This is TMI? I'm sure it's only going to get worse and yours won't feel too pretty shortly.
Why are you winking at me while talking about your taint? Super creepy.
(Also, what goes on between me and my taint will not be discussed on this board. Nor my mucus plug and I.)
Damnit @trebekastan your posts keep making me laugh and it hurts to laugh!!!
@nilvero I truly appologize. I was looking at some humor web page the other day and had to close the laptop because I was hurting myself. DH looked at me like a loon.
This is TMI? I'm sure it's only going to get worse and yours won't feel too pretty shortly.
Why are you winking at me while talking about your taint? Super creepy.
(Also, what goes on between me and my taint will not be discussed on this board. Nor my mucus plug and I.)
Damnit @trebekastan your posts keep making me laugh and it hurts to laugh!!!
@nilvero I truly appologize. I was looking at some humor web page the other day and had to close the laptop because I was hurting myself. DH looked at me like a loon.
This is TMI? I'm sure it's only going to get worse and yours won't feel too pretty shortly.
First off, if mine did hurt, I wouldn't post it publicly to people I don't know IRL, I would tell my best friend, if somehow we got into weird, tmi pregnancy topics. Second, we all know our hoo haas are going to hurt eventually, but why would you throw that in someone's face? And the wink just makes it creepy.
Actually, I'm not a newbie. If we aren't allowed to complain about our pregnancy, what should we talk about? Obviously the title was fair warning if it was TMI. I have had a miserable day and was looking for some sympathy.
You could start with the diaper ice packs early to relieve some of the swelling down there. Might also want to try sitting on an exercise ball. It has helped with my back and the pressure down there from LO.
Re: My taint aches
(Places to put this)
Man. I wanted to know about your mucus plug
Damnit @trebekastan your posts keep making me laugh and it hurts to laugh!!!
I applaud you for that, I guess...
To answer your question, yes.
born August 31, 2014
"The grundle, the taint, the fleshy fun bridge."
Women have taints too. Taint is slang for perineum which is defined as "the space between the anus and the scrotum or vulva".
I thought about posting a diagram similar to the one in my OB's office.... but ultimately decided to stick with words.
born August 31, 2014
born August 31, 2014
i guess none of us could get past the use of "taint" to comment on the use of "undercarriage" ... i mean... are you a motor vehicle? a wagon?
Met: September 2005 Married: October 2008 DS: 09/2014
But you have to use it in a sentence or you might forget it. Practice makes perfect!