So, with my first child I had a c-section, but nobody every mentioned a cleanse diet 48hr prior. Recently I heard it mentioned somewhere and was wondering if anybody had been given the same information?
I have never heard of this. I couldn't eat/drink past midnight with my first and the same with this one. Cleanses aren't really good for you when you're not pregnant, why would it be recommended before a c-section? Was there any reason?
I honestly can't remember where I heard it… ugh. It wasn't the whole pregnancy, just 48 hrs prior I think.
Obviously you can't eat anything just prior to the surgery, but it sort of made sense to eat things that maybe would be easier to digest in the days before.
I'll have to ask my doctor next time but I was just wondering if any of you had heard of this or had been told about it. Mostly because if you had I'm curious as to what you would eat as I meal-plan the next few weeks!!! LOL!
I've never done a cleanse- they sound horrible. Plus, I would much rather be able to eat whatever I want the night before if I'm not going to be able to have breakfast and lunch the next day.
I honestly can't remember where I heard it… ugh. It wasn't the whole pregnancy, just 48 hrs prior I think.
Obviously you can't eat anything just prior to the surgery, but it sort of made sense to eat things that maybe would be easier to digest in the days before.
I'll have to ask my doctor next time but I was just wondering if any of you had heard of this or had been told about it. Mostly because if you had I'm curious as to what you would eat as I meal-plan the next few weeks!!! LOL!
I've never done a cleanse- they sound horrible. Plus, I would much rather be able to eat whatever I want the night before if I'm not going to be able to have breakfast and lunch the next day.
I wouldn't listen to anything I "heard" concerning pregnancy, let alone regarding a c-section, without consulting my doctor.
I've had 2 csections and never heard of this. Just follow your doctors orders and not hearsay. But the rule is no food or drink past midnight the night before your section.
Cleanses typically strip your body of minerals and vitamins, as well as fluids, which I cannot think would be a good idea in the last 2 days you are providing for baby. They can leave you dehydrated and leave you and baby without the protein and energy that you both need! I am a FTM and have never heard of this, but just doesn't sound like a good idea.
Re: cleanse before c-section?
Typically you are suppose to eat healthy during pregnancy and not remove elements of healthy diet and to restrict a lot seems like a horrible idea.
Talk with the doc doing the section.