This check-in is for anyone with Gestational Diabetes or
those who have blood sugar levels that are high or low and could use the extra
support. Check-in is posted on Tuesdays.
Keep in mind that any
info shared here isn't meant to be medical advice and if you plan on
changing something to run it by your Dr. first-as most of these posts go
with the bump!
This is one link I found to have a pretty good explanation of GD! the questions-
How far along are you?
Management Method (diet/exercise
or insulin/other medication):
Any upcoming appointments/tests
(growth u/s, NST, etc) in the next week?
Anything you are struggling with
or need help with? Any questions? Anything working well you'd like to share?
mdexter11 ConversationFear
MrsG914andthatmakes4I think I added everyone who chimed in last week on the check in! Let me know if you don't want to be tagged!
Re: ~Gestational Diabetes Check In-8/12/2014~
How far along are you? 34 w 4 d
Management Method (diet/exercise or insulin/other medication): diet/exercise
Any upcoming appointments/tests (growth u/s, NST, etc) in the next week? Regular checkup next week
Anything you are struggling with or need help with? Any questions? Anything working well you'd like to share? My body is so weird... When I cave and have a couple slices of pizza or a cheeseburger and chicken nuggets (things that are not the healthiest) my numbers will be perfect! But the times I'm trying to be really good and have a tuna sandwich on wheat and 1/2 cup of grapes, they're sky-high! No matter what the food, I'm careful to keep the carbs in range. It just seems so strange...
How far along are you?
@suitern Thanks again for running the check-in! I hope you are doing well!!
Management Method (diet/exercise or insulin/other medication): So far I've been managing with just diet and SLIGHT exercise. FX it stays that way.
Any upcoming appointments/tests (growth u/s, NST, etc) in the next week? I "graduated" from the endo and won't have to go back unless I have a problem with my numbers. The nutritionist also said I was doing great and to "keep up the good work".
Feels good to sucessfully manage this with diet so far. I had an US last Wednesday and Evie is in the 35% percentile. Doc said she was a little skinny but that he was happy with that since I have GD. I don't go back to my OB til the 20th.
Anything you are struggling with or need help with? Any questions? Anything working well you'd like to share? I was struggling with after dinner numbers but fixed the problem by cutting down carbs greatly (at dinner) and eating LOTS of veggies. So if anyone is having similar problems, you might try that.
And you girls are going to think I'm crazy but, my nutritionist told me about a woman who did a study on women with GD. Since exercising is hard or impossible for some women later in pregnancy, she had the women do arm exercises above their head. So while sitting, you just kind of wave your arms around over your head or you could even lift small weights. I've been doing a bit of this and I think it might be helping a BIT with my numbers. I especially do it at night after dinner when I'm sitting on the couch watching TV. TRUST me... you will feel like a crazy lady but if it works, why not?
I hope you lovely ladies all have an amazing week!!
BFP#1 4/17/2013 EDD 12/25/2013, MC 5/17/2013 8 weeks 3 days D&C 5/18/2013
BFP#2 1/20/2014 EDD 9/28/2014, Baby Evie born on 9/23/2014 at 8:50pm. 6 lbs 15 oz!
@suitern and @amy006 This is me too!!! It frustrates me BEYOND belief.
I tried to edit my original post but couldn't fix it. I'm 33 weeks along for those who can't see tickers.
BFP#1 4/17/2013 EDD 12/25/2013, MC 5/17/2013 8 weeks 3 days D&C 5/18/2013
BFP#2 1/20/2014 EDD 9/28/2014, Baby Evie born on 9/23/2014 at 8:50pm. 6 lbs 15 oz!
How far along are you? 33 weeks, 5 days
Management Method (diet/exercise or insulin/other medication): Diet only..
Any upcoming appointments/tests (growth u/s, NST, etc) in the next week? I had one yesterday-my numbers are fine. The drs. are even letting me drop down to testing 2 times per day. It is frustrating because every Dr. I see says the exact same thing-are you sure you have GD? It's long as my numbers stay ok and diet controlled, no NST or BPP for me apparently.
Anything you are struggling with or need help with? Any questions? Anything working well you'd like to share? I'm frustrated that it seems I can eat worse than I was before my GD diagnosis and my numbers be fine...clearly, I will stay with in my carb counts and things but it's frustrating. I guess I shouldn't complain seeing as this is the most manageable of all the things I deal with!
