? 

    38 weeks tomorrow 

    Management Method (diet/exercise or insulin/other medication): 

    Diet and 2.5 mg Glyburide for fasting

    Any upcoming appointments/tests (growth u/s, NST, etc) in the next week? 

    NST and 38 week checkup on Friday and my last NST and fluid check before induction is next Tuesday. 

    He's been being a butt at the last few NSTs I've had (staying asleep until they buzz him to get him to wake up), and my BP has been running higher than my norm, so I've been getting watched a little more closely.

    Anything you are struggling with or need help with? Any questions? Anything working well you'd like to share?  

    Just trying to keep the motivation up until next week.  These last couple of weeks have been kind of stressful, and my numbers have definitely reflected it.

    GTKY: Will your Dr. be inducing you at some point due to your GD or letting you go until you go into labor naturally? 

    I have my induction date set for next Friday (right at 39 weeks according to my OB), so by Labor Day, I will be having a baby (depending on what time/day I get in for my induction.  They have you call the morning of and they give you a time to come in).  Hospital policy is to induce at 39 if you are on meds, otherwise I would be allowed to go to 40 weeks or beyond.  With my BP creeping up and everything, I'm comfortable with going a little early.  

    At my 37 week growth u/s last Friday, he was 6 lb 13 oz (+/- 1 lb) at 37 weeks, so he is measuring right around the 50th percentile.  And as of today, I'm 1 cm dilated, 50% effaced, and at -3 station, all of which means nothing right now, but I feel like it's something because at least I'm making a little progress, and it would be a little less I have to dilate next week.    

    Me: 31 DH: 31
    Married 08/11/12 & TTC Since 10/13
    Previous Endo and Ovarian Cyst DX 
    March 2010: Lap. Surgery & D&C--removed 2 cysts 
    BFP: 12/20/2013 EDD: 09/03/2014 
    Travis Karel arrived on 08/21/2014 at 38w1d.
    BFP #2!  Travis is getting a sibling!
    EDD: 1/24/2017

    Mama to my two furbabies Sam and Phoenix
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Thanks for the check in @suitern

    How far along are you?

    36 weeks, 4 days today

    Management Method (diet/exercise or insulin/other medication):

    Diet, and now that I'm past 36 weeks I'm allowed to start my daily walks back up.  I had been doing 2 miles a day, got stopped around 33 weeks to prevent activity related contractions, and am now encouraged to do 2-4 miles again every day.

    Any upcoming appointments/tests (growth u/s, NST, etc) in the next week?

    I had my weekly appointment last night, they always include NST and either a BPP or growth scan.  Yesterday was not the greatest appointment.  He passed the NST with flying colors, but the BPP showed that my Amniotic Fluid is rising quickly.  8-18 is normal.  Last week I was at 18.4, yesterday just over 20.  Getting to 25 makes the protocol an immediate induction.

    Also my blood pressure was high, so I'm currently doing a 24 hour urine collection and monitoring with a cuff at home.  They took blood work to check my kidney, liver, and bladder function and once that comes back we should get a diagnosis of either prenatal hypertension (hopefully) or preeclampsia (immediate Cesarean). 

    In the mean time, I'm adding low-sodium to my dietary restrictions, and upping the water even more.  I had been getting about 100-120 oz a day.  New goal is 150 oz a day.  It may not make a difference, but I will certainly be trying to do whatever I can to keep things going well.

    Anything you are struggling with or need help with? Any questions? Anything working well you'd like to share?

    I am working on shifting all my visualizations.  I've been practicing visualizations and mantras all focused on a med free vaginal delivery, and that seems extremely unlikely at this point.  I also had expressed to my doctor that I didn't want an IV or internal fetal monitoring, and as few interventions as possible.  I don't think at this point with all my risk factors that that is a prudent or responsible course of action, so I'm shifting my expectations to prevent feeling disappointed. 

