September 2014 Moms

Spotting at 36 weeks

I noticed a couple blood spots on undies when using restroom, when I wiped nothing . Next time i went, i wiped a bit pf light stuff)blood) nothing major at all... But idk if i am going into labor or what. Baby is moving just fine...i did have a bit of pain but it went has beem very active and movements have beem a BIT painful, lotta pressure "downunda" .... Idk

Any suggestions or similar experiences?!! :-?

Re: Spotting at 36 weeks

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  • Call your doctor. I had the same thing and it turned out to be nothing but only a doctor can tell you that. Cervical checks and ultrasounds still can't be done with an iPhone.
  • OP, did you have sex recently or get a cervical check recently? I always spot whenever my cervix is messed with. Generally, light spotting is not a sign of labor. Aches and pains, pressure, and baby movements hurting are all normal 3rd tri business.

    Please call your doctor if you feel you need to. We can not tell you if you are in labor or not. When you call or when you go in next please ask him/her what they want you to look for regarding labor.
  • Growxb: these blogs are for questions, some simple, repetetive, and easy to answer.... If it is something i have heard too many times amd are sick of it-> i suggest u LOG OFF and find another blog or hobby. One more Suggestion, don't post on peoples comments/questions with Your "irritations".... Thank You!
  • Thank U. I read a few people went into labor with same exact issue... I didnt think much of it, so I asked on here:) had i actually been in red alert concern, I'd be in hospital! LOL thank you though, i have one birth, but it was so heavenly And was induced(after water broke and for babies' health) no pain or contractions.. That i will consider this my 1st "real" one lol depending on how things go.

  • Groxb said:

    Growxb: these blogs are for questions, some simple, repetetive, and easy to answer.... If it is something i have heard too many times amd are sick of it-> i suggest u LOG OFF and find another blog or hobby. One more Suggestion, don't post on peoples comments/questions with Your "irritations".... Thank You!



    I don't even know where to start.
    I'd start with this isn't a blog.
    I'm so "irritated"!
    BabyFruit Ticker
    August Siggy Challange: Alcohol Porn - Get yer' drank on! 
  • Pleaso dont comment on my stuff anymore.
    Thank U!
  • Lol.
    Move on!
  • amom2fouramom2four member
    edited August 2014
    ~O) I am just going to sit back and enjoy all the crazy in here tonight. Good stress relief after the day I've had in my zoo.
  • Look ladies. This isnt what I come on here for. No need for negativity! Asked a simple question. Dont need people joining in on chat negatively.
    Wasn't intended that way at all.
    But by all means Do if U must! It is def public!

    Enjoy your night.
    Good Night all^_^
  • I'm simultaneously banging my head against a wall and enjoying the entertainment for my slow day at work. I feel like all these "am I in labor" posts should have a "call your doctor" auto response.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • It's like a porn star on steroids in here tonight. They just keep coming and coming and coming....

    Trying so hard not to burst out laughing, because DH finally fell asleep! Love this!

    And OP, call your doctor if you are concerned. We aren't doctors and don't take kindly to people asking questions then being rude to us.

    I feel like I've used "don't take kindly" a lot today... Wtf?
    Finally! My September Siggy Challenge: TV Show I'll Be Binge Watching
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic"

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I feel like we are being punked.

    But I have a post it full of nominations for Twatwaffletaco Tuesday.

    ^^^ September Signature: TV series I plan on binge watching with my newborn I do what I want. ^^^

    image    image


     <3 Gage Douglas sunshine after the rain.

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