September 2014 Moms

Has anyone failed NST's but passed BPPs? *UPDATE*

mrsH1112mrsH1112 member
edited August 2014 in September 2014 Moms
Hi everyone,

I also posted this on the GD weekly check in but figured Id ask everyone else as well.

I have GD and have recently started bi weekly NST's and weekly BPPs.  The first NST and BPP was Saturday and LO did great, heartrate was consistent and what they wanted to see, he was doing practice breathing and looked stable.

2nd NST was yesterday.  He was super active which was good, but on monitor he had issues with acceleration and deceleration in HR.  We also found out what I thought was only the baby moving around and putting pressure was actually a bunch of non painful Braxton Hicks.  He seemed to tollerate them well for the most part but again there were times where he would fall off his baseline HR of around 140 to 100 and up to 170ish.

They decided to be on the safe side and do a BPP to make sure there was enough fluid around the cord and that he wasnt in distress.  That turned out fine and he looked good.  However they asked me to come back today for another NST as well as keeping my OB appt tomorrow and doing another set of tests on Saturday.  

So long story short anyone else in the same boat?  Or anyone else experience this in the past?  Was was your outcome.   They say that if he fails again today they will probably send me to L&D for more extensive monitoring and take it from there.

Baby passed the NST yesterday with flying colors.  I was hooked up for about 20, 25 minutes and out of there within a half hour.  No decelerations and nothing to be concerned about.  Thanks everyone who responded yesterday!
DH and I Married 11.12.10
First BPP 1.24.14
EDD 9.26.14

Baby Cooper John born on 9.24.14 6lbs9oz

Re: Has anyone failed NST's but passed BPPs? *UPDATE*

  • JustCricketJustCricket member
    edited August 2014
    mrsH1112 said:
    Hi everyone,

    I also posted this on the GD weekly check in but figured Id ask everyone else as well.

    I have GD and have recently started bi weekly NST's and weekly BPPs.  The first NST and BPP was Saturday and LO did great, heartrate was consistent and what they wanted to see, he was doing practice breathing and looked stable.

    2nd NST was yesterday.  He was super active which was good, but on monitor he had issues with acceleration and deceleration in HR.  We also found out what I thought was only the baby moving around and putting pressure was actually a bunch of non painful Braxton Hicks.  He seemed to tollerate them well for the most part but again there were times where he would fall off his baseline HR of around 140 to 100 and up to 170ish.

    They decided to be on the safe side and do a BPP to make sure there was enough fluid around the cord and that he wasnt in distress.  That turned out fine and he looked good.  However they asked me to come back today for another NST as well as keeping my OB appt tomorrow and doing another set of tests on Saturday.  

    So long story short anyone else in the same boat?  Or anyone else experience this in the past?  Was was your outcome.   They say that if he fails again today they will probably send me to L&D for more extensive monitoring and take it from there.
    I failed both a few weeks ago. Turns out baby was having a lazy day or something. They just sent me to triage where I sat and got monitored for a few hours. Lo and behold LO decided to start moving around as soon as I got hooked up at the hospital. It was a scary moment, but all worked out and she's passed all her tests since then.

    ETA- I will say the U/S tech thought I was delivering that day when she heard the nst (after my bpp) didn't go well. And they were fully planning on delivering if she hadn't responded. I was at 34w though, so they weren't SUPER concerned about her doing well outside, they just want to make sure she's continuing to do well inside. If it happens again, I'm assuming the same thing will happen. Go to the hospital, sit in triage and monitor baby. If she continued to be minmally responsive, deliver that day.

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  • When I was pregnant with DD1, I had 2 BPPs (in the OB office) and 2 NSTs per week. The NSTs were actually in L&D. I failed one of my NSTs and they just kept me for an extra hour or two. I was already in L&D to do the test so it didn't seem like a big deal at the time. DD1 never failed an NST again after that. I think it was just an "off" day.

    It's interesting because I'm at a different hospital/OB group this time and they have me scheduled for 2 BPPs per week but I'll only do an NST if I fail the BPP.


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  • heie0008 said:

    When I was pregnant with DD1, I had 2 BPPs (in the OB office) and 2 NSTs per week. The NSTs were actually in L&D. I failed one of my NSTs and they just kept me for an extra hour or two. I was already in L&D to do the test so it didn't seem like a big deal at the time. DD1 never failed an NST again after that. I think it was just an "off" day.

    It's interesting because I'm at a different hospital/OB group this time and they have me scheduled for 2 BPPs per week but I'll only do an NST if I fail the BPP.

    The bolded is exaclty what they have me doing.

    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers image
  • Thanks @JustCricket and @jg1011 good to hear other experiences!

    I think Id be a little bit more confident if I was a little further along, but being just under 34 weeks Id love it if things worked out enough for him to stay and bake a few more weeks

    We'll see what happens tonight.
    DH and I Married 11.12.10
    First BPP 1.24.14
    EDD 9.26.14

    Baby Cooper John born on 9.24.14 6lbs9oz

  • I wish they had me doing just the BPPs as well because soon as they hooked me up there and took a look they were much happier to see him moving around, doing his practice breathing just hangging out
    DH and I Married 11.12.10
    First BPP 1.24.14
    EDD 9.26.14

    Baby Cooper John born on 9.24.14 6lbs9oz

  • Lo failed his nst on monday, he was active and moving but was not have the accelerations they wanted to see, so they buzzed him to wake him up (they put this loud buzzer up to my stomach) and monitered me for another 1/2 hour and he passed with flying colors.  

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  • DjcieplyDjcieply member
    edited August 2014
    I failed a NST with DS and was sent to have a BPP which I passed, I was at 39 weeks. DS heart rate fluctuated quite a bit toward the end of my pregnancy and I was having NSTs every week for 5 weeks. He must have been in a position where he was getting wrapped up in his cord off and on because the cord was wrapped around his neck when I delivered him.
    photo dca9b006-0f54-4503-ad9d-536560d9d80f.jpg
    Mr C born 10/25/11  Miss M born 9/11/14
  • My first failed two NSTs but passed the BPPs they did right after both times. He was delivered early (37 weeks) but not for this. I only add that because i never had those 3 extra weeks (where they would have continued NSTs) to see the outcome.
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  • With DD I had NST twice a week. I failed a NST more then once but passed the BPP. I had 20 mins to pass the BPP and she waited to roll until 18 minutes in, giving me a passing score.
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  • Last week I started having NST's twice a week, along with US once a week to measure fluids, an apt with the OB weekly and growth US every 4 weeks.

    She passed all her NST's last week but failed yesterday's NST. They had me do an unscheduled US to measure the AF and then let me go home. We'll see how she does during Friday's test now.
    Me: 30 Him: 33
    Married: August 2012
    BFP #1 9/2013 -- MC 10/2013
    DD: 9/22/2014
  • Thanks for the feedback everyone!  I just wasnt sure how common it was.  They made it seem like they werent super concerened because he passed the BPP right away but they did say it was enough of a concern for them to want me to still come in today, then again on Saturday.
    DH and I Married 11.12.10
    First BPP 1.24.14
    EDD 9.26.14

    Baby Cooper John born on 9.24.14 6lbs9oz

  • mrsH1112 said:
    Thanks for the feedback everyone!  I just wasnt sure how common it was.  They made it seem like they werent super concerened because he passed the BPP right away but they did say it was enough of a concern for them to want me to still come in today, then again on Saturday.
    I'm glad they have you being monitored. It's better to be safe than sorry! Hope all goes well!

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