I'm 34 weeks 4 days I had an ultrasound and baby is 5.9 lbs I'm trying to have a vbac but I'm getting discouraged . I'm going to try to walk Twice a day. But I'm still feeling like ill have to have a c section I'm afraid she will be too big ;(
Ultrasounds can be off by 1-2 lbs. I don't actually know anyone who had an ultrasound that accurately predicted their baby's weight at birth.
Also, at 34 weeks, my MW estimated (by feel) that my baby weighed about 5 lbs and now at 37 weeks, she estimates about 6 lbs. At this rate, she's predicting an 8 lb baby if I deliver around 40 weeks. So I wouldn't worry about a huge baby even if yours is about 5 lbs right now.
I'm curious why you had a csection with your first?
Baby being too big for vaginal birth, in a healthy pregnancy, is very rare.. even for small mothers.
Also, I wouldn't put too much stock in a sizing u/s at this point.
"What did my fingers do before they held you? What did my heart do with it's love?"
I really wouldn't worry about size. I spoke to a doula a few days ago who had a VBAC mama deliver a 13 pounder! My best friends mom delivered her naturally and she was over 11. If you don't have an underlying condition, baby won't get too big for your body despite what many doctors will try to tell you.
My DD on delivery day was estimated at 5lb 9oz. She ended up being 7lbs 2oz. My DS on d-day was estimated at 7lbs.....he was 8lbs 9oz. They really have no idea.....
Re: Today's visit
"What did my fingers do before they held you? What did my heart do with it's love?"
My DS on d-day was estimated at 7lbs.....he was 8lbs 9oz.
They really have no idea.....