Anyone have any opinions on getting a crib from Target? I'm looking and they are (obviously) much cheaper than BBB even with the 20% coupon from BBB. Right now Target is doing $100 off $500+ in nursery furniture. Is it worth it or would the $320 (on the crib) we would spend at BBB worth it in quality?
Nathaniel Richard born 12/20/14
Dating 7/2/2004 * Married 8/16/2008
Re: Crib question (Target vs BBB)
I think Delta and Eddie Bauer both make good products and I don't think being sold in Target make them any less superior. I was gonna get the Eddie Bauer Langley crib but people commented that they couldn't find the conversion kit that's why I decided on the Delta.
Edit: typo
IVF cycle 1 (Nov 2013)- freeze all d/t OHSS
FET #2-BFP baby girl born Dec 2014
FET #3-Sept 2017 BFP but miscarried at 6 weeks
IVF cycle 2 (Oct 2017)- freeze all again d/t OHSS
FET #1 BPF, pregnant with a singleton due Sept 2018
Sometimes the cost difference can be in overhead, supply chain, advertising - things that don't necessarily make a difference in physical quality. No idea if that's true of Eddie Bauer but that company has so much mail order that it might be a factor. Or might be outsourced, etc. I have no actual idea why, just guessing.
We spent about $500 for everything with discounts. We just couldn't pass up what a great deal it was.
We looked everywhere and liked the style we picked at target much better than more expensive ones. After looking into the brand, I was fine with it coming from target as it's sold other places as well, but just the set we wanted was from target.
BFP#1: 2/2/13 ~ exact m/c date unknown but around 3/20 at 10 weeks ~ diagnosed with PMP ~ D&C on 4/5 ~ TTA for at least 1 year due to PMP ~ cleared to TTC 1/14
BFP#2: 2/7/14 ~ m/c 2/20/14 ~ possibly due to chemical pregnancy ~ TG no D&C is needed
Surprise BFP#3: 4/4/14 ~ super duper extra happy (and nervous) about this one - EDD 12/9/14!!!
John Joseph was born on 12/12/14 at 7 lbs. 11 oz. He is the most beautiful rainbow baby we could have wished for!
DS1: 12/17/2014
DS2: born sleeping at 26 weeks on 8/8/2016 due to chromosomal deletion
Pregnant with baby 3 - EDD 9/14/2017
The prices vary depending on two things -- the quality of wood and where it's made. That's all that goes into crib pricing, really. Of course you have the high end brands that have the best wood and/or were made in the US, then add their popularity and the prices skyrocket. Baby Bargains really gives the lowdown on each nursery furniture company and where to buy furniture for the best value, so I'd definitely look there first if you're struggling to make a decision.
Personally, we go with BBB for our nursery furniture. We did for both girls and yeah, we spent about $500 each, but for us it was worth it. They'll convert to toddler beds then full beds, so we'll hopefully only need to buy mattresses later down the line.
BFP #1 5/12/12; EDD 1/20/13; Eliana Grace born 1/25/13
BFP #2 12/11/13; EDD 8/23/14; M/C 6 weeks
BFP #3 4/3/14; EDD 12/13/14