How far along are you? 35 weeks
Management Method (diet/exercise or insulin/other medication): Just diet - I gave up my walks this week. The hill in my neighborhood was just too much
Any upcoming appointments/tests (growth u/s, NST, etc) in the next week? Had a NST yesterday. Things looked good, fluid was good on the ultrasound. Baby is head down, knees up and facing the back. L&D tour tonight, then newborn care class. Eek! It's getting real! Next appt is next Friday
Anything you are struggling with or need help with? Any questions? Anything working well you'd like to share? When I'm good, my numbers are good, when I'm bad, they are. lol I need to stay focused but MAN I want the goodies. I've been good having my ice cream bars before bed, but H knows I want milkshakes and always tempts me.
How far along are you? 37 weeks!
Management Method (diet/exercise or insulin/other medication): Glyburide to control fasting #'s
Any upcoming appointments/tests (growth u/s, NST, etc) in the next week? Growth scan, NST and pelvic exam tomorrow.
Anything you are struggling with or need help with? Any questions? Anything working well you'd like to share?
For those who are finding that foods that should produce high numbers are not and/or vice versa - I had the same problem and basically tried to find common denominators in what I was eating. I figured out that for some reason, I can have ZERO carbs in the AM- must be ALL protein (and watch out for things like pre-made sausage that you can heat in the microwave because they pump that stuff full of high-fructose corn syrup which was making my AM #'s go way up), I can have what I've taken to calling "fake carbs" in the mid-day (i.e. things that we traditionaly don't think of when we think of carbs, like sugar free jello/pudding, fruits, salad dressings, etc...) and then I can eat pretty much any carbs and sugar I want in the evening - bread, cake, ice cream...whatever...
I'm not sure why my body works this way, but it's something my Dr. and I figured out as far as maintaining my BS levels. I'm not saying it will work for everyone, but keep trying new things and moving things around until you figure out what works for you!
Also - I wanted to ask, has anyone else's doctor gotten less concerned about BS levels as they get closer to their due date. When I started out if I had anything over 140 after an hour she was all over it, and now if I will have a number over 140 - which is rare, but it tends to happen when I go to my mom's for the weekend :-S my doctor is all like, "Oh well, whatever - you're fine." I don't know if it's because I'm on track all the other times of if she's just trying to calm me or if doctor's seem to relax more about occasional missteps as you get closer to the end of pregnancy - I have no idea - just thought I would ask.
36 weeks today! Unchartered waters since I delivered DS1 at 35 weeks.
Management Method (diet/exercise or insulin/other medication):
diet with insulin injections at bedtime to control morning numbers. I've given up on walking after dinner. Just too uncomfortable!
Any upcoming appointments/tests (growth u/s, NST, etc) in the next week?
Had regular OB yesterday, high risk OB, NST and biophysical on Thurs. Nutrition appt on Sat.
Sitting at my cardio appt now to get the palpitations I've been having checked out. Based on pregnancy with DS1 my guess is he is just going to tell me it's the hormone levels causing it, but we'll see.
Anything you are struggling with or need help with? Any questions? Anything working well you'd like to share?
Very frustrated by diet. Like everyone else doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to my numbers sometimes. I have great numbers for breakfast, lunch, and dinner but even with a perfect evening snack my morning BS levels can be high despite the insulin.
However, I can have a crappy snack and take my insulin and my numbers are great. Bizarre and frustrating. BC of that I've been more likely to cheat a little more at snack time.
Drs are also frustrated bc I'm not gaining the way they think I should. I'm still 2 pounds below prepregnancy. I lost 14 pounds in first tri so I HAVE gained, and baby is fine!---in 58% for size on sonos. Good fluid levels, no signs of pre- e and HELLP I had first time.
I'm getting uncomfortable and have been having contractions---dilated to 1cm yesterday. drs say could be anytime or I could go full 3 weeks to my scheduled c at 39 weeks.
