September 2014 Moms

BH contractions are kicking my butt

I have been having terrible BH contractions for weeks. To make matters worse DS was delivered preterm so my doctor keeps sending me to the hospital to get checked despite me telling her that I am not in labor (3 times in two weeks). Figured I can't be the only person having pretty regular BH that actually hurt and make sleep/ relaxing difficult.

I've been 1cm for three weeks so they are literally doing nothing.

Re: BH contractions are kicking my butt

  • I'm confused.. Why doesn't she check you herself before sending you to l&d?
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  • Because I'm high risk for preterm due to a previous early delivery I guess. It's super annoying and I feel a bit like she is just busy so it's easier to just send me there.
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  • Still confused. If you know you aren't in labor, why do you keep calling her? How far along are you?
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  • ^not trying to be snarky. Honestly curious. Also, my BH have always been a little on the painful side, especially this pregnancy. So you aren't alone there.
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    "What did my fingers do before they held you? What did my heart do with it's love?"

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  • I hadn't actually called her. She calls me to check in and asks how my contractions are because I've been having a lot of them for weeks. She's super friendly and I love her as a doctor; she's just a little too quick to jump on the hospital train.
  • Yikes. Hope you have great insurance. Good luck and FX for no PTL!
  • I have only had a few BH and they were no fun. Hope they subside for you soon and you can get some rest before the big day!!
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  • Ah I see. Sounds like a great dr to call and check on you.
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    "What did my fingers do before they held you? What did my heart do with it's love?"

    CafeMom Tickers

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