I went back to work Wednesday and the last two nights have been a little rough with the LO in the morning...specifically he's fussy and has gas, etc...We supplement with a little formula but mainly he's on BM. Yesterday morning he was really fussy and I went to start feeding him, well DH immediately went to grab a bottle of formula and I snapped at him saying that I was planning on pumping before I left so I will just BF him instead, well he thinks that LO isn't getting enough and in turn isn't sleeping well because he doesn't go to bed with a full belly. I told him that he gets more than he thinks and that I took that statement personal. Well this morning same routine happened: LO got fussy around 4:30, I tried to give him the boob, he didn't seem to want it so I gave him Colic Calm. DH starts heading downstairs again for formula and in the meantime I tried giving the boob again and he took it. DH comes back up and says he thinks giving him formula will help settle his gas and push things out. I disagreed, I don't think Formula has anything to do with the gas...it's HOW he's eating and crying that creates the gas am I wrong? Well of course I go put my makeup on and when I return DH informs me that LO pooped just after he gave him 1 oz of formula...so now he thinks his opinion is correct and that I need to check my ego at the door and not take it personal. Even though a week ago he claimed that Colic Calm helps him poop. I can't help but take it personal but overall I just want him to be happy with a full belly and no gas pains. I'm open to hear what you ladies think, I don't want to lose my nursing time with him because he may not be "getting enough". signed, sad and annoyed momma
Re: Difference of opinion with DH
Oh, was that not what you were asking?