    GTKY: Will your Dr. be inducing you at some point due to your GD or letting you go until you go into labor naturally?
    See above for my current options.  The only way I'll be avoiding interventions would be for my AFI level and blood pressure to both stabilize.  These are related to the GD but not necessarily caused by it, and this is extremely unlikely.  Worst case scenario is Cesarean birth by the end of next week.  More likely, induction within the next two weeks.  We'll see!

    I hope everyone else has a wonderful week and that all your appointments go well!


  • How far along are you? 38 weeks

    Management Method (diet/exercise or insulin/other medication): Insulin for fasting, exercise/diet

    Any upcoming appointments/tests (growth u/s, NST, etc) in the next week? I had appt and NST today and everything was great. Although it looks like baby isn't quite ready yet.

    Anything you are struggling with or need help with? Any questions? Anything working well you'd like to share? My fasting numbers went way down this week! I didn't do anything different.

    GTKY: Will your Dr. be inducing you at some point due to your GD or letting you go until you go into labor naturally? She said at 1 weeks we will talk induction.
    I've had the same thing happen in the past week. I forgot to take my pill one night and was worried about my fasting # and it was the same as if I had taken it. Also the other night I had bread with my hot dog and my BS never got above 112. I'm tempted to try carbs with breakfast since I haven't been able to do that at all, but I'm afraid it might end up still being like 170 or something stupid like that. My doctor thinks it might be because I'm "at the end of the road" with this pregnancy that my body has started to regulate insulin the way it should again - but she advised I still stick with it until after LO is born.




  • edited August 2014

    SO I have a question for all you ladies - although this topic has been pushed back far enough I might not get any answers, but - I am assuming that with having GD most of you, if not all are having regular growth scans? How are you all measuring? Have they given you weight estimates on your little squishes yet?

    I KNOW they aren't 100% accurate, but I just thought I would ask the ladies with GD. They told me they are estimating between 8-8.5 lbs at 40 weeks, which is pretty much on par with what they have told me since 34 weeks. A friend of mine who was due a week ago was told she would have a large baby (in the 95th percentile) - she also has GD. She had her baby 2 days ago and he was 11 and change! :-O  I know they told her he would be large so they got that right, but now, of course, I'm all worried about how big this baby could potentially be.

    I know - it's stupid to worry about...I can't help myself. :(




  • SO I have a question for all you ladies - although this topic has been pushed back far enough I might not get any answers, but - I am assuming that with having GD most of you, if not all are having regular growth scans? How are you all measuring? Have they given you weight estimates on your little squishes yet?

    I KNOW they aren't 100% accurate, but I just thought I would ask the ladies with GD. They told me they are estimating between 8-8.5 lbs at 40 weeks, which is pretty much on par with what they have told me since 34 weeks. A friend of mine who was due a week ago was told she would have a large baby (in the 95th percentile) - she also has GD. She had her baby 2 days ago and he was 11 and change! :-O  I know they told her he would be large so they got that right, but now, of course, I'm all worried about how big this baby could potentially be.

    I know - it's stupid to worry about...I can't help myself. :(

    Bah, 11 lbs! I would cry! I would just try to trust your Dr. and hope that your scans are correct? I know there is room for error in the measurements the larger they get, but hopefully since you get them frequently it would help with the numbers being more accurate maybe??

    I don't get scans because of not being on any meds and am strictly diet controlled with generally low numbers. I will be 36 weeks next week and plan to ask again about NST and BPP because I find it odd my practice is so off track for GD monitoring with everyone's I see here!
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  • smabdo said:
    I had one growth scan at 29 or 30 weeks and he was measuring in the 95th percentile and estimating 4lbs 8oz and I was measuring about 3-4 weeks ahead. My OB just laughed and said "Oh, that's a big baby". I have another growth scan next friday and I am absolutely terrified. I didn't get any estimates on weight by the end though. I should've asked.
    My first growth scan was at 33 weeks and he was 4 lbs 11 oz then and doc said he was "larger" but not "LARGE". They said in the 65 percentile. Then last week (at 37 weeks) they said he was about 6 lbs 12 oz and they bumped him back to the 55-60 percentile, but estimated another half pound a week for the remaining 3-4 weeks. So they estimated about 8-8 1/2 lbs or so, depending on whether he keeps up this trend or not. I guess I'm just crossing my fingers there are no surprises. :) LIke "Surprise! Here's a 2 -year old instead of a newborn! :D" *sigh*




