September 2014 Moms

Can we talk about back labor?

You guys already know this because it's me, but I will clarify that I do not think that I am going into labor. But I have had some pretty intense low back pain for a few weeks now and it made me curious.

STM+, if you had back labor with your first, how could you tell that it was labor/differentiate it from the normal back pains you were already having?

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BFP: 09/13/13  ---  MMC: 10/25/13
BFP: 12/25/13  ---  DD: 09/10/14
BFP: 03/16/15  ---  EDD: 11/30/15

Re: Can we talk about back labor?

  • I had sciatica throughout my entire pregnancy. When my water broke, the pain of contractions literally felt like I was being stabbed in the back with a knife every 5 minutes, then increased to every two before I decided the epidural would be the way to go. So the difference was the pain was intense and strong, but came in waves like a contraction would. My stomach would also be tight from my uterus contracting; however, the pain was in my back and would wrap towards my front, not the other way around.

    From my understanding (and talking with my doula and midwife), back labor is often a result of a poor positioned baby in the pelvis. For example, with DS, he was pulled out with forceps looking towards my right hip, so he wasn't in the correct position.
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  • As your baby becomes engaged your back will hurt more. You would know it is labor because it would be rhythmic. It would come and go. Also your tummy would still tighten and you would be generally uncomfortable for the time of the contraction.

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  • Mine was rather obvious since the back labor started after my water broke and after I had arrived at the hospital. I can tell you though that it would go away between contractions. So it wasn't a constant sharp pain, when my contraction would start the pain in my back would start with it.
  • For me, the consistency and rythm of the contractions were the biggest indicators.
  • DS was low and engaged pretty early on, but sunny side up, so my back hurt pretty bad for weeks and weeks. When I went into labor the pain was much more intense and rhythmic like PPs have said. It was a lower back pain that shot up my sides and took my breath away.
  • My water actually broke before contractions started so that's how I knew for sure. But it started as PP have mentioned you could feel a rhythm to it. It would get better and then get worse. Also for me when I would have a peak in the pain I would have more water leak out like it was being pushed.
    If my water hadn't broke it probably would have taken me a about 4-5 hours to realize it was actually labor. That's when it started to get really uncomfortable and have very noticeable rhythm.

    See this is what scares me. I've had back pain for weeks but the past two days it's getting worse and I get periodic pains that feel like being stabbed in the spine. So I'm nervous that when the time actually come I'll just chalk it up to third tri and not know. But this thread is reassuring, because it seems like general consensus says you will know.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    BFP: 09/13/13  ---  MMC: 10/25/13
    BFP: 12/25/13  ---  DD: 09/10/14
    BFP: 03/16/15  ---  EDD: 11/30/15

  • CarmAlarm said:

    But I don't want back labor :(

    Well just tell Henry that.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    BFP: 09/13/13  ---  MMC: 10/25/13
    BFP: 12/25/13  ---  DD: 09/10/14
    BFP: 03/16/15  ---  EDD: 11/30/15

  • I think you'll know. There is a difference between now and true back labor and it's pretty obvious when it does happen. Hopefully you won't have to go through back labor, it rather sucks.
  • starmile said:
    @suitern Do you think the sciatica was directly related to your back labor? That kind of terrifies me because my sciatica has been horrible nearly the whole pregnancy. 
    @starmile, I am not 100% sure, but I think alot was just DS's poor positioning inside due to 13 weeks of bed rest. He never turned fully so I think that played a large role.  I also have a crappy back from years of gymnastics that I deal with so I feel like maybe it all played a role??
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  • I had 100% back labor and it was terrible. My back hurt terribly bad for 24 hours before I even knew it was labor since my back had been hurting anyway. Think of the worst lower back ache you've had and multiply that times about 10. On top if the back pain, you also get the standard contraction pain so it just feels like the worlds strongest elf is squeezing your entire middle while stabbing you in your spine.
  • alanaw121 said:

    I had 100% back labor and it was terrible. My back hurt terribly bad for 24 hours before I even knew it was labor since my back had been hurting anyway. Think of the worst lower back ache you've had and multiply that times about 10. On top if the back pain, you also get the standard contraction pain so it just feels like the worlds strongest elfis squeezing your entire middle while stabbing you in your spine.

    I don't know if this is a typo or what but I am dying.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    BFP: 09/13/13  ---  MMC: 10/25/13
    BFP: 12/25/13  ---  DD: 09/10/14
    BFP: 03/16/15  ---  EDD: 11/30/15

  • Intermittent spurts of dramatic increase in intensity. Most active labor contractions front or back will leave you unable to talk during, and catching your breath in between.
    I had back labor with my felt like someone doing that thing where the split a chicken open to butterfly with a knife. It's bad, really-really bad, you'll know.

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    baby #3 arrived in September 2014...cannot get ticker to work no matter what I try!

  • My water broke first... but the difference was that I felt like I had to take the biggest poop of my life and it got worse and more constant! Along with the back pain I had insane rectal pressure. Sorry if TMI.
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    Natural M/C 1.10 MMC 1.13 CP 12.13
    This is for all the caterpillars that never became butterflies. And for all the butterflies that never felt the wind in their wings. And for all the hearts that had hopes and dreams of a wondrous flight together.
  • @conradraging‌ not really a typo lol except for forgetting the space between elf and is.
  • alanaw121 said:

    @conradraging‌ not really a typo lol except for forgetting the space between elf and is.

    That makes it better. Elf. I'm dead.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    BFP: 09/13/13  ---  MMC: 10/25/13
    BFP: 12/25/13  ---  DD: 09/10/14
    BFP: 03/16/15  ---  EDD: 11/30/15

  • alanaw121 said:

    I had 100% back labor and it was terrible. My back hurt terribly bad for 24 hours before I even knew it was labor since my back had been hurting anyway. Think of the worst lower back ache you've had and multiply that times about 10. On top if the back pain, you also get the standard contraction pain so it just feels like the worlds strongest elfis squeezing your entire middle while stabbing you in your spine.

    I don't know if this is a typo or what but I am dying.
    All I could think of is "He must be a South Pole elf." Bah ha ha ha ha
    {Me:27, Dx:PCOS, LPD, & rob(14;15)}
    {DH:31 all clear, "super sperm"}
    Ecstatically married July 30, 2011--TTC since Jan 2013:::Baby #1 due 9/11, Conceived on cycle #5 of Femara + Hcg + IUI
    ~Love and Light to everyone~ 
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    My furbabies--Mr. Bubbles and Miss Kitty <3
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  • alanaw121 said:

    I had 100% back labor and it was terrible. My back hurt terribly bad for 24 hours before I even knew it was labor since my back had been hurting anyway. Think of the worst lower back ache you've had and multiply that times about 10. On top if the back pain, you also get the standard contraction pain so it just feels like the worlds strongest elfis squeezing your entire middle while stabbing you in your spine.

    I don't know if this is a typo or what but I am dying.
    All I could think of is "He must be a South Pole elf." Bah ha ha ha ha
    A very strong South Pole elf... And he must be wearing the pointy green shoes with bells to complete the vision.
  • Contractions to me, whether back labor or not, almost seem like someone is controlling a dial. They turn it up and up and then halfway through it starts slowly coming down. Then usually (for me at least) the pain subsides after the contraction is gone. Normal cramps and back pain is not like turning it on and off like that. That's how I knew I was no doubt in labor with DD.
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