Looks like a lot of us are having the same issues. I feel all of you, sometimes there is no rhyme or reason to why one day I can eat super good and my numbers just dont cooperate and another day Ill have something which I think is going to screw with my numbers and Im completely fine
How far along are you? Right now I think Im 33w4days
Management Method (diet/exercise or insulin/other medication): Diet and 2.5 Glyburide at dinner.
Any upcoming appointments/tests (growth u/s, NST, etc) in the next week? We had a growth u/s NST and BPP on Saturday. Everything looks good. LO finally flipped head down (thanks Spinning Baby Exercises!). Hes estimated 4lbs 14 oz which is right around 70th percentile. A little higher then I want to be but still ok I think. The NST was good as was the BPP . The tech said he looks like he has so much hair he'll be ready for his first hair cut when he comes out haha.
I go for NST today, then our OB appt on Thurs and another NST / BPP on Saturday this will be the schedule till he arrives.Anything you are struggling with or need help with? Any questions? Anything working well you'd like to share? My numbers are up and down. My fasting numbers and after breakfast numbers have all seemed to leveled out and seem like they are actually going down, but my after lunch numbers are on the rise. I fully expect them to put me on another 2.5 of glyburide at lunch to go along with my dinner dose.
First BPP 1.24.14
EDD 9.26.14
Baby Cooper John born on 9.24.14 6lbs9oz
How far along are you?
34 weeks today
Management Method (diet/exercise or insulin/other medication):
Diet controlled
Any upcoming appointments/tests (growth u/s, NST, etc) in the next week?
NST on Monday.
Anything you are struggling with or need help with? Any questions? Anything working well you'd like to share?
Not really struggling with anything, but I used to go see an internist in regards to my sugars. He is leaving the province, and I saw him for the last time yesterday. He didn't refer me or transfer me to another internist, simply told me that if my sugars get too high, to tell my family doctor. Seemed a bit odd to me, so now I'm really trying to keep my sugars at bay. It was hard enough getting in to see the internist the first time, worried if things get worse that I won't get to see him in time.
How far along are you? 37 Weeks tomorrow
Management Method (diet/exercise or insulin/other medication): Diet/exercise and glyburide for my fasting
Any upcoming appointments/tests (growth u/s, NST, etc) in the next week? NST today and Friday, OB appointment Wednesday and growth scan Friday.
Anything you are struggling with or need help with? Any questions? Anything working well you'd like to share? My numbers have started to go kind of crazy these last two weeks. It will be interesting to see what my OB says tomorrow when I go see him. Things that should be giving me a high reading are giving me good ones, and things that should be okay are screwing with me. I just keep telling myself that it's almost over.
BFP #2! Travis is getting a sibling!
EDD: 1/24/2017
I am currently 33w1d and continue to stay diet controlled.
I have my biweekly OB appointment and sugar police appointment on Thursday this week. We had a growth scan last Thursday and little guy was about 4 1/4lbs and 30ish% at 32w 3d. So gaining steadily but still smaller (the reason for the us)
I think overall I'm still doing ok. I think all of my levels have been within range and I am still testing a minimum of 2-3 times a week and more if I am curious.
I noticed a huge dip in my fasting this morning, like 15 points off my norm. Plus I felt so much better last night from taking the kids swimming! I have had so much lower back pain from carrying lo so low, like his face is inside my right hip and back going up my left side with feet kinda sticking straight out in front of him with toes on my right side, flexible lil dude. He was like that at the us and actually in an upside down and slanted L with his ankles crossed! Anyway, being in the water and having the extra weight and pressure off of my lower back felt amazing! This is the only thing I did differently and it did absolutely help. Usually I can't even sit on our couches due to back pain. So I was pleased.
Have a good remainder of your day!
35 weeks, 3 days. Managing with diet and still walking a couple miles a day.
Tomorrow I have an appt at 5 - it will be the second of my weekly NST and growth checks. Last week LO was 99% again (consistently above 95% since 20 weeks) and over 7 lbs. This week's appt is with the ob who does the deliveries, so it's a big week for discussing options and stuff.
After my L&D class, I am more comfortable with understanding what each intervention looks like, and I feel more ready to make informed choices.
Hope the week goes well for everyone!
36 weeks today
I have my first BPP/NST tomorrow and an ultrasound.