  • At 32 weeks, baby was measuring 60th percentile at 4#5oz. I wasn't told an estimated birth weight. I think as long as I keep my numbers low, I won't have another growth scan. They just do a scan weekly for fluid, and NST. My friend has 4 boys, they've all been 9+#, last one was 11#8oz. My vagina cried for hers. I'm not sure if she has GD...
    Eliza Mae - September 16th, 2014
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  • SO I have a question for all you ladies - although this topic has been pushed back far enough I might not get any answers, but - I am assuming that with having GD most of you, if not all are having regular growth scans? How are you all measuring? Have they given you weight estimates on your little squishes yet?

    I KNOW they aren't 100% accurate, but I just thought I would ask the ladies with GD. They told me they are estimating between 8-8.5 lbs at 40 weeks, which is pretty much on par with what they have told me since 34 weeks. A friend of mine who was due a week ago was told she would have a large baby (in the 95th percentile) - she also has GD. She had her baby 2 days ago and he was 11 and change! :-O  I know they told her he would be large so they got that right, but now, of course, I'm all worried about how big this baby could potentially be.

    I know - it's stupid to worry about...I can't help myself. :(

    I take it with a grain of salt.  I have a growth scan as well at just about 34 weeks and they had my baby at 4lbs 13 oz right around the 56th Percentile.   They said at this point he could either balloon up in weight (depending on the GD) and be a 9lb baby or stay on course and be less than 8 lbs.

    I heard they can be off up to a lb, or lb and a half.  My twin had GD with her daughter.  Her growth scan at 34 weeks had her daughter in the 40th percentile,  then at 38 weeks she was in the 90th and they told her to expect close to a 9 lb baby.  My neice was born at 39 weeks and weight 7 lbs 6 oz.

    I have another friend who didnt have a growth scan but because of the way the dr measured her, he told her her baby would more than likely be between 9-10 lbs.  She had him 2 weeks ago right at 40 weeks and he didnt weight even 7lbs.
    DH and I Married 11.12.10
    First BPP 1.24.14
    EDD 9.26.14

    Baby Cooper John born on 9.24.14 6lbs9oz

  • I've had growth scans every 4-6 weeks since 15 weeks. At 20w, he was measuring small, like 12%. 25ish weeks he was up to 1lb 9oz and about 30th%. Around 31w he was up to roughly 4lbs and holding pretty steady in the 30th%. I will probably have another growth scan in two or so weeks but my doc says she thinks he will be 6-7 1/2 lbs which is in line with all of my older kids at 6lb15oz, 7lb15oz and 7lb2oz and between 19-21 inches.

    I'm not totally having all of these growth scans due to gd. They noticed the small size at my dating us at 15w. My cycles are crazy and it's not unusual for me to go 65+ days between periods and we were moving and going on vacation so I didn't find out about this lil guy until nearly 14 weeks. So we've been watching closely since he was little since 20w. The dates that we have calculated from are all about as accurate as you can get from my calendar.
  • I had a scan last Thursday at 35 weeks.. Dr. Estimated baby is 6lbs 11 ounces so 90% .. Hopefully with balanced bloods this should slow down,,but they said 9+ at birth and have moved my section forward to the 18th.
  • How far along are you?
    35 weeks 4 days

    Management Method (diet/exercise or insulin/other medication):

    diet and exercise on Wednesday I might be put on kind of medicine :(

    Any upcoming appointments/tests (growth u/s, NST, etc) in the next week?

    Have a stress test today and check o my number on Wednesday.

    Anything you are struggling with or need help with? Any questions? Anything working well you'd like to share?

    My fasting numbers are just killing me. Other then that I been pretty good at controlling the rest of the day.

    GTKY: Will your Dr. be inducing you at some point due to your GD or letting you go until you go into labor naturally?

    I hope not I want to have a vaginal birth. I will ask next appt.
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