No struggles - more bored with all my food options wish there was more I could eat, or wish I was brave enough to try something else
How far along are you? 37 weeks
Management Method (diet/exercise or insulin/other medication): Diet/Exercise (how I wish I could give this up! but I still walk/workout 3x's a day) and Nph for fasting numbers
Any upcoming appointments/tests (growth u/s, NST, etc) in the next week? I had a u/s this morning. Baby is 50th percentile. 6lbs and 3 oz, head down, good fluid levels. I also had an NST today. This was awful. The nurse who did it for the the vacationing tech had only done a few. She could not find the heartbeat. I was not worried but after an hour I was becoming uncomfortable. Then it was time for me to see the dr. She sent me to L&D for an NST. I was shocked. The baby was moving, we could hear the heartbeat occasionally and I had an u/s this morning! But off I went. The nurses and doctors couldn't understand why I was there either but were very nice. Obviously it took this nurse 3 seconds to find the hb and we passed with flying colors. I am so annoyed at the nurse in the dr's office!
Anything you are struggling with or need help with? Any questions? Anything working well you'd like to share? Everything is going well for me. My numbers are always in range although if I slack off at night and sit on the couch rather than do housework and go for a walk my fasting numbers are higher. But some nights I just want to sit down.
@suitern and @amy006 my dietician said that eating things from McDonald's (or high in fat) might give you good numbers because the fat metabolizes slower than normal, so it doesn't spike your sugar. I haven't tried it out yet but maybe that is what it is. I think this is why so many people eat ice cream before bed so it lasts longer.
and have great numbers. But a cheeseburger and a few fries from McD's causes a spike.
Interesting. I certainly don't eat mcdonalds on a normal basis I and probably won't again this pregnancy,, but like I said fries and a burger didn't do anything to my blood sugars. I think it just depends on the person to what they can eat and how their body dreams down the sugar. I've found I can eat pretty much anything in small amounts and not cause a spike in blood sugar.
Have any of you failed an NST? I had one on Saturday along with a BPP, and a growth U/S everything went great.
HOWEVER, yesterday I went for my 2nd NST. They monitored me for much longer. LO was super active which was good, but his accellerations and decelerations were a concern for the Maternal Fetal Medicine dr.
I guess Ive been having contractions. I didnt even realize, I thought it was just him moving into a position that was making me uncomfortable. While he tolerated most of them (they werent consistent ) well, there were times his heart rate dropped from the baseline of around 140 to under 100 and then back up to the 160's.
Because of this they did an emergency BPP. They were worried about there maybe not being enough fluid around the cord. The BPP was fine, his heart rate was stable, he was moving around in there and the fluid level was fine.
They are making me come back this afternoon for another NST as well as keeping my OB appointment tomorrow and then another NST and BPP on Saturday.
They tried to reassure me that it wasnt cause for great concern but enough to just want to keep an eye on things. Anyone have a similar experience? I honestly dont even know what they will do if I fail today, they mentioned calling my OB and possibly sending me into L& D for more extensive monitoring. They told me to drink much more water today before coming in and see what happens.
First BPP 1.24.14
EDD 9.26.14
Baby Cooper John born on 9.24.14 6lbs9oz
BFP #2! Travis is getting a sibling!
EDD: 1/24/2017
I totally get where your coming from with packing a bag! Im not even 34 weeks I wasnt going to get a bag going for a few weeks haha. I told my husband I got pretty freaked out we have nothing. Our showers arent till this weekend and next. The baby furniture isnt even coming for another week or so!
I just hope today goes well and things calm down in there!
First BPP 1.24.14
EDD 9.26.14
Baby Cooper John born on 9.24.14 6lbs9oz
Same. No advice but I hope everything comes out ok!!
BFP#1 4/17/2013 EDD 12/25/2013, MC 5/17/2013 8 weeks 3 days D&C 5/18/2013
BFP#2 1/20/2014 EDD 9/28/2014, Baby Evie born on 9/23/2014 at 8:50pm. 6 lbs 15 oz!
BFP #2! Travis is getting a sibling!
EDD: 1/24/2017
Thanks everyone for the words of encoragement etc. Went for the NST last night and everything was perfect and they sent me home after a half hour. :-)
First BPP 1.24.14
EDD 9.26.14
Baby Cooper John born on 9.24.14 6lbs9oz